1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <style type="text/css">
4 .menu {position:absolute; visibility:hidden}
6 .item1 {position:absolute; left:33; width:50; height:14; clip:rect(0,50,14,0); visibility:hidden}
7 .item2 {position:absolute; left:43; width:40; height:14; clip:rect(0,40,14,0); visibility:hidden}
8 .item3 {position:absolute; left:3; width:80; height:14; clip:rect(0,80,14,0); visibility:hidden}
9 .logo { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: black; text-align: center; margin: 0px }
11 .text {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none}
12 </style>
13 <script language="JavaScript" src="buttons/menu.js"></script>
15 <script language="JavaScript">
16 // because on a netscape 4.xx bug (messing up with layers on resize) we cache the window
17 // resize event and redisplay the navigation frame
18 if (document.layers && !document.getElementById) {
19 window.onresize = function() {parent.rightFrame.location.reload();}
20 }
22 /**
23 * overriding 'page' in navigation.js
24 */
25 function page(page, details) {
27 var pn = parseInt(parent.mainFrame.getParameter("pn"));
28 var pt = parseInt(parent.mainFrame.getParameter("pt"));
30 if ( details == null ) {
31 details = 1;
32 }
34 if ( page && page.indexOf('-') == 0 ) {
35 if ( pn > 1 ) {
36 page = Math.max(pn - parseInt(page.slice(1)), 1);
37 parent.mainFrame.setParameter("pn", page);
38 display(details);
39 } else {
40 alert("You are already on the first page!");
41 }
43 } else if ( page && page.indexOf('+') == 0 ) {
44 if ( pn < pt ) {
45 page = Math.min(pn + parseInt(page.slice(1)), pt);
46 parent.mainFrame.setParameter("pn", page);
47 display(details);
48 } else {
49 alert("You are already on the last page!");
50 }
51 } else if ( page && page == parseInt(page) ) {
52 if ( (page > 0) && (page <= pt) ) {
53 parent.mainFrame.setParameter("pn", page);
54 display(details);
55 } else {
56 alert ("Illegal page number (should be 1 - " + pt + ")!");
57 }
58 }
59 }
61 /*
62 * new display function to refresh the pagesTotal frame
63 */
65 function display(detail) {
66 parent.pageFrame.show();
67 parent.mainFrame.display(detail);
68 }
71 function askPage() {
72 do {
73 p = prompt("Goto Page:", 1);
74 } while ((p != null) && (p < 1));
75 page(p);
76 }
78 function showRef(select) {
79 var hyperlinkRef = parent.mainFrame.baseUrl + "/digilib.jsp?";
80 hyperlinkRef += parent.mainFrame.getAllParameters();
81 if ( select == 0 ) {
82 prompt("Link for LaTeX-documents", "\\href{" + hyperlinkRef + "}{TEXT}");
83 } else if ( select == 1 ) {
84 prompt("Link for HTML-documents", hyperlinkRef);
85 }
86 }
88 function setSize(size) {
89 parent.mainFrame.setParameter('ws', size);
90 display();
91 }
93 function digicat() {
94 var fn = parent.mainFrame.getParameter("fn");
95 var pn = parent.mainFrame.getParameter("pn");
96 var url = parent.mainFrame.baseUrl + "/digicat.jsp?fn=" + fn + "&pn=" + pn;
97 win = window.open(url, "digicat");
98 win.focus();
99 }
101 // boolean variable to either show or not show the additional help
102 // change in the menuitem its original mark
103 var showHelp = false;
105 // variable to tell if while changing to another page it should keep the area
106 // change in the menuitem its original mark (1 = false, 2 = true)
107 var keepArea = 2;
110 // variable that store the texts for contexthelp
111 var helpText = new Array();
113 helpText[0] = "'back'-button|Click on this button to load the previous image (usually the next page from a manuscript).";
114 helpText[1] = "'next'-button|Click on this button to load the next image (usually the next page from a manuscript).";
115 helpText[2] = "'page'-button|After clicking 'page' you will be prompted for a specific page you want to see.<br>Note that the page number refers to the same serie you are in now.";
116 helpText[3] = "'digicat'-button|Click here to open a new window containing thumbnails of the current series pages to navigate.";
117 helpText[4] = "'mark'-button|You can set marks into the picture. After hitting 'mark' you have to click on the desired picures location, a numbered mark appears.<br>Check out 'reference' to make these marks (up to 8) visible for others.";
118 helpText[5] = "'reference'-button|Choose LaTeX or HTML mode to get a link for the actual (zoomed) picture with all set marks.<br>This link can easily be included in a TeX- or HTML-formatted document/page.";
119 helpText[6] = "'zoom area'-button|With 'zoom area' you can zoom into any rectangular field for the current picture.<br>After clicking on the button click on the image to set any corner (ex. topleft), release the mousebutton and move the mouse until you have the desired size, then click again.";
120 helpText[7] = "'zoom in'-button|Clicking on 'zoom in' zooms in around the current center.";
121 helpText[8] = "'zoom out'-button|Clicking on 'zoom out' zooms out around the current center.";
122 helpText[9] = "'full page'-button|To gain the original unzoomed picture, click on 'full page'.<br>Note that any set marks are still saved at their positions.";
123 helpText[10] = "'size'-button|By clicking on one of the menu entries you can select the size of the currently displayed picture in relation to your browser window.<br>Note: a scale factor of '1.0' means that the picture fits right into the working area, while '2.0' means that it will be twice as high and wide.";
124 helpText[11] = "'?'-button|In its menu you are able change options like the visibility of this contextsensitive help, with 'Keep area' digilib keeps its current zoom area when changing to another page.";
