view texts/XML/echo/en/Harriot_Add_MS_6789_0VGM2B80.xml @ 6:22d6a63640c6

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date Fri, 07 Dec 2012 17:05:22 +0100
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><echo xmlns="" xmlns:de="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xhtml="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.0RC">
    <dcterms:creator>Harriot, Thomas</dcterms:creator>
    <dcterms:title xml:lang="en">Mss. 6789</dcterms:title>
    <dcterms:date xsi:type="dcterms:W3CDTF">null</dcterms:date>
    <dcterms:language xsi:type="dcterms:ISO639-3">eng</dcterms:language>
    <dcterms:license xlink:href="">CC-BY-SA</dcterms:license>
    <dcterms:rightsHolder xlink:href="">Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Library</dcterms:rightsHolder>
    <log>Automatically generated by on 13-Mar-2012 17:45</log>

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 <s xml:id="echoid-s1" xml:space="preserve">
 Canon <lb/>
 Triangulorum Nauticorum
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Canon of nautical triangles
 <s xml:id="echoid-s2" xml:space="preserve">
 [Tomas Harot]
 <pb file="0014.jpg" o="7v" n="14"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s3" xml:space="preserve">
 Remember that one cipher move be <lb/>
 put to the dividend when you come <lb/>
 to those nombers that have a line <lb/>
 under a figure in the first place.
 <pb file="0015.jpg" o="8r" n="15"/>
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 Mr Sanderson it is my Lords will that you should deliver <lb/>
 Ms March [???]
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 <head xml:id="echoid-head1" xml:space="preserve">
 The ranges of Capo Bianco. pag. 34. <lb/>
 Experimented by a Sacre.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s5" xml:space="preserve">
 degrees  <lb/>
 pases <lb/>
 rate <lb/>
 <pb file="0072.jpg" o="36v" n="72"/>
 <pb file="0073.jpg" o="37r" n="73"/>
 <pb file="0074.jpg" o="37v" n="74"/>
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<s xml:id="echoid-s6" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s6" xml:space="preserve">
 The reference to Alvarus Thomas is to his <emph style="it">Liber de triplici motu</emph>.
 <head xml:id="echoid-head2" xml:space="preserve">
 2. corrol. 9æ conc. Al. Thomaæ. pag. 80.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Second corollary to Conclusion 9 of Alvarus Thomas, page 80.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s8" xml:space="preserve">
 Melius sic
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Better thus
 <pb file="0082.jpg" o="41v" n="82"/>
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 <div xml:id="echoid-div2" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="2">
<s xml:id="echoid-s9" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s9" xml:space="preserve">
 The reference to Bernardus Tornius Florentinus is to his commentary on
 <emph style="it">De motu locali</emph> of William Heytesbury (c. 1313–1372/3).
 The text of Tornius is found as the seventh treatise in William Heytesbury,
 <emph style="it">De sensu composito et diviso</emph> (1494), 73v–77v.
 The second conclusion is on page 77. <lb/>
 The reference to Alvarus Thomas is to his <emph style="it">Liber de triplici motu</emph> (1509).
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s11" xml:space="preserve">
 linea infinitum
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 an infinite line
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s12" xml:space="preserve">
 2<emph style="super">a</emph> conclusio B. Tornij <lb/>
 ut 1 cor 9æ conc. Al: Thomæ. pag. 79b.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Conclusion 2 of B Tornius, as Corollary 1 to Conclusion 9 of Alvarus Thomas, page 79b.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s13" xml:space="preserve">
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>1</mn><mfrac><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math> vel: <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>7</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math> primam velocitatem
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>1</mn><mfrac><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math> or: <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>7</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math> first velocity </emph>]<lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s14" xml:space="preserve">
 prima pars proportionalis <lb/>
 velocitatem <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math> vel <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math>.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 first proportional part, velocity <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math> or <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s15" xml:space="preserve">
 Ergo ut 7 ad 2.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Therefore as 7 to 2.
 <pb file="0084.jpg" o="42v" n="84"/>
 <pb file="0085.jpg" o="43r" n="85"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s16" xml:space="preserve">
 tempus. spatium.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 time. space.
 <pb file="0086.jpg" o="43v" n="86"/>
 <pb file="0087.jpg" o="44r" n="87"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div3" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="3">
<s xml:id="echoid-s17" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s17" xml:space="preserve">
 The reference to Bernardus Tornius Florentinus is to his commentary on
 <emph style="it">De motu locali</emph> of William Heytesbury (c. 1313–1372/3).
 The text of Tornius is found as the seventh treatise in William Heytesbury,
 <emph style="it">De sensu composito et diviso</emph> (1494), 73v–77v. <lb/>
 The reference to Alvarus Thomas is to his <emph style="it">Liber de triplici motu</emph> (1509).
 <s xml:id="echoid-s18" xml:space="preserve">
 The texts of both Alvarus and Tornius are verbal, expressed in terms of repeated proportions.
 Harriot converts their results into arithmetic notation, and in doing so shows how to find sums of
 some infinite series that are not simple geometric progressions. <lb/>
 His first example (from Tornius) is
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>6</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn><mn>7</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>8</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>8</mn><mn>1</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mo>…</mo><mo>=</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math>.
 Harriot shows how this can be treated as the sum of infinitely many other series,
 each of which is a simple geometric progression, namely: <lb/>
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn><mn>7</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>8</mn><mn>1</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mo>…</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mstyle></math>, <lb/>
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn><mn>7</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>8</mn><mn>1</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mo>…</mo><mo>=</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math>, <lb/>
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn><mn>7</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>8</mn><mn>1</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mo>…</mo><mo>=</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math>, <lb/>
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mo>…</mo></mstyle></math>.
 The sums of these series form a new geometric progression
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>1</mn><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>9</mn></mrow></mfrac><mo>+</mo><mo>…</mo><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math>. <lb/>
 The other two series on the page (from Alvarus) are summed in the same way.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s20" xml:space="preserve">
 Bernardus Tornius Florentinus <lb/>
 in doctrinam Heytisberi de <lb/>
 motu locali. pag. 77 <lb/>
 conclusio tertia.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Bernard Tornius Florentinus, in his teaching on Heytesbury's De motu locali, page 77, third conclusion.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s21" xml:space="preserve">
 Alvarus Thomas. <lb/>
 2 conclusio. pag. 66b.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Alvarus Thomas, Conclusion 2, page 66b.
 <pb file="0088.jpg" o="44v" n="88"/>
 <pb file="0089.jpg" o="45r" n="89"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div4" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="4">
<s xml:id="echoid-s22" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s22" xml:space="preserve">
 The reference to Alvarus Thomas is to his <emph style="it">Liber de triplici motu</emph> (1509).
 <head xml:id="echoid-head3" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 7 conclusio Al. Thomaæ. 78b.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Conclusion 7 of Alvarus Thomas, page 78b.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s24" xml:space="preserve">
 spatium pertransitum <lb/>
 in tota hora
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 space crossed in a whole hour
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s25" xml:space="preserve">
 spatium pertransitum <lb/>
 in prima parte
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 space crossed in the first part
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s26" xml:space="preserve">
 Magnitudo divisa <lb/>
 secundum proportione <lb/>
 qua proportio <lb/>
 temporis excedit <lb/>
 proportione velocitatem
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 A magnitude divided according to the ratio by which the ratio of the time exceeds the ratio of the velocity.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s27" xml:space="preserve">
 prima <lb/>
 pars propor-<lb/>
 tionalis mag-<lb/>
 nitudinis <lb/>
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 First part of the ratio of the divided magnitude
 <pb file="0090.jpg" o="45v" n="90"/>
 <pb file="0091.jpg" o="46r" n="91"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s28" xml:space="preserve">
 me thought it was so. <lb/>
 me thinks it is thus.
 <pb file="0092.jpg" o="46v" n="92"/>
 <pb file="0093.jpg" o="47r" n="93"/>
 <pb file="0094.jpg" o="47v" n="94"/>
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 <div xml:id="echoid-div5" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="5">
<s xml:id="echoid-s29" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s29" xml:space="preserve">
 This page has been bound upside down; it must be rotated thorugh 180 degrees before the letters can be read.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s31" xml:space="preserve">
 [tomas haryot] <lb/>
 [randal tnevet kngevet] <lb/>
 [randal tnevet]
 <pb file="0099.jpg" o="50r" n="99"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div6" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="6">
<s xml:id="echoid-s32" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s32" xml:space="preserve">
 The reference to Alvarus Thomas is to his <emph style="it">Liber de triplici motu</emph> (1509).
 <head xml:id="echoid-head4" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Alvarus 73b. propositiones Elementares <lb/>
 de motu
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Alvarus, page 73b. Elementary propositions on motion.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s34" xml:space="preserve">
 gradibus æqualibus <lb/>
 tempus. tempus. spatium. spatium. <lb/>
 Maius tempus. Minoris tempus. Maius spatium. Minoris spatium. <lb/>
 Gradibus inæqualibus: sed temporibus æquales. <lb/>
 Maior gradus. Minor gradus. Maius spatium. Minoris spatium.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s35" xml:space="preserve">
 Gradibus inæqualibus et inqualibus temporibus <lb/>
 Ratio Maioris spatij <emph style="super">ad minus</emph> est ratio composita de duabus <lb/>
 rationibus. videlicet gradum; &amp; temporum: sic: <lb/>
 Facta e maiori gradu et maiori tempore. Facta e minore gradu et minore tempore. Maius spatium. Minus spatium.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s36" xml:space="preserve">
 Sed maior velocitas dependitur minori tempori <lb/>
 et ratio maioris temporis ad minus, eadem ut <lb/>
 maior velocitas ad minorem.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s37" xml:space="preserve">
 et ratio velocitatum maior quam <lb/>
 ratio temporum
 <s xml:id="echoid-s38" xml:space="preserve">
 ratio spaciorum <lb/>
 est ratio composita <lb/>
 ut contra. <lb/>
 Alvarus aliter.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s39" xml:space="preserve">
 et ratio temporum maior quam <lb/>
 ratio velocitatum
 <s xml:id="echoid-s40" xml:space="preserve">
 ratio spaciorum <lb/>
 est ratio composita <lb/>
 ut contra. <lb/>
 Alvarus aliter.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s41" xml:space="preserve">
 propositio generalis et est
 corollarium de præcedentibus
 <s xml:id="echoid-s42" xml:space="preserve">
 Si duo <emph style="super">mobilia</emph> corpora moveantur
 æquali velocitatis <emph style="super">sive</emph> vel inæquali <lb/>
 et æqualibus <emph style="super">sive</emph> vel inæqualibus temporibus: ratio spatiorum <lb/>
 pertransitorum, erit ratio composita; ex duabus rationibus <lb/>
 videlicet de ratione graduum et ratione temporum.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s43" xml:space="preserve">
 Ergo: Data ration spatiorum pertransitorum duorum motorum <lb/>
 et ratione graduum: dantur tempora.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s44" xml:space="preserve">
 Vel: Data ratione spatiorum et ratione temporum; dantur gradus <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s45" xml:space="preserve">
 Nam: cum per præcedentia ratio spatiorum <lb/>
 sit composita de duabus, de quibus una data: <lb/>
 altera nota erit per talem subductione quæ <lb/>
 compositioni contraria est.
 <pb file="0100.jpg" o="50v" n="100"/>
 <pb file="0101.jpg" o="51r" n="101"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div7" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="7">
<s xml:id="echoid-s46" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s46" xml:space="preserve">
 This page appears to be a continuation of Add MS 6789, f. 50.
 <head xml:id="echoid-head5" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Ad propositiones Elementares de motu
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 On elementary propositions on motion
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s48" xml:space="preserve">
 tempus. spacium.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 time. space.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s49" xml:space="preserve">
 Ad <emph style="super">existentiæ</emph> motus constituendæ necessario concurrunt tria <lb/>
 1. gradus. 2. tempus. 3. spatium. <lb/>
 unde istæ necessariæ enunciationes.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s50" xml:space="preserve">
 Si aliquid moveatur <emph style="super">sub</emph> aliquo gradu in aliquo tempore: <lb/>
 necesse est ut pertranseat aliquod spatium.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s51" xml:space="preserve">
 Si aliquid moveatur <emph style="super">sub</emph> aliquo gradu et pertranseat aliquod spatium: <lb/>
 necesse est ut fiat in aliquo tempore.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s52" xml:space="preserve">
 Si aliquid moveatur in aliquo tempore &amp; pertranseat aliquod spatium: <lb/>
 necesse est ut fiat <emph style="super">sub</emph> aliquo gradu.
 <pb file="0102.jpg" o="51v" n="102"/>
 <pb file="0103.jpg" o="52r" n="103"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div8" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="8">
<s xml:id="echoid-s53" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s53" xml:space="preserve">
 The reference to Alvarus Thomas is to his <emph style="it">Liber de triplici motu</emph> (1509).
 <head xml:id="echoid-head6" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Alvarus 73b. propositiones Elementares <lb/>
 de motu
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Alvarus, page 73b. Elementary propositions on motion.
 <pb file="0104.jpg" o="52v" n="104"/>
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<s xml:id="echoid-s56" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
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 Letters from the Hebrew alphabet.
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<s xml:id="echoid-s58" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s58" xml:space="preserve">The reference at the top of the page is to Christopher Clavius,
 <emph style="it">Euclidis Elementorum XV</emph> (1574, 1589, 1591, 1603, 1607),
 Book II, Proposition 14.
