view src/econnect/wp3_3/client/core/ @ 89:3700846b8590 trimmed_data tip

bug: removed leading / in url
author Sebastian Kruse <>
date Fri, 15 Mar 2013 12:53:55 +0100
parents ed444173aef0
line wrap: on
line source

package econnect.wp3_3.client.core;


import econnect.wp3_3.client.core.ApplicationGrid;
import econnect.wp3_3.client.widgets.table.StiTable;
import econnect.wp3_3.client.widgets.timeplot.StiTimeplot;
import econnect.wp3_3.client.widgets.timeplot.Timeplot;

 * Implementation of the wrapper for the STICore class of the STI JavaScript source
public class StiCore extends JavaScriptObject {
	protected StiCore(){
     * Initializes a STICore element
     * @return the STICore object
	public static native StiCore createStiCore() /*-{
		var core = new $wnd.STICore();
		$wnd.loadKml = function( kmlString, term ){
			core.parseKml(kmlString, term);
		return core;

     * Sets the widgets for the core component
     * @param map the javascript object of the map widget
     * @param plot the javascript object of the timeplot widget
	public final native void setElements( StiMap map, StiTimeplot plot ) /*-{
		this.setElements(map, plot);

     * Adds a dataset to the actual history entry
     * @param dataSet the dataset to add
	public final native void addDataSet( DataSet dataSet ) /*-{
		this.addDataSet( dataSet );

     * Getter for the dataSets of the actual history entry
     * @return the dataSets of the actual history entry
	public final native JsArray<DataSet> getDataSets() /*-{
		return this.history[this.historyIndex].dataSets;
     * Getter for the length of the history
     * @return the length of the history
	public final native int getHistoryLength() /*-{
		return this.history.length;

     * Switches to another history entry with the given index
     * @param index the index of the history entry to load
	public final native void switchThroughHistory( int index ) /*-{

     * Set of static methods that are needed for the javascript source to communicate to the GWT source
     * @param table the table item to communicate selection changes in the other widgets
     * @param grid the application grid to update the history
     * @param plot the timeplot element to update the number of zoom levels for the slider control
     * @param map the map to manage addition of elements and to change the zoomlevel of the slider control
	public static native void exportStaticMethods(StiTable table, ApplicationGrid grid, Timeplot plot, Map map ) /*-{
    	$wnd.updateTables = function(hover){
    	$wnd.initTables = function(){
    	$wnd.addHistoryItem = function(index){
    	$wnd.setZoomLevels = function(levels){
    	$wnd.setTimeZoom = function(value){
    	$wnd.animationImage = function(animate){
    	$wnd.setMapZoom = function(value){;
    	$wnd.switchToNavigation = function(){;
    	$wnd.setDefinedBounds = function(){
		$wnd.setAddElementContext = function( longitude, latitude, left, top, width, height ){,latitude,left,top,width,height);

     * Deletes the dataset at the given index
     * @param index the index of the dataset to delete
	public final native void deleteDataSet( int index ) /*-{

     * Getter for the cellcolor with a specific index and a specific percental value of a dataobject
     * @param i the (set) index of the dataobject
     * @param p the percental selection value of the dataobject
     * @return the calculated cellcolor
	public static native String getCellColor( int i, double p ) /*-{
		return $wnd.getCellColor(i,p);

     * Getter for the bordercolor of a cell with a specific index and a selection status of a dataobject
     * @param i the (set) index of the dataobject
     * @param selected the selection status of the dataobject
     * @return the calculated bordercolor of the cell
	public static native String getBorderColor( int i, boolean selected ) /*-{
		return $wnd.getBorderColor(i,selected);
     * Updates the timeplot and map widget of selections have been made in the table widget
	public final native void updateTimeAndMap() /*-{

     * Updates the timeplot and table widget of selections have been made in the table widget
	public final native void updateTimeAndTable() /*-{

     * Updates the map and table widget of selections have been made in the table widget
	public final native void updateTableAndMap() /*-{

     * Updates the timeplot and map and table widget of selections have been made in the table widget
	public final native void updateMapAndTimeAndTable() /*-{
     * Resets the core
	public final native void reset() /*-{

     * Refines the core
	public final native void refine() /*-{

     * Adds an element to the individual dataset
     * @param object the dataobject to add
	public final native void addElement(DataObject object) /*-{

     * Refines the dataset with the given index by the given text
     * Moved to DynamicStiTable.
     * @param text the refine text
     * @param index the index of the dataset
	public final native void refineByText(String text, int index) /*-{

     * Getter for the SimileAjax value for the granularity of a second
     * @return the SimileAjax granularity value of a second
	public final native int getSecondGranularity() /*-{
		return $wnd.SimileAjax.DateTime.SECOND;

     * Getter for the SimileAjax value for the granularity of a day
     * @return the SimileAjax granularity value of a day
	public final native int getDateGranularity() /*-{
		return $wnd.SimileAjax.DateTime.DAY;

     * Getter for the SimileAjax value for the granularity of a month
     * @return the SimileAjax granularity value of a month
	public final native int getMonthGranularity() /*-{
		return $wnd.SimileAjax.DateTime.MONTH;

