
Jul 25, 2014:

4:49 PM Ticket #157 (calendar with repeating events) closed by casties
4:49 PM Ticket #156 (nicer date format for event lists) closed by casties
4:49 PM Ticket #155 (Login link for calendar admins) closed by casties

Jul 24, 2014:

1:55 PM Ticket #158 (list of upcoming events) created by casties
the calendar page should also have a list of only upcoming events.
1:53 PM Ticket #157 (calendar with repeating events) created by casties
the calendar page should handle repeating events
1:52 PM Ticket #156 (nicer date format for event lists) created by casties
the date format for events in lists should be european.
1:43 PM Ticket #155 (Login link for calendar admins) created by casties
We need a link to be able to login personally instead of the IP-login.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.