Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#115 Options Window and brwoser "back" button abukhman defect major echo-textdisplay
#116 page image: size measure should not depend on window size task major echo-textdisplay
#152 book-specific database of regularizations jwillenborg feature major language-technology
#153 book-specific database of regularizations: implementation jwillenborg enhancement major language-technology
#173 URL parameter characterNormalization abukhman enhancement minor 2.0 echo-textdisplay
#184 alternative formats non-link abukhman defect minor echo-textdisplay
#232 Backlinks to GIS: Base64 should be avoided jwillenborg enhancement major exist-backend
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.