view src/de/mpiwg/itgroup/metadataManager/validation/data/2011-05-04_index_meta.xsd @ 2:38d823b66aff default tip

author dwinter
date Mon, 17 Sep 2012 16:42:53 +0200
parents 2267d8c80a99
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line source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- edited with XMLSPY v5 U ( by Turhan Gezer (MPI Wissenschaftsgeschichte) -->
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified"
	<xs:element name="index_meta">
			<xs:documentation>Comment describing your root element</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="resource">
						<xs:documentation>In this description elements marked “optional” need not be supplied by the provider of the resource and may be absent in all versions of the metadata file. Elements marked “required” must be supplied by the provider of the resource. Elements marked “deduced” can be supplied by the provider of the resource but can also be provided by automatic scripts later in the process, these elements must be present in the final file. File and directory paths in the metadata file use the conventional Unix file separator slash “/”. The outer container element is resource.
type is sub-type of resource (e.g. “ECHO”, “MPIWG”)
version is version number of metadata format (currently 1.2)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>An informal textual description of the resource (At least one description of the resource’s content is required. The description can be an informal description element or a descriptive element (like bib) in a meta container. )</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>The filename of the resource (name of the directory this file is contained in)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="creator" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>The name of the pro ject or person that created the resource</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="archive-creation-date" type="xs:date">
									<xs:documentation>The time and date the archive collection was created
– deduced.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="archive-storage-date" type="xs:date">
									<xs:documentation>The time and date the archive was written to permanent storage – deduced (must not be set by the user).</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="archive-path" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>The full path to the resource directory inside the whole archive collection, including the resource directory – deduced.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="archive-id" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>The ID for this document in the archive</xs:documentation>
							<xs:choice minOccurs="0">
								<xs:element name="derived-from">
										<xs:documentation>Container for the description of the original resource if this resource is a modified version of another resource</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="archive-id" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The ID of the original resource</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="archive-path" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The full path to the original resource</xs:documentation>
											<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
												<xs:documentation>An informal textual description of the relation of this resource to the original resource</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="used-by">
										<xs:documentation>Container for the description of modified resources if this resource is the source of another resource</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="archive-id" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The ID of the derived resource</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="archive-path" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The full path to the derived resource</xs:documentation>
											<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
												<xs:documentation>An informal textual description of the relation of this resource to the original resource</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="linked-with">
										<xs:documentation>Container for the description of another resource when this resource is a linked copy of another resource</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="archive-id" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The ID of the linked resource</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="archive-path" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The full path to the linked resource</xs:documentation>
											<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
												<xs:documentation>An informal textual description of the relation of this resource to the linked resource</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="is-part-of">
										<xs:documentation>Container for the description of another resource if this resource is a part of the other resource. It can have a type attribute describing the type of relation. e.g. "manuscript-codex".</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="archive-id" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The ID of the original resource</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="archive-path" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The full path to the original resource</xs:documentation>
											<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
												<xs:documentation>An informal textual description of the relation of this resource to the original resource</xs:documentation>
										<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
							<xs:element name="media-type">
									<xs:documentation>The main media type of this resource.
The main media type can be overridden by media-types in subdirectories. 
Possible types are: image, text, audio, video and data for other type of data </xs:documentation>
									<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
										<xs:enumeration value="image"/>
										<xs:enumeration value="text"/>
										<xs:enumeration value="audio"/>
										<xs:enumeration value="video"/>
										<xs:enumeration value="data"/>
							<xs:element ref="meta" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>Additional metadata information about the resource</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="dir">
									<xs:documentation>Container for the description of a subdirectory (when there are subdirectories). dir tags should not be nested. Directories at lower levels are identified by their path.</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The name of the subdirectory</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
												<xs:documentation>An informal textual description of the subdirectory</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="original-name" type="xs:string"
												<xs:documentation>A text string associated with the directory as original name. (E.g. if the data in this directory came from an external source and had a name that had to be changed according to section 1 but it should be possible to reference the original name.)</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="path" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The directory path of this subdirectory relative to the resource’s root directory (excluding the directory itself ). (may be 
empty or omitted if the directory is a direct child of the resource’s 
root directory). </xs:documentation>
										<xs:element ref="meta" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>Additional metadata information about the directory</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="file">
									<xs:documentation>Container for the description of a file – deduced. 