 This proposition, the last of Book II, is found on page 94v to 95v in the edition of 1574. <lb/>
 <emph style="it" xml:lang="lat">
 II. 14 Dato rectilineo, aequale quadratum constutuere.
 Given a rectilinear figure, construct a square equal to it.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s60" xml:space="preserve">
 Clavius lib.2.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Clavius, <emph style="it">Elementis</emph>, Book II, Proposition 14.
 <pb file="0366.jpg" o="183v" n="366"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s61" xml:space="preserve">
 Brampton. Novemb. 17. Elizab. 38. 1596 <lb/>
 Eliz: meas: <lb/>[...]<lb/> Novemb. 17
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<s xml:id="echoid-s62" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s62" xml:space="preserve">
 The text referred to here is Allessandro Piccolomini's edition of the commentaries of Alexander of Aphrodisas
 on Aristotle's <emph style="it">Meteorology</emph>. At the end of the book Piccolomino added the treatise
 <emph style="it">De iride</emph>. Harriot's sketch looks like the beginning of Piccolomino's diagram on page 53v.
 Also mentioned is Joannes Grammaticus, or Joannis Philoponus, another commentator on Aristotle.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s64" xml:space="preserve">
 Alexander Piccolominis ad translationem suam comentarium Alex. Aphrodisæi <lb/>
 in lib. 4. Meteor. Aristotleles addidit tractatum de iride. <lb/>
 Joannes Grammaticus 3. et 4. lib. Meteor. <lb/>
 Alexandri Aphrodisæi comentarium Meteor. una cum opusculo de mixtione.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Alessandro Piccolomino added to his translation of the commentaires of Alexander Aphrodisias
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 [???] <lb/>
 [ways] <lb/>
 [basn] <lb/>
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 <head xml:id="echoid-head7" xml:space="preserve">
 Alhazen pag. 289.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s66" xml:space="preserve">
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Another way
 <s xml:id="echoid-s67" xml:space="preserve">
 stone <lb/>
 sheep <lb/>
 dear <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s68" xml:space="preserve">
 All the 3 stones <lb/>
 of befor are gone.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s69" xml:space="preserve">
 aliter et optime
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 another way, and best
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s70" xml:space="preserve">
 [<emph style="it">Note: 
 For some propositions of Ptolemy, see Add MS 6786, f. 441 to f. 444.
 per Ptolomaicum prop.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 by a proposition of Ptolemy
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 As by experience I have found your singular humainty, by <lb/>
 late conferences, to make good the noble fame of your great learning <lb/>
 so hath itt emboldened me by thro my Lord to request that <lb/>
 you would send me word by this bearer the variation of <lb/>
 the nedle is about Mosco: for at this present I have such <lb/>
 an ympediment fallen into my toes that that I cannot walke <lb/>
 abroade otherwise I had been the presenter of this my <lb/>
 request unto you my selfe. which if it might have been <lb/>
 should then have moved some other questions viz whether it <lb/>
 is probable that the variation ran so in any plane of the world <lb/>
 180 degrees, or the north point of the needle stand directly to the south. <lb/>
 Allso whether a shippe sailing right east, or west
 <emph style="super">by the compasse</emph> keepes upon <lb/>
 a parallell, as the common derived opinion amongst Maryners is, which <lb/>
 I think not because the east and west of the sonne also is a <lb/>
 Tangent to the parallell, but how little soever it so continues in <lb/>
 sailing, it is a portion or [???] of the great circle of the east <lb/>
 and west, and therefore (I conceive) that cannot but decline from the <lb/>
 parallell. But ceasing to trouble you with these manner of <lb/>
 questions, I crave pardon for this my boldnes beseeching [???]
 <s xml:id="echoid-s73" xml:space="preserve">
 Att your command <lb/>
 Jo: Rudston
 <s xml:id="echoid-s74" xml:space="preserve">
 9 Jany. 1615.
 <pb file="0848.jpg" o="424v" n="848"/>
 <pb file="0849.jpg" o="425r" n="849"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div12" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="12">
<s xml:id="echoid-s75" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s75" xml:space="preserve">
 This letter from William Lower to Harriot contains Lower's exctied reactions to Galileo's
 <emph style="it">Siderius nuncius</emph> (1610). He also refers to Kepler's
 <emph style="it">De stella nova</emph> (1606). <lb/>
 He repeats requests for help with questions on Kepler and Viète.
 Such questions were posed in the letter in Add MS 6789, f. 437 to 428v,
 suggesting that this letter is the immediate successor to that one.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s77" xml:space="preserve">
 I gave your letter a double welcome, both be-<lb/>
 cause it came from you and contained newes of <lb/>
 that strange malaze; althoug that which I craved, <lb/>
 you have deferred till another time. me thinkes <lb/>
 my Diligent Galileas hath done more in his three-<lb/>
 fold discourse then Magellane in opening the straights <lb/>
 to the South sea or the Dutch [???] that weare eaten <lb/>
 by beares in nova Zimbla. I am sure with more <lb/>
 ease &amp; saftie to him selfe &amp; more pleasure to me. <lb/>
 I am so affected with this newes as I wish som-<lb/>
 mer were past that I might observe this pheno-<lb/>
 menes also. in the moone I had formerlie observed <lb/>
 a strange spotednesse al over, but had no conceite <lb/>
 that anie parte therof mighte be shadowes; since I <lb/>
 had observed those degrees in the darker partes, of which <lb/>
 the lighter sorte had some resemblance of shadinesse <lb/>
 but that they grow shorter or longer I cannot yet <lb/>
 [???]. there are three starres in orion below the <lb/>
 three on his girdle so much together as they appeared <lb/>
 about, 4. yeares since I was a writing you newes <lb/>
 out of Cornwall of a [???] of a strange phenomenon <lb/>
 but asking some that had better eyes then myself <lb/>
 they told me, they were three starres lying close <lb/>
 together in a right line. thes starres with my <lb/>
 Cylinder this last winter I often observed, and it <lb/>
 was longe er I beleved that I saw them, they <lb/>
 appearinge through the Cylinder so farre &amp; dis-<lb/>
 tinctlie asunder that without I can not yet dis-<lb/>
 sern. the discourse of this made me then observe <lb/>
 the, 7. starres also in, 8. which before I always ra-<lb/>
 ther beleved to be, 7. then such could nomber <lb/>
 them. thorugh my Cylinder I saw thes also plaine <lb/>
 lie and farre asunder, and more then, 7. to, but be-<lb/>
 cause I was preiudge with that number, I beleved <lb/>
 not myne eyes nor was carefull to observe how <lb/>
 manie; the next winter now that you have opened <lb/>
 mine eyes you shall heare much from me of this ar-
 <pb file="0850.jpg" o="425v" n="850"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s78" xml:space="preserve">
 gument. of the third and greatest (that I confese pleased me <lb/>
 most) I have least to say; saving that iust at the instante <lb/>
 But I receaved your letters wee [???] Philosophers <lb/>
 were a consideringe of Keplers *
 <emph style="super">* pag: 106 de nova stella serpentarij</emph>
 reasons by which he indeavours to <lb/>
 overthrow Nolanus and Gilberts opinions concerning the immensitie <lb/>
 of the sphere of the starres and that opinion particularlie of <lb/>
 Nolanus by which he affirmed that the eye beinge placed in <lb/>
 mid popint of the univers the appearances would be still <lb/>
 one as with us here. When I was a sayinge that al-<lb/>
 though Kepler had sayd somethinge to most that might be <lb/>
 urged for that opinion <emph style="super">of Nolanus</emph> yet or our principall thinge he <lb/>
 had not thought; for although it may be true that to the ey <lb/>
 placed in mid starre of, [Cancer], the starres in Capricorne <lb/>
 will vanish, yet yet he hath not therefore so soundlie conlcuded <lb/>
 (as he thinkes) that threfore towards that part of the world <lb/>
 ther wilbe a voidnesse or thin scattering of little starres <lb/>
 wheras els round about ther will appeare huge starres close <lb/>
 thruste together: for sayd I (havinge heard you say often <lb/>
 as much) what if in that huge space betweene the starres <lb/>
 and Saturne, that remaine ever fixed, infinite numbers <lb/>
 which by reason of ther lesser magnitudes doe flee our sight <lb/>
 <emph style="super">
 which may supplie the appearance to the eye that shall be placed in [Cancer] <lb/>
 what if about,
 [Saturn]. [Jupiter]. [Mars]. etc. <lb/>
 ther move other planets also <lb/>
 which appeare not. iust as I was a saying this comes <lb/>
 your letter. which when I had redd, loe, quoth I, what I spoke <lb/>
 probablie experience hath made good; so that we both <lb/>
 with wonder and delight fell a considering your letter. <lb/>
 we are here so on fire with thes things that I must send <lb/>
 my request and your promise to send mee of all sortes <lb/>
 of those Cylinders. my man shal deliver you monie for <lb/>
 anie charge requisite, and contente your man for his <lb/>
 paines &amp; skill. send me so manie as you thinke need <lb/>
 full unto thes observations. send me also one of Galileus <lb/>
 bookes if any yet be come over and you can get them. <lb/>
 Concerning any doubte in Kepler, you see what it is to be <lb/>
 so far from you. what troubled me a month you satisfied in <lb/>
 a minute. I have supplied verie fitlie any wante <lb/>
 of a spheare, in the desolation of a hoghead, for the <lb/>
 hopes therof have framed one and a verie fine one.
 <pb file="0851.jpg" o="426r" n="851"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s79" xml:space="preserve">
 I pray also of your leasure answer the other points <lb/>
 of my last letter concerning Vieta Kepler &amp; your selfe. <lb/>
 I have nothing to presente you in counter, but gra-<lb/>
 titude with a will in act to be usefull unto you and <lb/>
 a power in <foreign xml:lang="lat">proxima potentia</foreign>; which I will not leave <lb/>
 also till I have beoughte <foreign xml:lang="lat">ad actum</foreign>. if you in the meane <lb/>
 time can further it, tell wher in I may doe you <lb/>
 service, and see how wholie you shall dispose of me.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s80" xml:space="preserve">
 Your most assured and loving <lb/>
 friend William Lower
 <s xml:id="echoid-s81" xml:space="preserve">
 Tra'venti the <lb/>
 longest day <lb/>
 of, 1610.
 <pb file="0852.jpg" o="426v" n="852"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s82" xml:space="preserve">
 To his especial good <lb/>
 friend M<emph style="super">r</emph> Thomas Harriot <lb/>
 of Syon neere London.
 <pb file="0853.jpg" o="427r" n="853"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div13" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="13">
<s xml:id="echoid-s83" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s83" xml:space="preserve">
 Unfortunately, the opening of this letter is now lost. <lb/>
 In it, Lower requests help with his reading of Kepler. <lb/>
 He also asks for help with understanding some problems from Viète.
 He has evidently already received some notes from Harriot on one or both of the Appendices to Viète's
 <emph style="it">Apollonius Gallus</emph> (1600);
 see Add MS 6785, f. 64, f. 64v, f. 355, and Add MS 6784, f. 331.
 Here Lower asks in particular about Problem V from Appendix II:
 <quote xml:lang="lat">
 Dato triangulo, invenire punctum, a quo ad apices dati trianguli
 actae tres lineae rectae imperatam teneant rationem.
 Given a triangle, to find a point from which there may be drawn
 three straight lines to the apices of the given triangle, keeping a fixed ratio.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s85" xml:space="preserve">
 &amp; in mars is too longe &amp; in some of the other <lb/>
 planets may be longe againe so in thos commets that <lb/>
 did <emph style="super">appeare</emph> fixed the ellipsis may be neere a right line.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s86" xml:space="preserve">
 3. his phansie of <foreign xml:lang="lat">ecliptica media</foreign>
 or his <foreign xml:lang="lat">via regia</foreign> of the <lb/>
 sun. [???] such the walke of al the other planets is obliq <lb/>
 moreor lesse; each ther <foreign xml:lang="lat">ecliptica vera</foreign> under which the <lb/>
 earth walkes his [???] [???]; by which he solves <lb/>
 handsomelie the [???] of the starres latitudes. <lb/>
 Indeed I am much delighted with his booke but he is <lb/>
 so tough in manie places as I cannot bite him. I <lb/>
 pray write me some instructions in your next, <lb/>
 how I may deale with him to once master him <lb/>
 for I am readie to take paines. <foreign xml:lang="lat">te modo jura</foreign> <lb/>
 <foreign xml:lang="lat">dantem [???] indigeo, dictatorem exposco</foreign>. <lb/>
 But on his booke I am much out of love with thes <lb/>
 particulars. 1. his manie and intollerable <lb/>
 atechnics. whence derive thos manie &amp; uncertaine as-<lb/>
 sayes of calculation. 2. his finding fault with <lb/>
 Vieta for mending the like things in Ptol: Cop: etc. <lb/>
 but se the iustice Vieta speakes slightlie of Co-<lb/>
 pernicus a greater then Atlas. Kepler speakes as <lb/>
 slightlie of Vieta, a greater then Appollonius whom <lb/>
 Kepler [???] much admires. for whosoever can <lb/>
 doe thos things that Kepler cannot doe, shalbe <lb/>
 to him great Appollonius. but enough of Kepler <lb/>
 let me once againe entreate your counsel how <lb/>
 to read him with best profit, for I am wholie <lb/>
 possessed with Astronomical speculations &amp; desires. <lb/>
 for your declaration of Vieta's appendicle it is so <lb/>
 full and plaine as you have aboundantlie satisfyed <lb/>
 my desire. for such I yield you the thankes <lb/>
 I ought. onlie in a worde tell me whether by it <lb/>
 he can solve Copernicus, 5 cap: of his 5 booke.
