Overview page of pages related to the XML workflow * [wiki:workflow In-depth documentation] * [wiki:workflow-notes Notes for above page] * [wiki:workflow-chinese Workflow for Chinese texts] * [wiki:texteErstellen Status of texts per work order] * [wiki:"Cutting out images" Workflow for acquiring coordinates of figures] * [wiki:DE_Pictures Pictures of the data entry] * [wiki:"Preparing the documents for keying" What has to be done before a text is being sent to the Data Entry firm] * [wiki:workflow_img-xml-mpdl Exchanging page images using Eclips] * [wiki:oxygen_img-xml Variation of the above: using Oxygen] * [wiki:workflow_img Shorter explanation of the above] * [wiki:workflow_img-xml A bit longer explanation of the above] * [wiki:workflows Diagrams explaining the Workflow]