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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#267 fixed unified notes jwillenborg casties

The different types of notes i.e. printed (echo-tag "note") and handwritten (echo-tag "handwritten") should be treated similar and be accessible together in a single list.

It is confusing to the user and clutters the display interface to have separate table-of-content tabs for "Notes" and "Handwritten Notes". It would be nicer to have one tab "Notes" where each entry would have a type "handwritten" or "printed" or even "marginal", "footnote", "endnote"...

Maybe this could be accomplished by just changing the handwritten-tags in the XML into note-tags with type=handwritten?

How does TEI do notes? Can we do something that is compatible?

#266 fixed list of notes jwillenborg casties

The GetDocInfo? API should also return a list of notes (field=notes).

The type of note like "handwritten" or "marginal" (how are the types defined in XML?) should also be listed.

The current list of handwritten notes (field=handwritten) would no longer be necessary.

#265 fixed Display of handwritten notes jwillenborg casties

Should we handle <handwritten> like separate entities from figures and notes?

Should handwritten they be a subtype of notes? How do we do subtypes?

Does handwritten exist in other schemas?

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