 <pb file="0854.jpg" o="427v" n="854"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s87" xml:space="preserve">
 the last of Vieta's problemes you have to speake <lb/>
 of because (you say) I had a letter of you, which was <lb/>
 more universal and more easilie demonstrated, and fi-<lb/>
 deth the point, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>E</mi></mstyle></math>. as wel out of the plaine of the tri-<lb/>
 angle given, as in the plaine. I pray here holpe <lb/>
 my memorie or understandinge, for although I have <lb/>
 bethought my selfe <foreign xml:lang="lat">usque ad insania</foreign>; I cannot admember <lb/>
 or conceave what proposition you meane. if I have <lb/>
 had such a one of you, tel me what one it is and by <lb/>
 what tokens I may know it. for you know how much I love <lb/>
 your things and of all ways of teaching for richnesse <lb/>
 &amp; fullnesse for stuffe &amp; forme, yours unto me are <lb/>
 incomparablie most satisfactorie. if your leasure give <lb/>
 you time importe also unto me somewhat els of your <lb/>
 riches in this argument.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s88" xml:space="preserve">
 Let me intreate you advise &amp; direct this bearer <lb/>
 Mr Vaughan wher and how to provide himselfe of a <lb/>
 fit sphere; that by the contemplation of that our <lb/>
 imaginations here may be extended in manie spe-<lb/>
 culations that perplexe our understandings with dia-<lb/>
 grammes <foreign xml:lang="lat">in plano</foreign>. He hath monie to provide doe <lb/>
 you but tell him wher they are to be had and what <lb/>
 manner of sphere (I meane with what &amp; how many <lb/>
 circles) wilbe most usefull for us to thes studies. <lb/>
 after all this I must needs tell you my sorrowes. god <lb/>
 that gave him, hath taken from me my onlie sun, by con-<lb/>
 tinual &amp; strange fits of epylepsie or Apolepsie, when <lb/>
 in appearance, as he was most pleasant &amp; good, <emph style="super">he</emph> was most <lb/>
 healthie. but amongst other things, I have learnt of you to <lb/>
 setle &amp; submit my desires to the will of god; onlie my <lb/>
 wife with more greife beares this affliction, yet now againe <lb/>
 she begins to be comforted. let me heare from you
 <pb file="0855.jpg" o="428r" n="855"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s89" xml:space="preserve">
 and according to you leasure &amp; friendshippe have di-<lb/>
 rections in the course of studies I am in. above al <lb/>
 things take care of your health. keepe correspon-<lb/>
 dence with Kepler. &amp; whereinsoever you can have <lb/>
 use of me, require it with all libertie. soe I sign <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s90" xml:space="preserve">
 your assured &amp; true friend to be <lb/>
 used in all things that you please <lb/>
 Willm Lower
 <s xml:id="echoid-s91" xml:space="preserve">
 Tra'venti on Mount Martin <lb/>
 6. february. 1610
 <pb file="0856.jpg" o="428v" n="856"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s92" xml:space="preserve">
 To his especiall good <lb/>
 friend M<emph style="super">r</emph> Tho: Harryot <lb/>
 at Sion neere London.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s93" xml:space="preserve">
 Receaved by Mr <lb/>
 Phillip Vahan within <lb/>
 the myle of S.W.L. <lb/>
 at M<emph style="super">r</emph> [???] <lb/>
 March. 10. <lb/>
 To be enquired of M<emph style="super">r</emph> Hall <lb/>
 where he lyes.
 <pb file="0857.jpg" o="429r" n="857"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div14" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="14">
<s xml:id="echoid-s94" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s94" xml:space="preserve">
 The book discussed on the first page of this letter was the <emph style="it">Trigonometria</emph>
 of Bartholomaeus Pitiscus.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s96" xml:space="preserve">
 S<emph style="super">r</emph> I never loved huntinge till you furnished mee <lb/>
 with dogs. I will henceforward prove myself another [???] <lb/>
 inded I soughte both arkes and tangents in the tables by pro-<lb/>
 portion onlie. so in a worde you have made me see <lb/>
 my faulte. or, 2. or, 3. more you have taught me to <lb/>
 amende it. onlie your sure dog Pitiscus will not <lb/>
 come into my sighte: but after a weekes vaine anger <lb/>
 and paines in seeking for him I found at last it <lb/>
 was not the poor Currs faulte but M<emph style="super">r</emph> Bills that <lb/>
 sending me the * <emph style="super">* printed, 1608</emph> second edition of the Trigonometria <lb/>
 sent me onlie the tables; so as turning the pages <lb/>
 75. 76. 78. 79. of the * <emph style="super">* printed, 1600</emph> first edition which is all I have <lb/>
 I found no such thinge as you cited nor no such <lb/>
 examples as you added. This is <emph style="super">not</emph> the first time that <lb/>
 Bill hath sent me imperfect copies. I pray let him <lb/>
 understand so much. so, you see I am defeated of the <lb/>
 Curre dog; <emph style="super">such indeed is not enough to give me satisfaction</emph>
 saving what I pick out of your letter. <lb/>
 let Kitt: when he goes next to London speake to <lb/>
 Bill or at the Blackfriers for a perfect copy of Pitiscus. <lb/>
 my brother the capitaine will sende it to mee speedilie.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s97" xml:space="preserve">
 the touch that you give of your doctrine of <lb/>
 differences of differences or triangular nombers en-<lb/>
 amours me of them. wherein to understand somethinge <lb/>
 I will one day be a beggar unto you.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s98" xml:space="preserve">
 Your dog that hunts by the sines onlie and I, am <lb/>
 growen familiare and he is an excellent dog: but <lb/>
 your shee bitch hath no fellow for [???], onlie <lb/>
 she is slow. I had not lost hir, but knew hir <lb/>
 goodnesse wel enough. the reason why I did not <lb/>
 use hir in the former workes, was because beinge in <lb/>
 way of calculation by the tables onlie, in that practise <lb/>
 I indevored to cleare that way of all rules, also be <lb/>
 cause of conceaving it to be the shortest I hastened <lb/>
 (so greedie was my desire) to see the issue of my <lb/>
 worke. so that by the assistance of thes dogs of yours <lb/>
 I grow so confident as to undertake to pursue in <lb/>
 chace anie game; but then onlie I shalbe sure that <lb/>
 nothinge do escape me, when you shall please <lb/>
 to imparte unto me a brach of your triangular kinde.
 <pb file="0858.jpg" o="429v" n="858"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s99" xml:space="preserve">
 I need not be so curious to send you my doubts <foreign xml:lang="lat">in</foreign> <lb/>
 <foreign xml:lang="lat">individuo</foreign>; for howsoever, you satisfy me
 <foreign xml:lang="lat">in puncto</foreign>: <lb/>
 as you have done now. neverthelesse because you require <lb/>
 it I have sente them <emph style="super">in</emph> two supplements. the one with <lb/>
 my letter that you have alreadie, theother with this <lb/>
 which unless you had remembered me of, I should have <lb/>
 omitted againe.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s100" xml:space="preserve">
 my worke is crowned now you allow of it and indeed <lb/>
 ther wanted in me neither will not industrie to ac-<lb/>
 complish it nor in you will nor skill to instruct mee <lb/>
 in the sacred wayes of arte. be you therfore ever of <lb/>
 mee incomparablie respected or be I not att all.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s101" xml:space="preserve">
 you have recomforted mee much to intimate <emph style="super">that</emph> greate <lb/>
 difference in any workes will discover a further mis-<lb/>
 terie: for I was almost dismaied to find the second <lb/>
 observations give an Aphelic difference for the former. 3. <lb/>
 or, 4. digress.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s102" xml:space="preserve">
 of this later worke I send you all the nombers given <lb/>
 and found, and had also manie more by this time <lb/>
 if the impossible issue of this last worke had not <lb/>
 stayed my proceedinge till I rceaved your [???] <lb/>
 of it. if you direct me I will proceede to doe them <lb/>
 all for I am growen verie experte in this calculation.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s103" xml:space="preserve">
 I did not mistake that, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>α</mi><mi>β</mi></mstyle></math> in the diagramme I <lb/>
 sent you was double the eccentricitie. and therfore be <lb/>
 fore the receipte of your letter in this second worke <lb/>
 I had placed, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>β</mi></mstyle></math>. at the center and, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>Ï&#137;</mi></mstyle></math> at the centroid <lb/>
 not onlie that, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>α</mi><mi>β</mi></mstyle></math>. mighte still remaine with Kepler the <lb/>
 single eccentricitie but I make it also corresponde <lb/>
 with your viceroyall probleme. beare with this anno<lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s104" xml:space="preserve">
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>β</mi></mstyle></math>, at the center. <lb/>
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>Ï&#137;</mi></mstyle></math>, at the centroyd.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s105" xml:space="preserve">
 Concerning the Joveall starres I wilbe workinge of <lb/>
 the last because I had nothinge to write. for indeede <lb/>
 although to both I and the young Philosopher at [???] <lb/>
 have often and in verie cleare nights (when Preserpe <lb/>
 was most plaine to bee seene without the Cylinder) when <lb/>
 wee I say have often diligentlie observed iupiter wee <lb/>
 could [???] see anie thinge. I impute it, to the dullness <lb/>
 of my sighte for onlie with your greate glasse I could see <lb/>
 them in London.
 <pb file="0859.jpg" o="430r" n="859"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s106" xml:space="preserve">
 that you have made so manie excellent observations of <lb/>
 them I am most glad of. for you have gotten the starte <lb/>
 of all in linkinge ther periods.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s107" xml:space="preserve">
 ther periods are verie [???] especiallie that of Jovi proxi-<lb/>
 mus whos situation is also is no lesse [???] beinge <emph style="st">[???]</emph> <lb/>
 <emph style="st">[???]</emph> not one diameter of Jupiter of from him.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s108" xml:space="preserve">
 of thes things and thos other <foreign xml:lang="lat">mirabilia quæ indices [???]</foreign> <lb/>
 I longe to bee with you to discourse of them.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s109" xml:space="preserve">
 my wiffe is well, now you know all my comfortes. I have <lb/>
 lost my second boy also and wel neare, 80. catle of the <lb/>
 murraine &amp; they die still. now you know all my dis-<lb/>
 comfortes and losses. faerwell and lett not the huge-<lb/>
 nesse of this missive discourage from readinge of it. <lb/>
 doe <emph style="super">it</emph> at leasure and by peeces accordinge to your best <lb/>
 opportunities. and sometimes use the power you have in <lb/>
 mee, which is to dispose of mee accordinge to the utmost <lb/>
 of all or anie of my abilities.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s110" xml:space="preserve">
 Your faithfull friend <lb/>
 Willm Lower
 <s xml:id="echoid-s111" xml:space="preserve">
 Tra'venti <lb/>
 4. March. <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s112" xml:space="preserve">
 by the helpe of your dogs, I will renew all those workes <lb/>
 of anie that exhibite the distance in the ellipses æquall or <lb/>
 nearest to the same distance found before (for the workes <lb/>
 uppon the former positions of, [Mars]. in the eccentricke, which were <lb/>
 onlie to find out this, I thinke you care not for) and when <lb/>
 I have perfected them, I will send them unto you with all <lb/>
 the nombers given and found, whether the question consent or <lb/>
 no, since you so require it.
 <pb file="0860.jpg" o="430v" n="860"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s113" xml:space="preserve">
 1. <lb/>
 To his singular good <lb/>
 friend M<emph style="super">r</emph> Thomas Harriot <lb/>
 at Sion.
