Custom Query (21 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#249 Annotations shared in groups assigned casties enhancement major 2.x
#31 Chinese small text new abukhman enhancement major 1.x
#140 Download of bibliographic information in the viewer new abukhman feature minor
#144 Normalisation -- TNG (the final solution) new feature major
#145 Full text search -- TNG new feature major
#156 Regularisation new jwillenborg feature major
#177 Also display normalized/DICT form in Word Info Title new abukhman enhancement minor 2.x
#244 page concordance for scan numbers and original pages new casties feature major 2.0
#246 read page concordance from index.meta new casties enhancement major 2.x
#247 doc-query.xql returns text around search hits without characterNormalization new jwillenborg defect major
#251 Annotation visibility new casties enhancement major 2.x
#269 display of subdocuments new casties feature major 2.x
#270 navigation of subdocuments new casties enhancement major 2.1
#271 fulltext index and morphological index search doesn't work new casties defect minor 2.1
#272 Coordinated display of text with double-page images doesn't work new casties defect major 2.x
#273 Regularisation transforms "1" into "2" in chinese texts new jwillenborg defect major 2.x
#276 better annotations in docuviewer new casties enhancement major 2.x
#277 layer exclusion mechanism new casties enhancement major 2.1
#278 text-annotations should use xml-id new casties defect major 2.x
#279 viewMode=dict should be default without parameter and session new casties defect major 2.1
#280 specifying pf sometime leads to error with pn=0 new casties defect major 2.1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.