== 2. Document Schema WG == Malcolm's [wiki:SchemaHighLevelRequirements Schema high level requirements] from the large team meeting on 2008-09-18. Two documents that will serve as starting points for the Document Schema can be found [attachment:echo_V1.xml here] and [attachment:ECHO00001A2B3CX_V2.xml here]. Discussion of the [wiki:Metadata]. === References === * Relax NG * [http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/0596004214/relax-PREFACE-2 Relax NG] (O'Reilly book by E. van der Vlist) * [http://books.xmlschemata.org/relaxng/ The GFDL release] of this book, along with updates (html) * [http://www.thaiopensource.com/relaxng/trang.html trang] (open source schema converter written in Java) * [http://relaxng.org/compact-tutorial-20030326.html RELAX NG Compact Syntax Tutorial] * a [attachment:schema.tar.gz zipped tarball] with schemas for some well-known document types * [http://enlil.museum.upenn.edu/cdl/doc/XDF XDF] : XML Documentation Format (literate programming with Relax NG) * [http://dublincore.org/ Dublin Core (Metadata)] * [http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ ISO 639-2] (codes for natural languages) * [http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime ISO 8601] (date and time formats; brief reference from W3C) === Tools === * [http://xmlstar.sourceforge.net/ XMLStarlet] Command Line XML Toolkit * [http://www.xmlsoft.org/ libxml2] contains ''xmllint'', a command line tool for validating * [http://www.id.cbs.dk/~dh/corpus/tools/MXTERMINATOR.html MXTerminator] A tool for sentence boundary detection