 <pb file="0861.jpg" o="431r" n="861"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div15" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="15">
<s xml:id="echoid-s114" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s114" xml:space="preserve">
 As in his letter of 6 February 1610, Lower is again concerned with problem 5 from Appendix II of
 Viète's <emph style="it">Apollonius Gallus</emph>.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s116" xml:space="preserve">
 I so overwhelmed you the last time with a longe <lb/>
 letter, as it is iust I should make you amends <lb/>
 now with one as shorte. to send you none att all <lb/>
 (which perchance had been lost consideringe the use you <lb/>
 have of all your time) I could not consent unto, <lb/>
 out of the addiction and delighte I have to be still con<lb/>
 versinge with you. therfore I will onlie signifie <lb/>
 how it is with us and so an end. my course of cal-<lb/>
 culation I have stopte untill I heare from you; the two <lb/>
 greate causes of my stay I declared in my last let<lb/>
 ters. I fell since into Vieta's last probleme of his <lb/>
 second apendicle Apol: Gal: and compared his way with <lb/>
 yours that you last gave me: but to confesse a <lb/>
 truth I can have my will of neither; and the <lb/>
 probleme appeares to me not universall but requires <lb/>
 determination. for let the, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>b</mi><mi>a</mi></mstyle></math> given, have the same <lb/>
 sides, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>a</mi><mi>b</mi></mstyle></math>. <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>a</mi><mi>c</mi></mstyle></math>. that Vieta's hath and lett, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>v</mi><mo>ʹ</mo></mstyle></math>, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>s</mi><mo>ʺ</mo></mstyle></math>. be the <lb/>
 same that Vieta gives; now I will give a, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mo>Δ</mo></mstyle></math> <lb/>
 that shall have thos sides, so it shalbe impossible <lb/>
 to finde anie pointe, from whence lines drawen unto <lb/>
 the corners be in the given rate. and that is by <lb/>
 givein a, <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mo>Δ</mo></mstyle></math>. with the same sides <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>a</mi><mi>b</mi></mstyle></math>. <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>a</mi><mi>c</mi></mstyle></math>.
 but <emph style="super">onlie</emph> such <emph style="super">a</emph><lb/>
 <emph style="super">position</emph> as the [angle] <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>b</mi><mi>a</mi><mi>c</mi></mstyle></math> <emph style="super">be</emph>
 <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mo>&gt;</mo></mstyle></math> or <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mo>&lt;</mo></mstyle></math> then Vieta's [angle] <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mi>b</mi><mi>a</mi><mi>c</mi></mstyle></math>. in such measure <lb/>
 as Vieta's two circles doe neither cut nor touch. this <lb/>
 rubbe put me out of this course. whereuppon I betooke <lb/>
 me to yoru problemes for the distinguishinge of the sides <lb/>
 of <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mo>Δ</mo></mstyle></math><emph style="super">les</emph> whether the summe or difference of the sides <lb/>
 and the angle adjacente or contained with the other <lb/>
 side were given. in this I proceed still with much <lb/>
 pleasure and satisfaction. I have also putt in order <lb/>
 all thos propositions which you also gave me, but I <lb/>
 had copied in lose papers &amp; with ill diagrammes <lb/>
 so that all those thinges stand well and so I thanke god <lb/>
 doe we also. Excepte my catle which have all this <lb/>
 winter been persecuted wiht the Murraine. since <lb/>
 Christmas verie neare I have lost, 100. beasts; Vieta's <lb/>
 sacrifice <emph style="super">to the witch Melusina</emph> for the invention of our probleme. but <lb/>
 I scarce keepe my promise with you. farewell. <lb/>
 I am all yours. Willm. Lower.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s117" xml:space="preserve">
 Tra'venti; 3. <lb/>
 April. 1611.
 <pb file="0862.jpg" o="431v" n="862"/>
 <pb file="0863.jpg" o="432r" n="863"/>
 <pb file="0864.jpg" o="432v" n="864"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s118" xml:space="preserve">
 To his special good <lb/>
 friend M<emph style="super">r</emph> Thomas <lb/>
 Harriott. dd. this.
 <pb file="0865.jpg" o="433r" n="865"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s119" xml:space="preserve">
 Since you incourage me so much I will proceded in <lb/>
 thos calculations of, [Mars]. and as I finish anie I will <lb/>
 send them unto you. indeed to find the issue so <lb/>
 [???] and in the later so impossible to be re-<lb/>
 conciled had utterlie discouraged me, but that <lb/>
 now by your letter I perceave ther may bee good <lb/>
 use made such of ther discordance; therfore of <lb/>
 this I will say no more till I send you more. <lb/>
 the leasure that the countrie life affordeth us here <lb/>
 hath given me meanes to run over manie things <lb/>
 since I left the course of calculation; but amongst <lb/>
 others the, 3. vexations of scientificall mortals hath <lb/>
 held me most to wit the squaringe of the circle the <lb/>
 dubblinge of the Cube and the Philosophers stone. from the <lb/>
 two first I am come of handsomelie enough and <lb/>
 have made my selfe much sporte in the discove-<lb/>
 rie of mine owne parallogismes. but in the later <lb/>
 I sticke still and am like to make you sporte <lb/>
 ere I come fairelie of. but indeed I have here <lb/>
 much otime and therfore I may cast awaye some <lb/>
 of it in vaine pursuites. chusynge alwayes ra-<lb/>
 ther to doe somethinge worth nothinge then no-<lb/>
 thinge att all. How farre I had proceeded in <lb/>
 this, I ment now to have given you an account, <lb/>
 but that the report of the unfortunate erles re-<lb/>
 lapse into calamitie make me beleve that <lb/>
 you are enough troubled both with his misfortuntes <lb/>
 and my La: troubles; and so a discourse of this <lb/>
 nature would be unseasonable. neverthelesse <lb/>
 give me leave to crave a worde or two in <lb/>
 answere of thes doubts which I will breifelie pro <lb/>
 pound as followeth
 <s xml:id="echoid-s120" xml:space="preserve">
 1. first whether, [sun]. and, [moon].
 bodies so difficulte <lb/>
 be dissolved as alchimists affirme. I meane <lb/>
 by dissolution(as I thinke they doe) that they <emph style="super">meane</emph> must <lb/>
 bee putrified and distilled.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s121" xml:space="preserve">
 2. if they may be dissolved, whether with one simple <lb/>
 alone or with manie.
 <pb file="0866.jpg" o="433v" n="866"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s122" xml:space="preserve">
 3. if they may bee dissolved and putrifyed. whe-<lb/>
 ther ther rectifyed partes beinge conjoyned a-<lb/>
 gaine wilbe multiplied in virtue.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s123" xml:space="preserve">
 4. and lastlie that which should have bene asked <lb/>
 first, <foreign xml:lang="lat">an sit Elixir</foreign>.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s124" xml:space="preserve">
 but at this time this much is to much. I am <lb/>
 sorrie to heare of the new troubles that and <lb/>
 pray for a good issue of them especiallie for <lb/>
 my La: sake and hir five litle ones. so for <lb/>
 the presente I rest as of old <lb/>
 your true friend <lb/>
 Willm Lower
 <s xml:id="echoid-s125" xml:space="preserve">
 Tra'venti, 19. <lb/>
 July. friday. <lb/>
 <pb file="0867.jpg" o="434r" n="867"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s126" xml:space="preserve">
 <pb file="0868.jpg" o="434v" n="868"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s127" xml:space="preserve">
 To his especiall good <lb/>
 freind M<emph style="super">r</emph> Thomas Har-<lb/>
 riott att Sion.
 <pb file="0869.jpg" o="435r" n="869"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s128" xml:space="preserve">
 M<emph style="super">r</emph> Harriot, when you were last in tonne you gave me thes two <lb/>
 followinge comparisons
 <s xml:id="echoid-s129" xml:space="preserve">
 which have assisted mee powerfullie in all Cubicke æquations, both to know <lb/>
 how manie and what the rootes are.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s130" xml:space="preserve">
 evre sine I left you, I have bine puslelinge to resolve that biqua-<lb/>
 drate æquation of the intercepted line I was in hand withall at Sion <lb/>
 wich drawe mee into the speculation of all boqiadrate æquations, whence I <lb/>
 have spent all my time all my paper and all my witt and in <lb/>
 vaine. <foreign xml:lang="lat">itaque</foreign> for <foreign xml:lang="lat">opem obsecro</foreign>.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s131" xml:space="preserve">
 doe but send mee some shorte instructions (such as above which you <lb/>
 gave me once for Cubicks) to signifie unto mee what comparisons <lb/>
 ther are betweene the partes of biquadrate æquations, when the <lb/>
 rootes are one, tow, three, or four, æquall or unæquall. and then <lb/>
 leave mee to pusle anon. if you helpe mee not my three <lb/>
 months speculation, will perish lamentablie.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s132" xml:space="preserve">
 your sure friend Willm Lower
 <pb file="0870.jpg" o="435v" n="870"/>
 <pb file="0871.jpg" o="436r" n="871"/>
 <pb file="0872.jpg" o="436v" n="872"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s133" xml:space="preserve">
 To his verie lovinge friend <lb/>
 M<emph style="super">r</emph> Thomas Harriott att Sion
 <s xml:id="echoid-s134" xml:space="preserve">
 The one window is 8.<emph style="super">foote</emph> <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>6</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>7</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math> glass <lb/>
 The leade [???] <lb/>
 withe the bands
 <s xml:id="echoid-s135" xml:space="preserve">
 lead for glass
 <pb file="0873.jpg" o="437r" n="873"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s136" xml:space="preserve">
 stil I find that your counsel is alwayes to be followed <lb/>
 for havinge plaied seaveanighte I easilie found <lb/>
 out the equation, which before (darante tetelinge) I <lb/>
 could never doe
 <s xml:id="echoid-s137" xml:space="preserve">
 I am so fresh now as mee thinkes I can find out anie <lb/>
 thinge. I am much in love withe the reason of con-<lb/>
 struction of your table of proportionals; if when I <lb/>
 come next unto you, you would be pleased to make <lb/>
 me understand it, I shoulde be much beholdinge unto <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s138" xml:space="preserve">
 Yours in all thinges that he is able <lb/>
 Willm Lower
 <s xml:id="echoid-s139" xml:space="preserve">
 12<emph style="super">th</emph> day.
 <pb file="0874.jpg" o="437v" n="874"/>
 <pb file="0875.jpg" o="438r" n="875"/>
 <pb file="0876.jpg" o="438v" n="876"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s140" xml:space="preserve">
 To his verie deare <lb/>
 friend M<emph style="super">r</emph> Thomas <lb/>
 Harriot. Sion.
 <pb file="0877.jpg" o="439r" n="877"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s141" xml:space="preserve">
 Good M<emph style="super">r</emph> Hariotts. Bycause I have noe other <lb/>
 newes to send you, you shall only recealv the bare relacion <lb/>
 of our voyage from Chatham to Margatt att the North-<lb/>
 forland. Which I can tell you in breiffe, though it was to us <lb/>
 (new seamen) very tedious. for wee went on baord the <lb/>
 sixt of Apr. and have but now arrived att the forland <lb/>
 the. 15. which you will say is very longe; but that you know <lb/>
 the danger of the sands, and contrarie windes too, if those <lb/>
 att Sion agree with those att sea. I have laerned here <lb/>
 certaine strange words amonge the Mariners, which to <lb/>
 interpret will require some tyme. If wee had bene <lb/>
 att Slushinge I mought perhaps have told you <lb/>
 now, but I could forebeare writinge to you noe <lb/>
 longer, though to little purpose, savinge only to <lb/>
 lett <emph style="st">lett</emph> you understand, that wheresoever I am, I am <lb/>
 bound to remember you, and god rest
 <s xml:id="echoid-s142" xml:space="preserve">
 your very loyteringe but <lb/>
 lovinge shollar <lb/>
 Thomas Aylesburie
 <s xml:id="echoid-s143" xml:space="preserve">
 Margatt. 15. April. <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s144" xml:space="preserve">
 I must not forget to tell you, your <lb/>
 glasses have fitted my lo. excellentlie well; <lb/>
 and so, as I feare you will loose them <lb/>
 both; but not without your own consent, which I <lb/>
 <emph style="st">hope is</emph> have noe auctoritie to promise till <emph style="st">wee</emph> <lb/>
 you give leave.
 <pb file="0878.jpg" o="439v" n="878"/>
 <pb file="0879.jpg" o="440r" n="879"/>
 <pb file="0880.jpg" o="440v" n="880"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s145" xml:space="preserve">
 To my assured good <lb/>
 freind M<emph style="super">r</emph> Thomas <lb/>
 Hariots at Sion <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s146" xml:space="preserve">
 Rec. Aprill. <lb/>
 24. th
 <pb file="0881.jpg" o="441r" n="881"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s147" xml:space="preserve">
 Three reasons to prove that there <lb/>
 is a passage from the Northwest <lb/>
 into the South sea.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s148" xml:space="preserve">
 1. The tydes in Port Nelson (where S<emph style="super">r</emph> Tho: Button did <lb/>
 winter) move constantly. 15, or. 18. foote; which is not <lb/>
 found in any Bays Throughout the world but <lb/>
 in such seas as lie open att both ends to the mayne <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s149" xml:space="preserve">
 2. Every strong westerne winde did bring into the <lb/>
 Harbor where he wintered, so much water, that the <lb/>
 Neap-tydes were æquall to the Spring-tydes, <lb/>
 notwithstanding that the Harbor was open only to the E. N. E.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s150" xml:space="preserve">
 3. In coming out of the harbor, shaping his course, <lb/>
 directly North, about, 60, degrees, he found a <lb/>
 strong race of a tyde, setting due East &amp; West, <lb/>
 which in probabilitie could be noe other thing, than the <lb/>
 tyde coming from the West, and retourning from <lb/>
 the East.
 <pb file="0882.jpg" o="441v" n="882"/>
 <pb file="0883.jpg" o="442r" n="883"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s151" xml:space="preserve">
 S<emph style="super">r</emph>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s152" xml:space="preserve">
 These shall request you to forgive my absence <lb/>
 untill tomorrowe. Then I shall give you a <lb/>
 more particular accounte of my discourse with Maysone <lb/>
 in the meane time I shall lett you knowe <lb/>
 that he cannot possibly com to London, thoughe <lb/>
 he have many occasions to invite him to it <lb/>
 but he desires much to see you there: <lb/>
 but betweene this and tuesday he will <lb/>
 send you under his hand, the methode that <lb/>
 he wolde advise you in the cure: Tomorrow <lb/>
 I shall see you my selfe in the meane <lb/>
 time I remaine
 <s xml:id="echoid-s153" xml:space="preserve">
 Your assured frende <lb/>
 Sam Turner
 <pb file="0884.jpg" o="442v" n="884"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s154" xml:space="preserve">
 To his very good <lb/>
 frende M<emph style="super">r</emph> <lb/>
 Hariot give <lb/>
 <pb file="0885.jpg" o="443r" n="885"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s155" xml:space="preserve">
 S<emph style="super">r</emph>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s156" xml:space="preserve">
 Though I have bene yet soe little a while att <lb/>
 new markett, that I have not any thing of <lb/>
 moment to ympart; yet I thinke it not amisse <lb/>
 to write a bare salutacions, and to let you know, that <lb/>
 in theise wearie iourneys I am oftentimes comforted <lb/>
 with the remembrance of your kind [???] and paynes <lb/>
 bestowed on your loytering scholar, whose little <lb/>
 credit in the way of learning is allwaies under-<lb/>
 propped with the anme of soe worthy a Maister. <lb/>
 The Comet being spent, the talke of it still <lb/>
 runnes current here; The Kings M<emph style="super">a</emph>. before my <lb/>
 comming spake with one of Cambridge called <lb/>
 Olarentia, (a name able to beget belief of <lb/>
 some extraordinarie qualities) but what satis-<lb/>
 faction he gave, I cannot yet learne; here are <lb/>
 papers out of Spayne about it, yea and from <lb/>
 Roome, which I will endeavour to gett, and meane <lb/>
 that you shall partake of the newes as tyme [???].
