Custom Query (172 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#14 fixed Markierung von ergänztem Text abukhman wschmidle

Zum Beispiel hier:

Figure: 15 [Remark: no original text, generated by the MPDL prototype]


[Figure: 15]

#15 fixed & in XML can produce a parsing error jwillenborg wschmidle

The fragment <reg orig="&amp;c." type="unresolved">&amp;c.</reg> in an XML document produces a parsing error "The reference to entity "c." must end with the ';' delimiter".

It seems that the "&amp;c." is reduced to "&c." at some point. Since the <reg> is fairly new in this particular location, I guess the "&amp;c." in the @orig attribute is to blame.


#16 fixed drop caps confuse the line structure abukhman wschmidle

Drop caps confuse the line structure. Example here: "non" and "effice-" are on separate lines.

IN Ipsa fractorum diuiſione, animaduertendum eſt, denominantes numeros
ſemper æquales inuicem eſſe debere, vnius ſcilicet ſpeciei, quòd ſi æquales
fuerint, neceſſe eſt via multiplicationis ipſorum denominantium adinuicem
re æquales vt ſint, ex quo productum oritur eiuſmodi, vt aptum ſit habere partes
fractorum, quæ deſiderabantur.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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