Custom Query (38 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#19 Pollux: content of <num> and <var> should not be analysed new jwillenborg enhancement major 1.1
#64 Betacode: some End-Sigma have been converted to Mid-Sigma new jwillenborg defect major 1.1
#88 <reg> is confused by line break new jwillenborg defect major 1.1
#131 dictionary link should not depend on Reg / Norm new jwillenborg defect major 1.1
#100 Word information: layers new jwillenborg enhancement major 1.x
#105 Word information: Wikipedia layer, specifics for Chinese new jwillenborg enhancement major 2.0
#149 exact search also shows other word forms new jwillenborg defect major 2.0
#273 Regularisation transforms "1" into "2" in chinese texts new jwillenborg defect major 2.x
#62 search and <pb> new jwillenborg enhancement major
#118 prevent Text in [ ] from being analysed new kthoden enhancement major
#135 dictionary: conversion of non-ASCII characters new jwillenborg task major
#145 Full text search -- TNG new feature major
#156 Regularisation new jwillenborg feature major
#157 Word information page new list major
#159 Word information: links to the dictionaries reopened jwillenborg enhancement major
#166 updating Lex and ECHO schema new jwillenborg feature major
#171 linebreaks and pagebreaks new jwillenborg list major
#176 Word separation markers new jwillenborg enhancement major
#179 Search new list major
#180 Search: technology new list major
#189 Display mode "faithful", first implementation: backend new jwillenborg enhancement major
#191 Query page: identifier search is unintuitive new jwillenborg defect major
#193 Query page: Metadata search new jwillenborg enhancement major
#194 Query page and list of XML texts new list major
#201 <gap> and dictionaries new jwillenborg defect major
#208 XPath: default namespace new jwillenborg enhancement major
#215 References for annotations new casties jwillenborg feature major
#219 Archimedes: conversion of Arabic new jwillenborg defect major
#221 layer for references: table of references new casties jwillenborg enhancement major
#223 layer for references: Word information page new jwillenborg enhancement major
#229 Greek dictionaries: unconverted Betacode new jwillenborg defect major
#230 Greek text new list major
#231 Arabic text new list major
#235 Archimedes: Search and <cell> new jwillenborg defect major
#236 Archimedes: Betacode conversion removes XML comments new jwillenborg defect major
#238 Greek dictionary XMLs should be in the repository new jwillenborg task major
#242 Archimedes: Betacode conversion escapes the apostrophe new jwillenborg defect minor
#253 Suche über Trennungszeichen new jwillenborg defect major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.