 <foreign xml:lang="lat">Cura ut valeas et me amos</foreign>, who am ever <lb/>
 trulie and unfaynedly at your commande. <lb/>
 Tho: Aylesburie.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s157" xml:space="preserve">
 Newmarkett. 19. <lb/>
 Jan. 1618/1619.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s158" xml:space="preserve">
 Oleren Shaw <lb/>
 Mr Booth.
 <pb file="0886.jpg" o="443v" n="886"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s159" xml:space="preserve">
 To my right worthie <lb/>
 frend M<emph style="super">r</emph> Thomas Harriots <lb/>
 att Syon <lb/>
 [???] <lb/>
 from Newmarkett
 <pb file="0887.jpg" o="444r" n="887"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s160" xml:space="preserve">
 tui amantissimus <lb/>
 Gulielmus Laurus
 <s xml:id="echoid-s161" xml:space="preserve">
 Tra'venti <lb/>
 Januar: 15.
 <pb file="0888.jpg" o="444v" n="888"/>
 <pb file="0889.jpg" o="445r" n="889"/>
 <pb file="0890.jpg" o="445v" n="890"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s162" xml:space="preserve">
 To his especiall good freind <lb/>
 M<emph style="super">r</emph> Thomas Harriott at Sion
 <pb file="0891.jpg" o="446r" n="891"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s163" xml:space="preserve">
 Tui amantissimus et observantissimus <lb/>
 T. H. <lb/>
 Syon <emph style="st">[???]</emph> 1615. <lb/>
 Novemb. 4.
 <pb file="0892.jpg" o="446v" n="892"/>
 <pb file="0893.jpg" o="447r" n="893"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s164" xml:space="preserve">
 Tui amantissimus <lb/>
 TH <lb/>
 Syon. April. 5. 1616.
 <pb file="0894.jpg" o="447v" n="894"/>
 <pb file="0895.jpg" o="448r" n="895"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div16" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="16">
<s xml:id="echoid-s165" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s165" xml:space="preserve">
 The first page of an inventory of Harriot's books and papers, compiled after his death in 1621.
 <pb file="0896.jpg" o="448v" n="896"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div17" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="17">
<s xml:id="echoid-s167" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s167" xml:space="preserve">
 A continuation of the inventory of Harriot's books and papers, compiled after his death in 1621.
 <pb file="0897.jpg" o="449r" n="897"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div18" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="18">
<s xml:id="echoid-s169" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s169" xml:space="preserve">
 A continuation of the inventory of Harriot's books and papers, compiled after his death in 1621.
 <pb file="0898.jpg" o="449v" n="898"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s171" xml:space="preserve">
 [???] <lb/>
 A note of the papers <lb/>
 and bookes in Mr Harriots <lb/>
 trunke delivered to Mr <lb/>
 <pb file="0899.jpg" o="450r" n="899"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div19" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="19">
<s xml:id="echoid-s172" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s172" xml:space="preserve">
 A continuation of the inventory of Harriot's books and papers, compiled after his death in 1621.
 <pb file="0900.jpg" o="450v" n="900"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s174" xml:space="preserve">
 Notes of papers of Mr Harriots <lb/>
 delivered to Mr Toproley.
 <pb file="0901.jpg" o="451r" n="901"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s175" xml:space="preserve">
 3. <lb/>
 To his verie good friend <lb/>
 M<emph style="super">r</emph> Tho: Harriot
 <pb file="0902.jpg" o="451v" n="902"/>
 <pb file="0903.jpg" o="452r" n="903"/>
 <pb file="0904.jpg" o="452v" n="904"/>
 <pb file="0905.jpg" o="453r" n="905"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s176" xml:space="preserve">
 Broomefield my lo: <lb/>
 Southhamptons man
 <s xml:id="echoid-s177" xml:space="preserve">
 A catalogue of bookes of fortification <lb/>
 for my L. of Southhampton.
 <pb file="0906.jpg" o="453v" n="906"/>
 <pb file="0907.jpg" o="454r" n="907"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s178" xml:space="preserve">
 Dulce. <lb/>
 Acidum. eger. soure. shaarpe. <lb/>
 acerbum. <emph style="st">eger</emph>. soure. <emph style="st">soure. tart.</emph> <lb/>
 austerum. sour. tart. harsh. <lb/>
 acre. egre. sour. sharp. tart. fell. <lb/>
 salsu, <lb/>
 amarum. <lb/>
 <pb file="0908.jpg" o="454v" n="908"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s179" xml:space="preserve">
 calidum et siccum <lb/>
 Humidum et Calidum <lb/>
 frigidum et humidum <lb/>
 siccum et frigidum
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 hot and dry <lb/>
 wet and hot <lb/>
 cold and wet <lb/>
 dry and cold
 <pb file="0909.jpg" o="455r" n="909"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s180" xml:space="preserve">
 Inopinabilis mars
 <s xml:id="echoid-s181" xml:space="preserve">
 oho, trahit musas. <lb/>
 oho, trahis, mutas. <lb/>
 oho, sum charitas.
 <pb file="0910.jpg" o="455v" n="910"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div20" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="20">
<s xml:id="echoid-s182" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s182" xml:space="preserve">
 The two sentences in ink at the bottom of the page are anagrams of one another. <lb/>
 The letters of the two sentences are listed on Add MS 6789, f. 456 and also on Add MS 6788, f. 251v. <lb/>
 There are further jottings on the page in pencil or charcoal on this and subsequent folios,
 Add MS 6789, f. 456 to f. 459.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s184" xml:space="preserve">
 reptu immutato <lb/>
 lunæ magnæ ut primum totæ similes umbris <lb/>
 umbræe magnæ, totæ ut primum similes lunis
 <pb file="0911.jpg" o="456r" n="911"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div21" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="21">
<s xml:id="echoid-s185" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s185" xml:space="preserve">
 A list of the 37 letters in the two sentences in ink on the previous folio, Add MS 6789, f. 455v.
 The same letters appear again on Add MS 6788, f. 251v.
 <pb file="0912.jpg" o="456v" n="912"/>
 <pb file="0913.jpg" o="457r" n="913"/>
 <pb file="0914.jpg" o="457v" n="914"/>
 <pb file="0915.jpg" o="458r" n="915"/>
 <pb file="0916.jpg" o="458v" n="916"/>
 <pb file="0917.jpg" o="459r" n="917"/>
 <pb file="0918.jpg" o="459v" n="918"/>
 <pb file="0919.jpg" o="460r" n="919"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s187" xml:space="preserve">
 [???] how happy mayst thou be, &amp; yet what <emph style="super">now</emph> more answerable.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s188" xml:space="preserve">
 <pb file="0920.jpg" o="460v" n="920"/>
 <pb file="0921.jpg" o="461r" n="921"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head8" xml:space="preserve">
 Job. 19. v. 25. &amp;c.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s189" xml:space="preserve">
 Et ego novi meum redemptorem meum viventum [etc.]
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 I know that my redemeer lives [etc.]
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s190" xml:space="preserve">
 26. Et post [etc.]
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 26. And after [etc.]
 <pb file="0922.jpg" o="461v" n="922"/>
 <pb file="0923.jpg" o="462r" n="923"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head9" xml:space="preserve">
 Of Architecture SWL
 <s xml:id="echoid-s191" xml:space="preserve">
 In building there is this rule præscribed by architectes <lb/>
 that the second story is in hight <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math> of the first, &amp; the third <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math> of <lb/>
 the second.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s192" xml:space="preserve">
 The reason is: supposing the first to be Doricke with his <lb/>
 complements <emph style="super">to the top of the corniss</emph>.
 The second must be Ionicke. And then understand <lb/>
 that the <emph style="super">side of the</emph> base of the pedistall of the Ionicke be æquall to the diameter <lb/>
 of the Doricke base, because solid must be upon solid, &amp; then the <lb/>
 rest of the Ionicke worke in proportion will make the sayd <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math>.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s193" xml:space="preserve">
 The third must be Corinthian. &amp; the base of his pedistall <lb/>
 must be æquall to the diameter of the Ionick piller &amp; the rest <lb/>
 with the complements will also bringe forth the sayd <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mfrac><mrow><mn>3</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>4</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math>.
 <pb file="0924.jpg" o="462v" n="924"/>
 <pb file="0925.jpg" o="463r" n="925"/>
 <pb file="0926.jpg" o="463v" n="926"/>
 <pb file="0927.jpg" o="464r" n="927"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s194" xml:space="preserve">
 Tumque sunt Articuli in Belgio contraversi
 <pb file="0928.jpg" o="464v" n="928"/>
 <pb file="0929.jpg" o="465r" n="929"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s195" xml:space="preserve">
 Alderman Moseley in milke streate <lb/>
 Benet at milke streate ende <lb/>
 Alderman Barnan <lb/>
 rents <lb/>
 Garret in S. Laurence Lane <lb/>
 Lys by Leaden haule <lb/>
 Mr Chamberlane St Mary hill <lb/>
 Si John Hart in Canway Streate <lb/>
 Alderman Loe by drapers hall. <lb/>
 Sherif Godderd <emph style="st">by Leaden hall</emph>. by drpaers hall <lb/>
 Moore by leaden hall. <lb/>
 Some in Soper lane. <lb/>
 Gurney in Crooked lane. <lb/>
 Sir Will Webb at Billingsgate. <lb/>
 Sr Rich Martin in Chepeside. <lb/>
 Sr Steph. [???] St Swithins lane. <lb/>
 Alderman Banning. <lb/>
 Sr John Spencer in Bishopsgate Streate. <lb/>
 Rider <lb/>
 Roe in Bishopsgate Streate.
 <pb file="0930.jpg" o="465v" n="930"/>
 <pb file="0931.jpg" o="466r" n="931"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s196" xml:space="preserve">
 September. 15. 1618.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s197" xml:space="preserve">
 Scottish water <lb/>
 Syon water.
 <pb file="0932.jpg" o="466v" n="932"/>
 <pb file="0933.jpg" o="467r" n="933"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s198" xml:space="preserve">
 Domine Rex est [???], qui nos minis [???] <lb/>
 [???] contingit, in quo volume, [???] [???] <lb/>
 vel potius in fieri, quia si esset in facto, non <lb/>
 opus esset fieri, et si esset in fierii, numquam esset <lb/>
 so facto esse.
 <pb file="0934.jpg" o="467v" n="934"/>
 <pb file="0935.jpg" o="468r" n="935"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head10" xml:space="preserve">
 <pb file="0936.jpg" o="468v" n="936"/>
 <pb file="0937.jpg" o="469r" n="937"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head11" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Ex lib. 7. Josephi de bello Judaico <lb/>
 pag. 836.837.)
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 From Book VII of Josephus on the Jewish war, pages 836, 837.
 <pb file="0938.jpg" o="469v" n="938"/>
 <pb file="0939.jpg" o="470r" n="939"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s199" xml:space="preserve">
 Amos ex [???] <lb/>
 <pb file="0940.jpg" o="470v" n="940"/>
 <pb file="0941.jpg" o="471r" n="941"/>
 <pb file="0942.jpg" o="471v" n="942"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head12" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 70. Interp. Ex Hebræo.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s200" xml:space="preserve">
 A Diluvio ad Arphaxad. anni. <lb/>
 Ab Arphaxad ad Cainan. <lb/>
 <lb/>[...]<lb/> <lb/>
 A Tharra ad Abraham. <lb/>
 A nato Abraham ad <lb/>
 egressionem a Charran. <lb/>
 Jude ad exitum ex Egipto.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Fromthe flood to Arphaxad, years <lb/>
 From Arphaxad to Cainan. <lb/>
 <lb/>[...]<lb/> <lb/>
 From Tharra to Abraham. <lb/>
 From the birth of Abraham to leaving Charran. <lb/>
 Judea until the exit from Egypt.
 <pb file="0943.jpg" o="472r" n="943"/>
 <pb file="0944.jpg" o="472v" n="944"/>
 <pb file="0945.jpg" o="473r" n="945"/>
 <pb file="0946.jpg" o="473v" n="946"/>
 <pb file="0947.jpg" o="474r" n="947"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head13" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Ex Josepho lib. 1. antiquitatem
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 From Josephus, Book 1 of antiquity
 <pb file="0948.jpg" o="474v" n="948"/>
 <pb file="0949.jpg" o="475r" n="949"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s201" xml:space="preserve">
 Anagrams <lb/>
 Thomas Hariotus <lb/>
 In homo artis, has. <lb/>
 homo has ut artis <lb/>
 homo hasta utris <lb/>
 ritus <lb/>
 rutis <lb/>
 humo astra hosti <lb/>
 traho hosti musu <lb/>
 o trahit hos musa <lb/>
 oh, os trahit musa <lb/>
 oho, trahit musas <lb/>
 oho, trahit mutas <lb/>
 oho, sum charitas
 <pb file="0950.jpg" o="475v" n="950"/>
 <pb file="0951.jpg" o="476r" n="951"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head14" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 <pb file="0952.jpg" o="476v" n="952"/>
 <pb file="0953.jpg" o="477r" n="953"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head15" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 <pb file="0954.jpg" o="477v" n="954"/>
 <pb file="0955.jpg" o="478r" n="955"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head16" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 <pb file="0956.jpg" o="478v" n="956"/>
 <pb file="0957.jpg" o="479r" n="957"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head17" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Ex Baroni sententia. Consules ex fastis.