file tags should not be nested in dir tags. Files at lower directory levels are identified by their path.</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The name of the file</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
												<xs:documentation>An informal textual description of the file</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="original-name" type="xs:string"
												<xs:documentation>A text string associated with the file as original name. (e.g. if this file came from an external source and had a name that had to be changed according to section 1 it is possible to preserve the original name.)</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="path" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The directory path of this file relative to the resource's root directory (excluding the file itself). (may be empty or omitted if the file is in the resource’s root directory).</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="date" type="xs:date" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>The file’s modification or creation date, whichever is more recent</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="modification-date" type="xs:date"
												<xs:documentation>The file’s modification date</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="creation-date" type="xs:date"
												<xs:documentation>The file’s creation date</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="size" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>The file size – deduced.</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="mime-type" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>The file’s mime-type</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="md5cs" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>MD5 checksum of the file content</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element ref="meta" minOccurs="0"/>
						<xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
								<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
						<xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
	<xs:attribute name="workflow-state">
			<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
				<xs:enumeration value="preliminary"/>
				<xs:enumeration value="inwork"/>
				<xs:enumeration value="final"/>
	<xs:element name="meta">
			<xs:documentation>All additional metadata elements can have a workflow-state attribute. This attribute reflects the state of the corresponding metadata element. The possible values for the workflow-state attribute are
• preliminary this information is preliminary. It must be checked in further workflow steps.
• inwork
• final
workflow states other than preliminary are part of the workflow handling of the respective projects.
Metadata elements can appear multiple times with different workflow-state-attributes. This enables metadata versioning.</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="content-type" type="xs:string" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>The content type of this resource. The content type enables the choice of tools to manipulate and display the resource. There should be a common list of content types. For digital documents (books, manuscripts) this would be “scanned document”, for other image data “scanned images”. The criterion for documents is an ordered succession of image files (pages) and equal image size and resolution throughout the images of a resource.</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="lang" type="xs:language" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>The language of a resource (e.g. a text) can be specified with a lang tag. Languages have to be described using the international codes for the representation of names of languages either in two-letter form (ISO 639-1) or in three-letter form (ISO 639-2). The entire catalogue of languages is documented on the page 2/englangn.html</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="dri" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>The digital resource identifier for the resource is specified in a dri element. Digital resource identifiers are documented on the page </xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="context" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>The context of a resource as part of a collection or part of a pro ject can be specified in the context element. The context element can appear multiple times if the resource is part of multiple collections or pro jects.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="link" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>URL to additional context information</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>Textual description of pro ject or collection</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="meta-datalink" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>description of external sources of canonical meta information
- db attribute to identify different sets of meta data links to the same resource
- object attribute to identify different objects or parts of the same resource</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="label" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>textual label for the link</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element ref="url" minOccurs="0"/>
										<xs:element name="metadata-url" type="xs:anyURI"
												<xs:documentation>URL to an external server to be queried</xs:documentation>
									<xs:attribute name="db" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
									<xs:attribute name="object" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
							<xs:element name="meta-baselink" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>description of external server for canonical meta information. 
- db attribute to identify different sets of meta data links to the same resource</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="label" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>textual label for the link</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element ref="url" minOccurs="0"/>
										<xs:element name="metadata-url">
												<xs:documentation>URL to an external server to be queried
(the parameter object= with an object id has to be appended to this URL) </xs:documentation>
												<xs:extension base="xs:anyURI">
												<xs:attribute name="object" type="xs:string"
									<xs:attribute name="db" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
				<xs:element name="bib">
						<xs:documentation>Comment describing your root element</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="abstract"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="academic-department" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Name of the academic department where the thesis was handed in.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="alternate-journal" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Alternate journal</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="author"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="binding"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="book-title"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="call-number"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="catchwords" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Quire signatures and catchwords</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="city"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="collation-corrections" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Notes on collation and corrections.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="conference-location" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>City where the conference was held.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="conference-name" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Name of the conference the proceedings are related to.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="contents"/>
							<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="copyist"
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="date"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="date-original">
									<xs:documentation>the date in its original form as noted on the letter</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="date-range-end">
									<xs:documentation>end of range of uncertain dating</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="description"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="dimensions" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Height and width in cm</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="edition"/>
							<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="editor"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="editorial-remarks"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="explicit"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="foliation"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="holding-library"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="incipit"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="institution">
									<xs:documentation>Institution where the report was produced.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="isbn-issn"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="issue"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="issue-date" type="xs:date">
