Custom Query (172 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#281 fixed List of thumbnails verschluckt Seite, wenn odd-scan-position gesetzt ist casties kthoden

Wenn ich in in der "List of thumbnails"-Ansicht auf "Pfeil nach rechts" klicke, springt der Viewer auf und läßt somit pn=10 verschwinden, und der Doppelseiten-Effekt funktioniert nicht mehr. Würde der start-Parameter im ersten Aufruf 0 sein, klappt es gut. Liegt, denke ich, am Wert von odd-scan-position im index.meta.

#274 worksforme Display title preferably from title-tag without attribute casties casties
#268 fixed display of a subdocument casties casties

It should be possible to create separate sub-documents i.e. folders with index.meta files for parts of documents.

Use case: a scanned codex (bound volume) is a document and several manuscripts (bibliographic entities) that are part of the bound volume should also be treated as documents with their own metadata without having to copy all scans.

There needs to be a new feature in the index.meta format to describe a subset of images in another folder as pages for the viewer.

  • texttool/image can be an absolute path to an image directory in another document
  • texttool/image-start-no is the index of the first page of this document in the image directory
  • texttool/image-end-no is the index of the last page of this document in the image directory
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.