 <pb file="0958.jpg" o="479v" n="958"/>
 <pb file="0959.jpg" o="480r" n="959"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head18" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Baronius <lb/>
 TD. 1. pa. 33.
 <pb file="0960.jpg" o="480v" n="960"/>
 <pb file="0961.jpg" o="481r" n="961"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head19" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Baronius TD. 2. 514. pa.
 <pb file="0962.jpg" o="481v" n="962"/>
 <pb file="0963.jpg" o="483r" n="963"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head20" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Errores in fastis consularibus observati a Baronio
 <pb file="0964.jpg" o="483v" n="964"/>
 <pb file="0965.jpg" o="484r" n="965"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head21" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Baron. 7. tom.
 <pb file="0966.jpg" o="484v" n="966"/>
 <pb file="0967.jpg" o="485r" n="967"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head22" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Baron. 1. <lb/>
 <pb file="0968.jpg" o="485v" n="968"/>
 <pb file="0969.jpg" o="486r" n="969"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head23" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Baronius. De annis Herodis
 <pb file="0970.jpg" o="486v" n="970"/>
 <pb file="0971.jpg" o="487r" n="971"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div22" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="22">
<s xml:id="echoid-s202" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s202" xml:space="preserve">
 A comparison of some details of translation in three versions of the bible.
 The second and third are the Geneva Bible (1560) and the Bishops Bible (1568), repsectively.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s204" xml:space="preserve">
 on trans. Tremel. Genev. Bish.
 <pb file="0972.jpg" o="487v" n="972"/>
 <pb file="0973.jpg" o="488r" n="973"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s205" xml:space="preserve">
 2 thumbes <lb/>
 &amp; 2 fingers <lb/>
 clinched up
 <s xml:id="echoid-s206" xml:space="preserve">
 [???] his hand <lb/>
 [???] or feet.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s207" xml:space="preserve">
 [???] all the body <lb/>
 [???] downeward <lb/>
 [???] of other <lb/>
 [???] children
 <s xml:id="echoid-s208" xml:space="preserve">
 At Brayford. <lb/>
 February. <lb/>
 1614 <lb/>
 <pb file="0974.jpg" o="488v" n="974"/>
 <pb file="0975.jpg" o="489r" n="975"/>
 <pb file="0976.jpg" o="489v" n="976"/>
 <pb file="0977.jpg" o="490r" n="977"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div23" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="23">
<s xml:id="echoid-s209" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s209" xml:space="preserve">
 This page appears to contain grammatical exercises or examples in the use of the English word 'except'
 and Latin equivalents, such as 'nisi' (unless) or 'si non' (if not).</s>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s211" xml:space="preserve">
 Except he love John [???], he loveth none. <lb/>
 <foreign xml:lang="lat">Nihil aliud nisi philomenam volo</foreign>. <lb/>
 <foreign xml:lang="lat">Nullum unicam uxore nisi Johannis</foreign>. <lb/>
 Let Paule be dismissed except there be other greater matter against him. <lb/>
 He [???] except the King. <lb/>
 <foreign xml:lang="lat">[???] moble corruptiblie præter [???]</foreign>. <lb/>
 none of us know except John. <lb/>
 Tomorro I will go to London except <lb/>
 peter come. <lb/>
 Except this [???], this is [???] &amp; this &amp; that.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s212" xml:space="preserve">
 No stranger was with us in <lb/>
 the house, save we two. 1 Kings 3,18.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s213" xml:space="preserve">
 Marc. 10, 30. homo est qui reliquerit domum aut fratres <lb/>
 aut sorores aut patrem aut matrem aut filios <lb/>
 aut agros propter me et propter evangelium <lb/>
 <emph style="ul">qui non</emph> accipiet.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 There is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters of mother or father or children or fields
 for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will not receive.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s214" xml:space="preserve">
 Galat. 2, 16. Scientis autem queæ non iustificatur <lb/>
 homo ex operibus logis <emph style="ul">nisi</emph> per fidum Jesu Christi.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Yet we know that a person is justified not by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s215" xml:space="preserve">
 Matt. 26, 42. pater mi <emph style="ul">si non</emph> potest hic calix transire <lb/>
 <emph style="ul">nisi</emph> bibam illum, fiat voluntas tua.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 My father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, they will be done.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s216" xml:space="preserve">
 John 15, 6. <emph style="ul">Si quis</emph> in me <emph style="ul">non</emph> manserit, mittitur foras <lb/>
 sicut palmes et arescet.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Whoever does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch and withers.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s217" xml:space="preserve">
 Nisi [???]
 <s xml:id="echoid-s218" xml:space="preserve">
 Noscio, nisi mihi duos satis scio iuatos <lb/>
 fuisse, qui [???].
 <s xml:id="echoid-s219" xml:space="preserve">
 Nisi per filium multis modis iam expecto <lb/>
 ut videat domum.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s220" xml:space="preserve">
 Mat. 5, 20. Dico [???] vobis quia <emph style="ul">nisi</emph> <lb/>
 abundarebit iustitia <lb/>
 vestra scribum <lb/>
 et pharisæum non intrabitis <lb/>
 in regnum cælorum.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees
 you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s221" xml:space="preserve">
 Arist. de Histor. <lb/>
 animal. lib. 6. <lb/>
 cap. 23. pag. 243.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s222" xml:space="preserve">
 Non alium equa, ut asina equum, recipit <lb/>
 nisi asinus sit, qui equum suxerit.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s223" xml:space="preserve">
 John 8,10. <lb/>
 præterque omisit.
 <pb file="0978.jpg" o="490v" n="978"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div24" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="24">
<s xml:id="echoid-s224" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s224" xml:space="preserve">
 A continutation from Add MS 6789, f. 490, of a collection of sentences containing the word 'nisi'.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s226" xml:space="preserve">
 Nisi me anumus fallit, hic prosecto <lb/>
 est cumulus quem ego suspicor.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s227" xml:space="preserve">
 Hanc, nisi mors, mihi [???] [???].
 <s xml:id="echoid-s228" xml:space="preserve">
 Nisi restituissent statuas, [???] <lb/>
 ijs minuatur. Cicero.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s229" xml:space="preserve">
 Nisi cum mortalitatem [???] vellet <lb/>
 quid non est adoptus quod [???] <lb/>
 [???] est optare. cicero.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s230" xml:space="preserve">
 Nihil alius nisi philomenam <lb/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s231" xml:space="preserve">
 Mat. 11, 27. Nemo novit filium nisi pater, neque <lb/>
 patrem quis novit nisi filius, <lb/>
 et cum voluerit filius revelare.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 No one knows the the son except the father, and no one knows the father except the son
 and anyone to whom the son chooses to reveal him.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s232" xml:space="preserve">
 13, 57. Non est propheta sine honore <lb/>
 nisi in patria sua et <emph style="super">in</emph> domo sua.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Nor is a prophet without honour except in his own country.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s233" xml:space="preserve">
 14,17. Non habemus hic nisi quinque <lb/>
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 We have nothing here but five loaves.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s234" xml:space="preserve">
 17, 21. Hoc autem genus (demonium) non <lb/>
 emitur per orationem ieiunum.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 This kind (of demon) is not expelled except by prayer and fasting.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s235" xml:space="preserve">
 Mark. 6,8. Et prærepiteis <emph style="ul">me quid tollerent</emph> <emph style="super">ut [???]</emph> <lb/>
 <emph style="super">ad inter</emph> in via, nisi virgum tantum, non <lb/>
 peram, non panem, neque in zone æs.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s236" xml:space="preserve">
 Act. 26, 32. Agrippa uno festo dixit; dimitti <lb/>
 poterat hom iste <emph style="super">hic</emph>
 <emph style="ul">si non</emph> <emph style="super">nisi</emph> appelasset <lb/>
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Agrippa said to Festus 'This man could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar'.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s237" xml:space="preserve">
 Rom. 7, 7. peccatum non cognovi nisi per <lb/>
 legem; nam concupiscentia nesciebam <lb/>
 nisi lex diceat, non concupisces.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 If it had not been for the law I would not have known sin.
 I would not have known what it is to covet if the lawy had not said 'You shall not covet'.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s238" xml:space="preserve">
 13,1. non est eum potestas nisi a deo.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 For there is no authority except from God.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s239" xml:space="preserve">
 2 Cor. 12,5. pro huismodi (homine) gloriabar: <lb/>
 pro me autem nihil gloriabar, nisi <lb/>
 in infirmitatibus meis.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 On behalf of such a one I will boast, but on my onw behlaf I will not boast, except of my weaknesses.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s240" xml:space="preserve">
 Apoc. 9,4. Sed præceptum est illis ne læderent <lb/>
 færem terræ, neque omne viride, neque <lb/>
 omne arborem: nisi tantum homines <lb/>
 qui non habet signum die in frontibus <lb/>
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 But they were told not to damage the grass of the earth or any green growth or any tree,
 but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s241" xml:space="preserve">
 21, 27. Non intrabit in eam aliquod coinquinatum <lb/>
 aut abominationem faciens et mendacium <lb/>
 nisi qui scripti sunt in libro vitæ <lb/>
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 But nothing unclean will enter it, nor anyone who practises abomination or falsehood,
 but only those who are written in the Lambs book of life.
 <pb file="0979.jpg" o="491r" n="979"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div25" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="25">
<s xml:id="echoid-s242" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s242" xml:space="preserve">
 This list was drawn up in 1609 or later. The books listed are: <lb/>
 possibly Kepler, Johannes, <emph style="it">Astronomia nova</emph> (1609) <lb/>
 del Monte, Guidobaldi, <emph style="it">Problemata astronomica</emph> (1609) <lb/>
 Savotius, Ludovico, <emph style="it">Novo seu verius Nova antiqua de causis colorium sententia</emph>, unidentified <lb/>
 Viète, François, <emph style="it">Varia opera mathematica</emph> (1609) <lb/>
 Sheridan, Johann, unidentified <lb/>
 Blackwell, George, <emph style="it">Quaestio bipartita: cuius action prior archipresbyteri
 iusiurandum de fidelitate praestitum</emph> (1609) <lb/>
 <emph style="it">Gallobelgigus</emph>, unidentified <lb/>
 Scaliger, Julius Caesar, <emph style="it">De causis linguae Latinae libri tredecim</emph> (1609) <lb/>
 Hornmold, Sebastian, <emph style="it">Repertorium sententiarum, regularum, conclusionem, itemque axiomatum</emph>
 (1609) <lb/>
 <emph style="it">Trium magicum</emph>, unidentified <lb/>
 Kepler, Johannes, <emph style="it">Astronomia nova</emph> (1609)
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s244" xml:space="preserve">
 Keplerus det nat Stellæ. [Mars] fol. <lb/>
 Guidobaldi problemata astronomica. fol. <lb/>
 Novo seu verius Nova antiqua de causis colorium sententia. <lb/>
 Autore Ludovico Savotio <lb/>
 Franc. Vietæi varia opera mathematica. fol. paris. Barthol. Macæus. <lb/>
 Johannis Sheridan cometarij. 8. Francof. <lb/>
 M. Geor. Blacuelli quæstio bipartita pro iuramento fidelitatis <lb/>
 contra Bellarminum. 4<emph style="super">o</emph>. Norton <lb/>
 Gallobelgigus <lb/>
 Christiani Becmanni tract. de originibus linguæ lat. 8. <lb/>
 Jul. Cæs. Scal. de causis lingua lat. lib. 13. <lb/>
 Repertorium sententiarum &amp;c. utrinque itemis. Hornmoldo autore. 8<emph style="super">o</emph> <lb/>
 Trium magicum
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s245" xml:space="preserve">
 Astronomia nova Ætiologicos seu physica cælestis tradita <lb/>
 cometarijs de motibus stellæ martis ex observationibus Tychonis <lb/>
 Brahe, jussu et sumptibus Rudolphi II. Rom. Imp. elaborata <lb/>
 a Johanne Keplero Mathematico Cæsareo. postat Francof. &amp;c.
 <pb file="0980.jpg" o="491v" n="980"/>
 <pb file="0981.jpg" o="492r" n="981"/>
 <pb file="0982.jpg" o="492v" n="982"/>
 <pb file="0983.jpg" o="493r" n="983"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head24" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 De anno de luni <lb/>
 Gen. 7
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 On the lunar year. <lb/>
 Genesis 7.
 <pb file="0984.jpg" o="493v" n="984"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div26" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="26">
<s xml:id="echoid-s246" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s246" xml:space="preserve">
 See also Ass MS 678
 <head xml:id="echoid-head25" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Ex septuaginta
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 From the septuagaint.