									<xs:documentation>Date of the issue the article is part of. Only in bib type="newspaper-article"</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="journal" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Name of the journal</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="keywords"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="lines-per-page" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Number of lines and columns.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="location"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="title"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="magazine" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Name of the magazine.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="newspaper" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Name of the newspaper the article appeared in.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="notes"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="notes-on-ownership"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="number-of-folios"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="number-of-pages"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="number-of-volumes"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="page-dimensions" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Height and width of page in cm.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="pages"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="publisher"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="recipient">
									<xs:documentation>The recipient of the letter.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="report-number">
									<xs:documentation>Report number</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="scripts" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Description of the script and the ink used.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
								name="secondary-literature" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Notes on secondary literature related to the manuscript</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="series-editor"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="series-title"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="series-volume"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="signature"/>
							<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="translator"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="university" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>Name of the university where the thesis was handed in.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="volume"/>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="writing-surface" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>material of the writing surface (e.g. “non-european paper”, “palm leaf ”,. . . )</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="written-area-dimensions"
									<xs:documentation>Height and width of written area in cm.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="year"/>
						<xs:attribute name="type">
								<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
									<xs:enumeration value="book"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="inbook"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="proceedings"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="edited-book"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="journal-volume"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="journal-article"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="magazine-article"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="newspaper-article"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="thesis"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="report"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="manuscript"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="extended-manuscript"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="codex"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="correspondence"/>
									<xs:enumeration value="generic"/>
				<xs:element name="doc" minOccurs="0">
						<xs:documentation>Specific information for architectural drawings is presented in a doc container 
with an additional type attribute giving the type of drawing. All elements inside 
the container can appear multiple times. </xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="person" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
									<xs:documentation>last name and first name of a person, separated by a comma. A further common name for the person can be put infront, separated by a semicolon.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="location" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
									<xs:documentation>Name of a place in its common notation. This can be a city or a institution. </xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="date" type="xs:gYear" minOccurs="0"
									<xs:documentation>This can be a year (or several years, separated by commas) or a period (1706-1714). Years are noted with four digits.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="object" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
									<xs:documentation>Short description of an object or signatures.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element ref="keywords" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
						<xs:attribute name="type" use="required" fixed="Architectural Drawing">
								<xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
				<xs:element name="toc" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>Information on the structure of a document like the division into parts and chapters in the way of a table of contents is presented in a toc container. 
The scheme allows multiple logical pages on a single page image as it is often the case with scanned books or manuscripts. The scheme also allows for “loose” numbering schemes with roman, arabic or other page numbers consecutively or mixed and changes in the numbering within the document.
The flexibility comes from the fact that no additional assumptions about the 
mapping between logical pages and page images are made in the format. All mapping information is specified by the user. 
The logical page numbering or naming that can be presented to the user is 
specified in the name tags while the physical numbering of the page images is specified in the index or url tags.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="page">
									<xs:documentation>describes a single logical page</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>the “name” of the logical page. This can be any string like a page number (arabic, roman, etc.) or a special designation like “Table 5”. </xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="index" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>the digilib index number of the scan image of the page. (The index number for digilib is the index in the alphabetical order of the scan file names.)</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element ref="url">
												<xs:documentation>alternatively to the digilib index number the full URL of the scan image of the page can be used. </xs:documentation>
							<xs:element ref="chapter"/>
				<xs:element name="img">
								<xs:documentation>Image files representing scanned images can have an img container tag with 
information about the scan resolution and the size of the original image. This 
information is used by the digilib image viewing tool. 
Required is one of three possible sets of tags:</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="original-size-x" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The width of the original image. 
The unit of measure can be contained as parameter unit, the default is meter “m”. The width to be considered is the total width of the scanned area.</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="original-size-y" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The height of the original image.</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="original-pixel-x" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The width of the hi-res scan in pixels.</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="original-pixel-y" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The height of the hi-res scan in pixels</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="original-dpi" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The resolution of the hi-res scan in pixels per inch if the 
resolutions in width and height are the same</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="original-pixel-x" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The width of the hi-res scan in pixels - deduced.</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="original-pixel-y" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The height of the hi-res scan in pixels – deduced.</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="original-dpi-x" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The resolution of the hi-res scan in its width in pixels per 
								<xs:element name="original-dpi-y" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The resolution of the hi-res scan in its height in pixels per 
								<xs:element name="original-pixel-x" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The width of the hi-res scan in pixels - deduced.</xs:documentation>
								<xs:element name="original-pixel-y" type="xs:string">
										<xs:documentation>The height of the hi-res scan in pixels – deduced.</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="image-acquisition" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>A description of the technology used in the process of producing a digital image.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="device" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>acquisition device (e.g. “flatbed scanner”)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="image-type" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>type and color-depth of the image (e.g. “RGB 24 bit”)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="production-comment" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>additional textual information about the production process</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="texttool" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>Full text in a XML format should be specified with a content-type “fulltext”. 