     * Getter for the SimileAjax value for the granularity of a year
     * @return the SimileAjax granularity value of a year
	public final native int getYearGranularity() /*-{
		return $wnd.SimileAjax.DateTime.YEAR;

     * Security hover unselection of elements if browser events got stucked
	public final native void undoHover() /*-{
     * Trigger function for an alert message
     * @param text the text for the alert message
	public final native void alert( String text ) /*-{

     * Getter for the name of the DataObject
     * @return name of the data object
	public final native JsArray<DataSet> getHistoryDataSets(int index) /*-{
		return this.history[index].dataSets;

     * Getter for the color id of a dataset; needed for images for the table
     * @return index the index of a dataset
     * @return the color id for the dataset
	public final native int getColorId(int index) /*-{
		return $wnd.getColorId(index);

     * Triggers the export of selected data elements to a new dataset
     * @param id the id of the dataset to export selected elements
	public final native void storeSelected(int id) /*-{

     * Getter for the number of items within a category
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @param cat the index of the category
     * @return the number of items of a category
	public final native int getItemCount(int ds, int cat) /*-{		
    	return this.sources[ds].categories[cat].items.length;

     * Getter for the label of a static dataset
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @param cat the category of the dataset
     * @param id the index of the dataset
     * @return the label of a dataset
	public final native String getLabel(int ds, int cat, int id) /*-{
    	return this.sources[ds].categories[cat].items[id].label;
     * Getter for the number of categories
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @return the number of categories
	public final native int getCategories(int ds) /*-{
    	return this.sources[ds].categories.length;

     * Getter for a datasource name
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @return the name of the datasource
	public final native String getDatasourceLabel(int ds) /*-{
    	return this.sources[ds].label;
     * Getter for the number of datasources
     * @return the number of datasources
	public final native int getDatasources() /*-{
    	return this.sources.length;

     * Converts ascii to hex symbols
     * @return the converted string
	public final native String asciiToHex(String text) /*-{
		var ascii = new Array( "!","#","$","%","&","'","(",")","*","+",",","/",":",";","=","?","@","[","]", " " );
		var hex = new Array( "%21","%23","%24","!$#","%26","%27","%28","%29","%2a","%2b","%2c","%2f","%3a","%3b","%3d","%3f","%40","%5b","%5d","%20" );
		for( var i=0; i<ascii.length; i++ ){
			while(text.indexOf(ascii[i])!= -1){
				text = text.replace(ascii[i],hex[i]);	
		text = text.replace(/!$#/g,"%25");
		return text;
     * Converts hex to ascii symbols
     * @return the converted String
	public final native String hexToAscii(String text) /*-{
		var ascii = new Array( "!","#","$","%","&","'","(",")","*","+",",","/",":",";","=","?","@","[","]", " " );
		var hex = new Array( "%21","%23","%24","%25","%26","%27","%28","%29","%2a","%2b","%2c","%2f","%3a","%3b","%3d","%3f","%40","%5b","%5d","%20" );
		for( var i=0; i<ascii.length; i++ ){
			while(text.indexOf(hex[i])!= -1){
				text = text.replace(hex[i],ascii[i]);
		return text;
     * Tests if the maximum number of datasets for the visualization is reached
     * @return true if there is no space for a new dataset
	public final native boolean isMaximumReached() /*-{
		return this.history[this.historyIndex].dataSets.length >= $wnd.parallelSearches;

     * Tests if there are already individual elements
     * @return true if there are already individual elements
	public final native boolean individualSet() /*-{
		return this.individualDataSet != null;

     * Getter for the number of items of the datasource
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @return true if the datasource has items
	public final native boolean hasItems(int ds) /*-{
		if( this.sources[ds].url == undefined ){
			return true;
    	return false;

     * Getter for a category name
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @param cat the index of the category
     * @return the name of the category
	public final native String getCategory(int ds, int cat) /*-{
    	return this.sources[ds].categories[cat].category;

     * Opens the static kml file that corresponds to the selected item 
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @param cat the category of the dataset
     * @param id the index of the dataset
	public final native void openStaticKml(int ds, int cat, int id) /*-{
		this.parseKml( this.sources[ds].categories[cat].items[id].url, this.sources[ds].categories[cat].items[id].label, ds ); 
     * Triggers a server request to generate a kml file depending on user input 
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @param input the user input text
	public final native void openDynamicKml(int ds, String input) /*-{
		this.retrieveKml( ds, input ); 

     * Opens a local KML file via HTML5 FileAPI 
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @param input the user input text
	public final native void openLocalKml(int ds, String fileName) /*-{
		this.retrieveLocalKml( ds, fileName ); 

     * Opens a local KML file via HTML5 FileAPI 
     * @param ds the index of the datasource
     * @param input the user input text
	public final native void openLocalCsv(int ds, String fileName) /*-{
		this.retrieveLocalCsv( ds, fileName ); 
     * places a configured time refinement 
	public final native void refineByTime(String minTime, String maxTime) /*-{
		this.refineByTime( minTime, maxTime ); 

	public final native boolean isIEBrowser() /*-{
		if( navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ){
			return true;
		return false;