 <pb file="0985.jpg" o="494r" n="985"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div27" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="27">
<s xml:id="echoid-s248" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s248" xml:space="preserve">
 Letters from the Hebrew and Algonquin alphabets. The page has been bound upside down;
 it must be turned thorugh 180 degress before the letters can be read.
 The row of letters from the Algonquin alphabet spells out the sentence:
 'All things that have being have cause wherefore they are as they are'.
 The other letters on the page list the alphabet as in Add MS 6782, f. 337.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s250" xml:space="preserve">
 [ol thengz that hav beeng hav caz wherfor they ar as they ar]
 <pb file="0986.jpg" o="494v" n="986"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div28" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="28">
<s xml:id="echoid-s251" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s251" xml:space="preserve">
 Letters from the Hebrew and Algonquin alphabets.
 The long string of letters from the Algonquin alphabet spells out the sentence:
 'In the beginning god made heaven and'.
 To read the two shorter strings, the names of Thomas Harriot and Walter Warner,
 the page must be turned through 90 degrees.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s253" xml:space="preserve">
 [yen thee begeneng god mad hevn and]
 <s xml:id="echoid-s254" xml:space="preserve">
 [tomas haryots] <lb/>
 [watr warnr]
 <pb file="0987.jpg" o="495r" n="987"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head26" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Josephus a costa
 <pb file="0988.jpg" o="495v" n="988"/>
 <pb file="0989.jpg" o="496r" n="989"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head27" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Jos: emend.
 <lb/>[<emph style="it">tr: 
 Jospehus; corrections.
 <pb file="0990.jpg" o="496v" n="990"/>
 <pb file="0991.jpg" o="497r" n="991"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head28" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 De libertati Ecclesiastica liber Josephus. 1607. <lb/>
 Cap. 1. <lb/>
 pag. 23.
 <pb file="0992.jpg" o="497v" n="992"/>
 <pb file="0993.jpg" o="498r" n="993"/>
 <pb file="0994.jpg" o="498v" n="994"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s255" xml:space="preserve">
 Synopsis Ethica Rigeri
 <pb file="0995.jpg" o="499r" n="995"/>
 <pb file="0996.jpg" o="499v" n="996"/>
 <pb file="0997.jpg" o="500r" n="997"/>
 <pb file="0998.jpg" o="500v" n="998"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s256" xml:space="preserve">
 Definitio Aristot. 2. lib. rest. <lb/>
 perturbationes sunt motiones <lb/>
 [???] <lb/>
 <pb file="0999.jpg" o="501r" n="999"/>
 <pb file="1000.jpg" o="501v" n="1000"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head29" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 piccolominus de [???] pag. 121. <lb/>
 vel gradus secundi. cap. 2
 <pb file="1001.jpg" o="502r" n="1001"/>
 <pb file="1002.jpg" o="502v" n="1002"/>
 <pb file="1003.jpg" o="503r" n="1003"/>
 <pb file="1004.jpg" o="503v" n="1004"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head30" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 piccolominis. grad. 2. cap.2. pag.124.
 <pb file="1005.jpg" o="504r" n="1005"/>
 <pb file="1006.jpg" o="504v" n="1006"/>
 <pb file="1007.jpg" o="505r" n="1007"/>
 <pb file="1008.jpg" o="505v" n="1008"/>
 <pb file="1009.jpg" o="506r" n="1009"/>
 <pb file="1010.jpg" o="506v" n="1010"/>
 <pb file="1011.jpg" o="507r" n="1011"/>
 <pb file="1012.jpg" o="507v" n="1012"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head31" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 piccol. grad. 4. cap.28. pag.274.
 <pb file="1013.jpg" o="508r" n="1013"/>
 <pb file="1014.jpg" o="508v" n="1014"/>
 <pb file="1015.jpg" o="509r" n="1015"/>
 <pb file="1016.jpg" o="509v" n="1016"/>
 <pb file="1017.jpg" o="510r" n="1017"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head32" xml:space="preserve">
 Bel. 521
 <pb file="1018.jpg" o="510v" n="1018"/>
 <pb file="1019.jpg" o="511r" n="1019"/>
 <pb file="1020.jpg" o="511v" n="1020"/>
 <pb file="1021.jpg" o="512r" n="1021"/>
 <pb file="1022.jpg" o="512v" n="1022"/>
 <pb file="1023.jpg" o="513r" n="1023"/>
 <pb file="1024.jpg" o="513v" n="1024"/>
 <pb file="1025.jpg" o="514r" n="1025"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head33" xml:space="preserve">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s257" xml:space="preserve">
 Acorne drinking glasse <lb/>
 A [???] [???] <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s258" xml:space="preserve">
 Mr Wichils letter <lb/>
 Sr Walter Ralegh <lb/>
 Sassufras come to London in [???] <lb/>
 <lb/> to aright. <lb/>
 Money of M [???] <lb/>
 Rente of Wales
 <s xml:id="echoid-s259" xml:space="preserve">
 Mr Willis book, Bacon <lb/>
 Tiling any hose <lb/>
 coniunctium solis et lunæ <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s260" xml:space="preserve">
 A riding cloke <lb/>
 My gerkin <lb/>
 [???] <lb/>
 Hangers <lb/>
 shoes <lb/>
 Loops <lb/>
 A [???] fur kit <lb/>
 A scarfe <lb/>
 A ribbon for my dagger <lb/>
 Tobacco <lb/>
 pipes <lb/>
 girdle <lb/>
 [???] &amp; [???] <lb/>
 Tables <lb/>
 <pb file="1026.jpg" o="514v" n="1026"/>
 <pb file="1027.jpg" o="515r" n="1027"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s261" xml:space="preserve">
 Tobacco <lb/>
 Wax candles <lb/>
 Taffata sarcenet <lb/>
 Shoe strings
 <s xml:id="echoid-s262" xml:space="preserve">
 Aqua sinomone, a pinte.5<emph style="super">s</emph> 2<emph style="super">d</emph> <lb/>
 Aqua Spermatis Ranarum. 8, ounces. 12<emph style="super">d</emph> <lb/>
 Aqua phlegmatis Alluminis. 8, ounces. <lb/>
 East Indy green ginger. 4, ounces. 13<emph style="super">d</emph> <lb/>
 Galles for Incke. half a pound. 4<emph style="super">d</emph> <lb/>
 Basilicon unguentum. 4 ounces. 7<emph style="super">d</emph>. <lb/>
 Unguentum albium; non caphuratum. 4 ounces.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s263" xml:space="preserve">
 Asking Apothecary whether therebe any <lb/>
 good sursuptrilla yet.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s264" xml:space="preserve">
 priced to her [???] for those dyet drinkes <emph style="super">&amp; 2 bottles</emph> [???] <lb/>
 more priced to him for [???] above [???] <lb/>
 Sum Totall
 <pb file="1028.jpg" o="515v" n="1028"/>
 <pb file="1029.jpg" o="516r" n="1029"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s265" xml:space="preserve">
 The earle of Lenox <lb/>
 The earle of [???] <lb/>
 L. <emph style="super">[???]</emph> of kinlesse <lb/>
 S. George Hume ([???] Scot) <lb/>
 His secretary
 <s xml:id="echoid-s266" xml:space="preserve">
 L. Aurel <lb/>
 L. [???] <lb/>
 L. Treasor <lb/>
 L. Admirall <lb/>
 L. Northing <lb/>
 L. Shreus <lb/>
 L. Comberland <lb/>
 L. of [???] <lb/>
 L. Th. [???] L. Chamb. <lb/>
 L. Mantion <lb/>
 L. Harry Howard. [???] Chas. <lb/>
 S. W. Knolles. [???] <lb/>
 S. Edmund Wotton. cantor. <lb/>
 S. John Fortescue. <lb/>
 S. Rob. Cecill <lb/>
 S. Joh. Popham. L. [???] <lb/>
 S. John Stanhope. <lb/>
 Lord [???] <lb/>
 Lord Burley
 <pb file="1030.jpg" o="516v" n="1030"/>
 <pb file="1031.jpg" o="517r" n="1031"/>
 <pb file="1032.jpg" o="517v" n="1032"/>
 <pb file="1033.jpg" o="518r" n="1033"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head34" xml:space="preserve">
 <pb file="1034.jpg" o="518v" n="1034"/>
 <pb file="1035.jpg" o="519r" n="1035"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head35" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 Rabbi Mosseus Ægyptijs. lib. 3. fol. 110. Cap. 52
 <pb file="1036.jpg" o="519v" n="1036"/>
 <pb file="1037.jpg" o="520r" n="1037"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head36" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 De anno
 <pb file="1038.jpg" o="520v" n="1038"/>
 <pb file="1039.jpg" o="521r" n="1039"/>
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s267" xml:space="preserve">
 Actus, agendi, potentiæ, vitæ <lb/>
 Actus, intelligendi, sapientiæ, rationis, institia <lb/>
 Actus, volindi, bonitatis, voluntatis, sanctitas, charitas.
 <pb file="1040.jpg" o="521v" n="1040"/>
 <pb file="1041.jpg" o="522r" n="1041"/>
 <div xml:id="echoid-div29" type="page_commentary" level="2" n="29">
<s xml:id="echoid-s268" xml:space="preserve">[<emph style="it">Note: 
 <s xml:id="echoid-s268" xml:space="preserve">
 This list was drawn up in 1615 or later. The books listed are: <lb/>
 Christopher Horn, <emph style="it">De anno</emph>, unidentified. <lb/>
 Henning Scheunemann, <emph style="it">Hydromantia paracelsica</emph> (1613, but date in colophon 1615) <lb/>
 Johannes Kepler, <emph style="it">Eclogae chronicae</emph> (1615) <lb/>
 possibly Frisius, Gemma, <emph style="it">Cosmographia, sive descriptio universi orbis</emph> (1584)
 (from Joan. Withagii) <lb/>
 Frisius, Gemma, <emph style="it">Arithmeticae practicae methodus facilis</emph> (1540) <lb/>
 Risnor's <emph style="it">Optica</emph>, unidentified <lb/>
 Magini, Giovanni Antonio, <emph style="it">Ephemerides coelestum motuum</emph> (1582) <lb/>
 Mulerius, Nicolaus, <emph style="it">Tabulae Frisicae lunae-solares quadruplices</emph> (1611) <lb/>
 Napier, John, <emph style="it">Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio</emph> (1614) <lb/>
 Mideburg or Midelburg, Henry, <emph style="it">Supputationes astronomicae</emph>, unidentified <lb/>
 Anderson, Alexander, <emph style="it">Ad angularium sectionum analyticen theoremata</emph> (1615) <lb/>
 Ghetaldi, Marino, <emph style="it">Apollonius redivivus</emph> (1607) <lb/>
 Porta, Giambattista, <emph style="it">De aeris transmutationibus</emph> (1609) <lb/>
 Boissard, Jean-Jacques, <emph style="it">De divinatione et magicis præstigiis</emph> (1609) <lb/>
 Snell, Rudolph, <emph style="it">Partitiones physicæ, methodi Ramæ legibus informatæ</emph> (1594) <lb/>
 Alexander de Angulis, <emph style="it">In astrologos coniuectores</emph>, unidentified.
 <p xml:lang="lat">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s270" xml:space="preserve">
 De anno [???] [???] Christoph. Hornij <lb/>
 Hydromontia paracelsica, seu de novo fonte in saxonia <lb/>
 Kepleri Ecloge Chronice <lb/>
 Systema Cosmographium, seu de globis, a Joan. Gigante <lb/>
 Gem. ffrisiæ Arith. practica. <lb/>
 Risnori optica <lb/>
 Magini supplementum Ephemerides <lb/>
 Tabulæ frisicæ lunæ-solaris a fontib. Ptol &amp; Copern. <lb/>
 &amp; Ti. Brahe, &amp; Nicol. Mulerius <lb/>
 Logarithmici Nepieri <lb/>
 Supputationes astronomicæ Henrici Mideburgi <lb/>
 Andersoni angularij sect. <lb/>
 Ghetaldi Apollonij redivivus seu de inclinationibus liber 2. <lb/>
 Baptistæ Portæ Lyncei de aeris mutationibus <lb/>
 Jani Jacobi tractatus de divinatione &amp; magicis præstigiis <lb/>
 Rudolphi Snellij partitiones Physicæ, methodo Ramæ &amp;c. <lb/>
 In Astrologos coniectores liber Alexandri de Angulis
 <pb file="1042.jpg" o="522v" n="1042"/>
 <pb file="1043.jpg" o="523r" n="1043"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s271" xml:space="preserve">
 There is great difference betwixte a corporation <emph style="super">privilege</emph> for only trade;
 &amp; a corporation <emph style="super">privilege</emph> <lb/>
 for planting &amp; trade.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s272" xml:space="preserve">
 Of the first we have examples of many corporations or societies. The <lb/>
 Moscovy company, Turky, Barbary, Guiny, [???] &amp; others which are <lb/>
 knowne well to <emph style="super">have</emph> profit by their trades &amp; agree well in their government.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s273" xml:space="preserve">
 Of the other two we have <emph style="super">got</emph> no especiall example that have not proved well <lb/>
 S<emph style="super"/> Humphry Gilbert <emph style="st">&amp; Sr Walter Ral</emph>
 for planting &amp; <emph style="st">for</emph> trading in <lb/>
 [???] &amp; S<emph style="super">r</emph> WR in Virginia.