The relation between the full text and optional images of whole pages or parts of pages must be specified in a texttool container.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="display" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
										<xs:enumeration value="yes"/>
										<xs:enumeration value="no"/>
							<xs:element name="text" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>the file name of the full text file (path inside document directory)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="image" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>the directory name of the directory containig the page image files (path inside document directory)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="figures" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>the directory name of the directory containig the in-page figure image files (path inside document directory)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="text-url-path" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>a characteristic part of the URL with which the full text can be retrieved (the form and content of this element is dependent on the specific text retrieval mechanism)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="xslt" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>the file name of an additional XSL transformation file</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="pagebreak" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
									<xs:documentation>the name of the element that indicates page breaks (default “pb”) </xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="presentation" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
							<xs:element name="toptemplate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
							<xs:element name="digiliburlprefix" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
							<xs:element name="thumbtemplate" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
				<xs:element name="access-conditions" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>If the access to a resource is bound to conditions for technical or legal reasons then the conditions can be put in a access-conditions container. Other usage conditions like copyright can also be documented in this container. 
The attribution, copyright, and access tags can be repeated with different resource attributes if different conditions apply to different parts of the whole resource.</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="attribution">
									<xs:documentation>The name or institution this resource should be attributed
to when it’s publicly presented.
The kind of resource this condition applies to can be specified with a resource attribute with the values “original” (the physical object that was scanned), "digital-image" (the scanned images), "text" (the textual transcript).</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="name" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
												<xs:extension base="xs:string"/>
										<xs:element ref="url" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
										<xs:element ref="description" minOccurs="0"
									<xs:attribute name="resource" use="optional">
											<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
												<xs:enumeration value="text"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="digital-image"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="original"/>
							<xs:element name="copyright">
									<xs:documentation>the copyright holder and the copyright conditions. 
The kind of resource this condition applies to can be specified with a resource attribute with the values “original” (the physical object that was scanned), “digital-image” (the scanned images), “text” (the textual transcript).</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="owner" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>the name of the copyright holder</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>a name (free text)</xs:documentation>
												<xs:element ref="url"/>
										<xs:element ref="date"/>
										<xs:element name="duration" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>the duration of the copyright term (if known)</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element ref="description" minOccurs="0"/>
										<xs:element name="license" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>the type of license if its a standardised license e.g. Creative Commons </xs:documentation>
												<xs:documentation>a URL representing the license e.g. </xs:documentation>
												<xs:element ref="url"/>
									<xs:attribute name="resource" use="optional">
											<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
												<xs:enumeration value="text"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="digital-image"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="original"/>
							<xs:element name="access">
									<xs:documentation>access restricted to the members of this named group. The method to identify a user belonging to a named group is not 
specified in this document.</xs:documentation>
											<xs:documentation>conditions of access to this resource. Different access types are specified by a type attribute. The kind of resource this condition applies to can be specified with a resource attribute with the values “digital-image” (the scanned images), or “text” (the textual transcript).</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>name of the group.</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="range" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>subnet range defined in truncated-quad (e.g. “141.14”), network-netmask (e.g. “”), or network-range (e.g. “”) notation.</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element ref="only-before"/>
										<xs:element ref="only-after"/>
										<xs:element ref="description"/>
									<xs:attribute name="resource" use="optional">
											<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
												<xs:enumeration value="text"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="original"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="digital-image"/>
									<xs:attribute name="type" use="optional">
											<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
												<xs:enumeration value="group"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="institution"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="subnet"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="scientific"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="free"/>
												<xs:enumeration value="special"/>
				<xs:element name="acquisition" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>the acquisition source of this resource</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="provider">
									<xs:documentation>where this resource came from</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>free-text name of the provider (institution or individual)</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="address" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>address of the provider</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="contact" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
												<xs:documentation>contact person at the provider (i.e. name and email)</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element ref="url" minOccurs="0"/>
										<xs:element name="provider-id" type="xs:string"
												<xs:documentation>id of the provider (internally used) - deduced</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element ref="date"/>
							<xs:element ref="description"/>
				<xs:element name="film-acquisition" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>Documentary films can be described using a film-acquisition container.