126 </script>
127 </head>
129 <body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" leftmargin="8" marginwidth="8" topmargin="5" marginheight="5" onload="preloadImages()" onunload="closeContextHelp()">
131 <a href="javascript:page('-1', keepArea)" onmouseover="overButton(0)" onmouseout="awayButton(0)"><img src="buttons/back0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br>
132 <a href="javascript:page('+1', keepArea)" onmouseover="overButton(1)" onmouseout="awayButton(1)"><img src="buttons/next0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br>
133 <a href="javascript:askPage()" onmouseover="overButton(2)" onmouseout="awayButton(2)"><img src="buttons/page0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br>
134 <a href="javascript:digicat()" onmouseover="overButton(3)" onmouseout="awayButton(3)"><img src="buttons/digicat0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br><br>
135 <a href="javascript:parent.mainFrame.setMark(false);" onmouseover="overButton(4)" onmouseout="awayButton(4)"><img src="buttons/mark0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br>
136 <a href="javascript:hideMenu(); showMenu(1)" onmouseover="overButton(5)" onmouseout="awayButton(5)"><img src="buttons/reference0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br><br>
137 <a href="javascript:parent.mainFrame.zoomArea()" onmouseover="overButton(6)" onmouseout="awayButton(6)"><img src="buttons/zoomarea0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br>
138 <a href="javascript:parent.mainFrame.zoomBy(1.4142)" onmouseover="overButton(7)" onmouseout="awayButton(7)"><img src="buttons/zoomin0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br>
139 <a href="javascript:parent.mainFrame.zoomBy(0.7071)" onmouseover="overButton(8)" onmouseout="awayButton(8)"><img src="buttons/zoomout0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br>
140 <a href="javascript:parent.mainFrame.zoomFullpage()" onmouseover="overButton(9)" onmouseout="awayButton(9)"><img src="buttons/fullpage0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br><br>
141 <a href="javascript:hideMenu(); showMenu(2)" onmouseover="overButton(10)" onmouseout="awayButton(10)"><img src="buttons/scale0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br><br>
142 <a href="javascript:hideMenu(); showMenu(3)" onmouseover="overButton(11)" onmouseout="awayButton(11)"><img src="buttons/questionmark0.gif" width="73" height="30" border="0"></a><br><br>
144 <div id="menu1" class="menu" style="top:201; left:31; width:54; height:33; clip:rect(0,54,33,0)"></div>
145 <div id="menu11" class="item1" style="top:203"><center><a href="#" class="text" onClick="hideMenu(); showRef(0); return false;" onmouseover="overItem(11)" onmouseout="awayItem(11)">LaTeX</a></center></div>
146 <div id="menu12" class="item1" style="top:218"><center><a href="#" class="text" onClick="hideMenu(); showRef(1); return false;" onmouseover="overItem(12)" onmouseout="awayItem(12)">HTML</a></center></div>
148 <div id="menu2" class="menu" style="top:379; left:41; width:44; height:93; clip:rect(0,44,93,0)"></div>
149 <div id="menu21" class="item2" style="top:381"><center><a href="#" class="text" onClick="hideMenu(); setSize(0.7); return false;" onmouseover="overItem(21)" onmouseout="awayItem(21)">0.7</a></center></div>
150 <div id="menu22" class="item2" style="top:396"><center><a href="#" class="text" onClick="hideMenu(); setSize(1.0); return false;" onmouseover="overItem(22)" onmouseout="awayItem(22)">1.0</a></center></div>
151 <div id="menu23" class="item2" style="top:411"><center><a href="#" class="text" onClick="hideMenu(); setSize(1.5); return false;" onmouseover="overItem(23)" onmouseout="awayItem(23)">1.5</a></center></div>
152 <div id="menu24" class="item2" style="top:426"><center><a href="#" class="text" onClick="hideMenu(); setSize(2.0); return false;" onmouseover="overItem(24)" onmouseout="awayItem(24)">2.0</a></center></div>
153 <div id="menu25" class="item2" style="top:441"><center><a href="#" class="text" onClick="hideMenu(); setSize(2.5); return false;" onmouseover="overItem(25)" onmouseout="awayItem(25)">2.5</a></center></div>
154 <div id="menu26" class="item2" style="top:456"><center><a href="#" class="text" onClick="hideMenu(); setSize(3.0); return false;" onmouseover="overItem(26)" onmouseout="awayItem(26)">3.0</a></center></div>
156 <div id="menu3" class="menu" style="top:430; left:1; width:84; height:33; clip:rect(0,84,33,0)"></div>
157 <div id="menu31" class="item3" style="top:432"><center><a href="#" class="text" onclick="changeMark(31); hideMenu(); changeHelp(); return false;" onmouseover="overItem(31)" onmouseout="awayItem(31)"><img id="mark31" src="buttons/nomark.gif" border="0">Contexthelp</a></center></div>
158 <div id="menu32" class="item3" style="top:447"><center><a href="#" class="text" onclick="changeMark(32); keepArea = (keepArea == 1) ? 2 : 1; return false;" onmouseover="overItem(32)" onmouseout="awayItem(32)"><img id="mark32" src="buttons/mark.gif" border="0">Keep area</a></center></div>
159 <div id="logo" class="logo"><img src="../img/digilib-logo-text1.png" title="Digilib"></img></div>
161 <script language="Javascript">
162 // initial background color of the menues (has to be done like this,
163 // otherwise menues in ns4 you will have wrong dimensions)
164 changeBc("menu1", "#666666");
165 changeBc("menu2", "#666666");
166 changeBc("menu3", "#666666");
167 </script>
168 </body>
169 </html>