= Heron 1601 = Heron Alexandrinus "De gli automati : ouero machine semoventi, libri due" (1601) [http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView/ECHOzogiLib?mode=texttool&url=/mpiwg/online/permanent/library/332105B2/index.meta ECHO] (change ECHO link to 1601 edition!) Part of [wiki:WO1]. Sent with DESpecs version 1.1.2. Sent: yes/date. Returned: yes, [http://pythia.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/department1/mpdl/raw-texts/WO1_Heron_1601.txt/WO1_Heron_1601_V1.txt raw text]. == 1. First Analysis == === Difficulties === === Special Instructions === == 2. Questions From Formax == Q A == 3. Analysis of the Result == === Findings === === Recommendation === == 4. Post-Processing == Heron Alexandrinus "De gli automati : ouero machine semoventi, libri due" (1589) (change to 1601 edition!)