(More information about the digitization step could be added in a digitization tag similar to the recording tag.)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="recording">
										<xs:element ref="author"/>
										<xs:element ref="date"/>
										<xs:element name="location" type="xs:string">
												<xs:documentation>the place where the film was recorded</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="device">
												<xs:documentation>recording device used (e.g. “Sony CP-DV8 Camcorder”)</xs:documentation>
										<xs:element name="format">
												<xs:documentation>format of the recorded film (e.g. “DV 720x524 
25fps interlaced”)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element ref="description"/>
			<xs:attribute name="workflow-state"/>
	<xs:element name="keywords" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Keywords related to the object/manuscript etc.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="chapter">
			<xs:documentation>describes a section or chapter of the text. chapter elements can be nested.</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="name">
						<xs:documentation>the title of the chapter or section.</xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="start">
						<xs:documentation>the beginning of a page range (usually the first page of the chapter). The start element has an optional increment attribute to indicate the number of logical pages on a scan image. (This information is only needed by additional tools that try to generate lists of all page and image numbers.)</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>the “name” of the first page</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="index" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>the index of the first page</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element ref="url">
									<xs:documentation>the URL of the first page </xs:documentation>
						<xs:attribute name="increment" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
				<xs:element name="end">
						<xs:documentation>the end of a page range (usually the last page of the chapter).</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>the “name” of the last page</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element name="index" type="xs:string">
									<xs:documentation>the index of the last page</xs:documentation>
							<xs:element ref="url">
									<xs:documentation>the URL of the last page </xs:documentation>
				<xs:element name="page" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0">
						<xs:documentation>alternative (and additional) to start/end page ranges single page elements can be used inside chapter. </xs:documentation>
				<xs:element ref="chapter" minOccurs="0"/>
	<xs:element name="author" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>The author of the book/article/thesis etc.
The author/sender of a letter.
The person(s) doing the recording.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="title" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Title of the book/article/thesis etc.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="year" type="xs:gYear">
			<xs:documentation>The year of publication.
- approximate year or century.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="series-title" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Title of the serie, if the book appears in a series.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="series-volume" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Volume number, if the book appears in a series.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="number-of-pages" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Number of pages of the entire book/volume.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="city" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>City where the book/journal/thesis etc. was published.
City of the newspaper.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="publisher" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Name of the publishing company.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="edition" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Edition of the book/journal (e.g. third edition)</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="translator" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Name of the translator</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="isbn-issn" type="xs:string"/>
	<xs:element name="call-number" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Call number in holding library</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="holding-library" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Holding library</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="series-editor" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Name of the series editor, if the book appears in a series.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="number-of-volumes" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Number of volumes, if the book is published in multiple volumes.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="editor" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Name of the book’s editor.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="pages" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Number of pages of the article</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="book-title" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Title of the book if bib type=inbook</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="volume" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Volume number</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="date">
			<xs:documentation>The date of publication with attribute which calendar used. If no attribute used, CE is the default. Can also be descriptive. 
- normalised date of the letter
- Date of the collation of the codex.
- Date of the conference the proceedings are related to
- Date when the article appeared.
- Date when the copyright was issued.
- Date of acquisition
- Date or time span when the film was recorded</xs:documentation>
				<xs:extension base="xs:string">
					<xs:attribute name="calendar" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
	<xs:element name="issue" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Number of the issue the article is part of.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="signature" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Signature(s) of the manuscript under which a manuscript is known.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="editorial-remarks" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Remarks related to the online publication of the manuscript. 
This could be notes about annotations etc.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="location" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Name of the library/place/city/country where the manuscript is currently located.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="foliation" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Text giving list or range of folios.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="number-of-folios" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Number of folios/pages of the manuscript.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="contents" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Formal description of the text structure (e.g. table of contents).</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="binding" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Description of binding.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="notes-on-ownership" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Notes on ownership of the manuscript.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="notes" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Additional notes</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="incipit" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Incipit (beginning of text).
The opening phrase of the letter</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="explicit" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Explicit (end of text).
The closing phrase of the letter</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="description" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>This could be any kind of description.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="type">
			<xs:documentation>Type of the report. The type of correspondence, e.g. “letter”, “postcard”, “telegram”, 
“letter draft”</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="abstract" type="xs:string">
			<xs:documentation>Interpretative abstract of the text's content.</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="url">
			<xs:documentation>URL to present to the client
- alternatively to the digilib index number the full URL of the scan image of the page can be used. </xs:documentation>
				<xs:extension base="xs:anyURI">
					<xs:attribute name="label" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
	<xs:element name="only-before" type="xs:date">
			<xs:documentation>the access condition is only valid before the given date (format: “YYYY/MM/DD”).</xs:documentation>
	<xs:element name="only-after" type="xs:date">
			<xs:documentation>the access condition is only valid after the given date (format: “YYYY/MM/DD”). </xs:documentation>