= Tartaglia 1556/ 1560 =
Tartaglia, Niccolò (1556): General trattato di numeri, et misure.
* Bd. 1: La prima parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure [http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView?url=/mpiwg/online/permanent/library/H5BAMGAN ECHO]
* Bd. 2: La seconda parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure [http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView?url=/mpiwg/online/permanent/library/MRV5C34S ECHO]
* Bd. 3: La terza parte del general trattato di numeri, et misure [http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/ECHOdocuView?url=/mpiwg/online/permanent/library/Q9B15RYG ECHO]
Part of [wiki:OverviewWorkOrders2013#WorkOrder201302 WO201302].
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== 1. First Analysis ==
=== Difficulties ===
=== Special Instructions ===
These three books contain small passages of separate text inside paragraphs (see image). Please mark them as separate text flows with the tags §§ and §§. Type the and tags on separate lines.
== 2. Questions From Data Entry firm ==
== 3. Analysis of the Result ==
=== Findings ===
=== Recommendation ===
== 4. Post-Processing ==