Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#258 empty pages don't return "[empty page]" jwillenborg defect major text-backend
#259 list of figures off by one jwillenborg defect major text-backend
#260 result of QueryDocument has issues jwillenborg defect major text-backend
#261 problems with line breaks in regularised mode jwillenborg defect major text-backend
#262 search result highlighting has issues jwillenborg defect minor text-backend
#263 html w-tag format result of GetPage has issues jwillenborg defect major text-backend
#264 numbering of handwritten in text off-by-one jwillenborg defect minor text-backend
#266 list of notes jwillenborg enhancement minor text-backend
#265 Display of handwritten notes jwillenborg defect minor echo-textdisplay
#268 display of a subdocument casties enhancement major echo-textdisplay 2.1
#281 List of thumbnails verschluckt Seite, wenn odd-scan-position gesetzt ist casties defect major echo-textdisplay

Resolution: invalid (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#257 mode=xmlDisplay doesn't return HTML jwillenborg defect major text-backend
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.