= Moesschenbroek 1729 = Musschenbroek, Petrus van (1729), Physicae experimentales, et geometricae de magnete, tuborum capillarium [http://libcoll.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/elib/all_documents/H9ZYCGQ0 ECHO] Part of [wiki:WO4]. Sent with DESpecs version 1.1.2. Sent: ok/date. Returned: ok, [http://pythia.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/department1/mpdl/raw-texts/WO4_Musschenbroek_1729.txt/WO4_Musschenbroek_1729_V1.txt raw text]. == 1. First Analysis == === Difficulties === none === Special Instructions === none == 2. Questions From Formax == Q1: Please see the formula in red circle on attached image 0624.JPG (754,453 bytes). Could you please give us some suggestion that how to mark up it? A: Please type: {{{F G = 2 _rx_ - _xx_ X 2 _rx_ - _xx_}}} Please note: Always use "=" for the character after F G. Q2: Please see the second line on the image file 0611.jpg. There are lines above the information "{{{DE<^>3}}}" and "{{{AC<^>3}}}". Please advise us how to express the lines. A: Please type: {{{
<^>3 ad
<^>3, ita Cohærentia ...}}} (Original in the e-mail from 2008-12-14, 3:49.) == 3. Analysis of the Result == === Findings === === Recommendation === == 4. Post-Processing ==