 <pb file="1044.jpg" o="523v" n="1044"/>
 <pb file="1045.jpg" o="524r" n="1045"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head37" xml:space="preserve" xml:lang="lat">
 De pondere aquæ, quo premuntur y, quibus altius <lb/>
 incumbit. Quæstio ab Illustrissimo Domino Hen-<lb/>
 rico Comite Northumbriæ proposita, et ventilata.
 <pb file="1046.jpg" o="524v" n="1046"/>
 <pb file="1047.jpg" o="525r" n="1047"/>
 <pb file="1048.jpg" o="525v" n="1048"/>
 <pb file="1049.jpg" o="526r" n="1049"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head38" xml:space="preserve">
 Concerning the water worke
 <s xml:id="echoid-s274" xml:space="preserve">
 L. Cant. <lb/>
 unæquall <lb/>
 S. F. C&gt;
 <pb file="1050.jpg" o="526v" n="1050"/>
 <pb file="1051.jpg" o="527r" n="1051"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head39" xml:space="preserve">
 Out of Sr Walter Copes Apology <lb/>
 For the Earle of Salisbury
 <s xml:id="echoid-s275" xml:space="preserve">
 Treasureship. He found dates <emph style="st">there</emph> <emph style="super">in the Exchequer</emph>
 of 3 or 400,000<emph style="super">£</emph>, to the King, what <lb/>
 were separate what desperate no man knew. he sought <lb/>
 for better knowledge. <lb/>
 He caused <emph style="st">his</emph> the K. Mannors to be surveyed. <lb/>
 The K. custodye landes anciently called the crowne landes <lb/>
 conserved in the pipe. The decayed revenues he <lb/>
 retained by the K. commission of Assertes. <lb/>
 He caused the K. woodes to be surveyed. <lb/>
 He raysed the K. revenues, out of the copyholders for <lb/>
 [???]. Coppyholders <emph style="st">for</emph> <emph style="super">of</emph> inheritance.
 Mastes &amp; commons <lb/>
 Casuall fines. extended lands surveyed. <lb/>
 He improved the customs, &amp; advanced them from 86,000<emph style="super">£</emph> <lb/>
 to 120,000<emph style="super">£</emph>. &amp; from 120,000<emph style="super">£</emph>
 to 135,000<emph style="super">£</emph> per anum. <lb/>
 He got money for the K. <emph style="st">by</emph> from the dealers in Allome. <lb/>
 By his [???] for the Baronets <emph style="super">he</emph> hath brought into the K. coffers <lb/>
 80,000<emph style="super">£</emph>. <lb/>
 By his bargayne for bringing water to London likely to bring <lb/>
 in great yearly reveneu to the K. <lb/>
 He was a patron of all Industry &amp; manufactures, of there [???] &amp; <lb/>
 intentions. As for the [???] of Allum, of Buffes, for fishing, Copper <lb/>
 &amp; <emph style="st">coperall</emph> copperall of Iron &amp; steele, sault by the home, sault upon salt, <lb/>
 &amp; men farmers &amp; fiers for easy workmanship.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s276" xml:space="preserve">
 concerning his secretarys place &amp;c. <lb/>
 &amp; concerning the wardes &amp;c. <lb/>
 I note nothing.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s277" xml:space="preserve">
 out of his answere to obiections <lb/>
 Queen Mary raysed cloth from 14<emph style="super">d</emph> to a noble. <lb/>
 The Gascoigne wines from 3<emph style="super">d</emph> to 4 markes. <lb/>
 Queen Elizab. raysed the sweet wines from 3<emph style="super">s</emph> 6<emph style="super">d</emph>
 to 40<emph style="super">s</emph> the tonne. <lb/>
 And upon the currents for every 5 hundred 5<emph style="super">s</emph> 6<emph style="super">d</emph>. <lb/>
 He forebeare to impose upon [???] &amp; all natures incident to the poore &amp; upon <lb/>
 all thinges concerning the ordinance, shippes, &amp; defence of the realme <lb/>
 but imposed specially upon silkes, spices, lawnes, cambrickes, whale bones <lb/>
 &amp; such like thinges rather of dilicacy then necessity, allowing free <lb/>
 liberty to transport without charge what was not vented here.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s278" xml:space="preserve">
 All I noted out of 10 leaves <lb/>
 in 40, the <emph style="st">wh</emph> whole booke.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s279" xml:space="preserve">
 I borrowed the booke of <lb/>
 M. T. Buck. 1615. Ap.
 <pb file="1052.jpg" o="527v" n="1052"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head40" xml:space="preserve">
 out of Sr Water Copes booke <lb/>
 intituled: <lb/>
 Certayne breefe remonstrances <lb/>
 offerd to his Ma<emph style="super">ty</emph>. &amp;c. 1613. <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s280" xml:space="preserve">
 16 leaves <lb/>
 in 4<emph style="super">o</emph>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s281" xml:space="preserve">
 * The seas &amp; Merchant only [???] <lb/>
 ever to before &amp; therefore [???] <lb/>
 the stat: 13 of Eliz. The [???] <lb/>
 Marchant only hath power [???] <lb/>
 passe &amp; returne wihout <lb/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s282" xml:space="preserve">
 Towardes the latter end concerning Busses for fishing. <lb/>
 Anno 1611 it so far proceeded that after long consultation <lb/>
 we framed a body for the corporation consisting of a Governor <lb/>
 a deputy, a Treasurer, 24 consulls, 24 assistantes, a sercher, <lb/>
 a Guager, &amp;c. with free liberty to all that would become adventurers. <lb/>
 We then agreed that the Government should be generall for matters <lb/>
 of order, particular for matter of adventure, having ever [???] <lb/>
 at liberty to venture for itself. <lb/>
 We then agreed of lawes and ordinances for the generall company at [???] <lb/>
 under &amp; the particular companyes in the country that there might [???] <lb/>
 <emph style="st">&amp;</emph> an æquall correspondence between them all. <lb/>
 We then agreed of 19 privileges that might give [???] &amp; comfort <lb/>
 to all the undertakers. <lb/>
 But when we came to the [???] and that the end should have <lb/>
 crowned the work, when we came to the 17th privilege which <lb/>
 made it lawfull to carry our fish &amp; returne commodityes from all <lb/>
 partes whatsoever notwithstanding all former privilege to the <lb/>
 contrary. All the companyes (especially the Adventurers) strongly <lb/>
 opposed it as if they should want commodityes for there &amp; our return <lb/>
 we then offered them to make them parteners of our corpo-<lb/>
 ration which they refused. <lb/>
 We then demanded whether they wold make us in worse case <lb/>
 then the Hollanders who vented there great masse of fish in all <lb/>
 partes of the world, &amp; made there returns home &amp; better at <lb/>
 there pleasures. They answered that returnes into Holland did <lb/>
 them no hurt, Returnes into England might undo their great <lb/>
 trade of cloth. <lb/>
 And upon this uncharitable, uniust, &amp; idle proposition, what should become <lb/>
 of our fish, before either Busses builded or nettes made or fish taken; <lb/>
 this great &amp; noble worke of the Busses hath for these 2 yeares ben last <lb/>
 layd or asleep. <lb/>
 I call it uniust &amp; uncharitable because agaynst the great Cha[???] <lb/>
 &amp; agaynst many other lawes of this realme. Agaynst the birthright <lb/>
 &amp; freedom of every subject. <lb/>
 And against all leagues &amp; treatyes of states. <lb/>
 As appeares in the treaty of Bruxelles the 24. Jan. 1515. between Cha[???] <lb/>
 prince of Spayne &amp; Henry 8. K. of England. And agaynst their second <lb/>
 treaty April. 11. 1520. betweene Charles the first then Emperor &amp; our [???] <lb/>
 &amp; alos agaynst a third treaty 1529. and contrary to our privileges <lb/>
 granted by the hosue of Burgundy &amp; by the Emperor of Moscovy &amp;c. <lb/>
 In all which is allowed <foreign xml:lang="lat">libertum commercium</foreign> for the K. and all his subjects to come <lb/>
 &amp; to go to buy to sell by land by sea in all clymes partes creekes &amp;c. in <lb/>
 free liberall &amp; ample manner as the very natives of his crowne kingdom <lb/>
 without exception or restraynt in favour of the Adventurers or any company <lb/>
 whatsoever. All lawes &amp; treatyes ever ayming after liberty of trade. * above. <lb/>
 (No more I noted.)
 <pb file="1053.jpg" o="528r" n="1053"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s283" xml:space="preserve">
 An estimate of an annuall charge <lb/>
 for the ordinance of the Navie, con-<lb/>
 sisting of 36 ships and 4 primaces <lb/>
 Compared with the charge of this <lb/>
 present yeare 1634.
 <pb file="1054.jpg" o="528v" n="1054"/>
 <pb file="1055.jpg" o="529r" n="1055"/>
 <pb file="1056.jpg" o="529v" n="1056"/>
 <pb file="1057.jpg" o="530r" n="1057"/>
 <pb file="1058.jpg" o="530v" n="1058"/>
 <pb file="1059.jpg" o="531r" n="1059"/>
 <pb file="1060.jpg" o="531v" n="1060"/>
 <pb file="1061.jpg" o="532r" n="1061"/>
 <pb file="1062.jpg" o="532v" n="1062"/>
 <pb file="1063.jpg" o="533r" n="1063"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s284" xml:space="preserve">
 Two [???] of an agent <lb/>
 Thankes to god. <lb/>
 as calling god to witness. <lb/>
 That He <emph style="super">now</emph> speake rightly &amp; justly. <lb/>
 1.) Concerning his loyalty to the <lb/>
 king. French agent. <lb/>
 &amp; commission from the <lb/>
 French king. <lb/>
 2.) of slanderous speeches to [???] <lb/>
 his [???]. a french man. <lb/>
 Sr. L. Stukely. <lb/>
 3.) Sr. L. Stukely. My lo: Carenew <lb/>
 4.) Sr. L. Stukely. My lo: Danchester. <lb/>
 5.) Sr. L. St: Sir Edmund Perham. <lb/>
 6) <lb/>
 5) L. St. A letter to London by way. <lb/>
 10,000 <lb/>
 7.) Mine of Guiana. <lb/>
 8) Came back by constraynt. <lb/>
 9.) My Lord of Arundell. <lb/>
 10.) Company used ill in the voyadge. <lb/>
 11.) Spotting of his face &amp; counter-<lb/>
 fatting sickness. <lb/>
 12.) The Earl of Essex. <lb/>
 Lastly he desired the Company <lb/>
 to joyne with him in prayer &amp;c.
 <pb file="1064.jpg" o="533v" n="1064"/>
 <pb file="1065.jpg" o="534r" n="1065"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head41" xml:space="preserve">
 1. <lb/>
 Of the manner to observe the variation of <lb/>
 compasse, or of the wires of the same, by the sonnes <lb/>
 rising or setting.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s285" xml:space="preserve">
 There are two sortes of compasse ordayned for <emph style="st">the the observatio</emph>
 <emph style="super">observing the variation</emph> of the <lb/>
 wires; one hath a moveable <emph style="st">fy</emph> fly; the other hath none.
 The <foreign xml:lang="fre">flour de</foreign> <lb/>
 <foreign xml:lang="fre">lure</foreign> or north poynt of the fly standeth directly
 with the <emph style="st">fly</emph> wires in both. <lb/>
 And the utmost circle of both is devided in to poynts &amp; degrees; there being <lb/>
 11 degrees &amp; a quarter betwixt poynte &amp; poynte.
 <emph style="super">This being rememebred of your compasses.</emph>
 Then for your observat-<lb/>
 on you are to do <emph style="st">the l</emph> as followeth.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s286" xml:space="preserve">
 In <emph style="super">the</emph> morning or eveninge when you may see the sonne rise or set <lb/>
 (your compasse standing fit;) you are to marke <emph style="st">upon what</emph> <lb/>
 <emph style="super">how many</emph> degrees <lb/>
 the sonne riseth from the East poynt of the <emph style="st">comp</emph> fly; or setteth from <lb/>
 the west, &amp; note whether to the southwardes or northwards; this observation <lb/>
 &amp; as many as you can make enter into your booke; noting the day &amp; place <lb/>
 <emph style="st">that</emph> <emph style="super">where</emph> you made it.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s287" xml:space="preserve">
 Then for the finding of the variation, I have calculated a speciall <lb/>
 table for the purpose; whose title is A table for the sonne rising <lb/>
 &amp; setting from the true East &amp; West. which you are to use in <lb/>
 this manner. first consider what declination the sonne hath <lb/>
 that present day which you <emph style="super">may</emph> know by your Regiment; Also what <lb/>
 is the elevation of the pole at that plane, which you are to know upon <lb/>
 reckoning from your last observation.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s288" xml:space="preserve">
 Then in the sayd table of thes onnes rising &amp; setting loke in the <lb/>
 head of the table the degrees of the sonnes declination; &amp; on the
 <emph style="super">left</emph> <emph style="st">right</emph> <lb/>
 side <emph style="st">or left of the table</emph> loke the Degree of elevation &amp; right agaynst the <lb/>
 same under the declination you efore noted; (in the common angle) <lb/>
 you shall find how much the sonne riseth or setteth from the true east <lb/>
 or west in degrees &amp; minuts. rising is always to the northward <lb/>
 if the sonne hath north declination, or southward if the declination <lb/>
 be south. And this nomber of degrees &amp; minuts for brevity <emph style="super">&amp; distinction</emph> <lb/>
 sake hereafter to be used is called the sonnes Amplitude.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s289" xml:space="preserve">
 Now to conclude how much <emph style="st">your</emph> your compasse doth vary the breefest <lb/>
 &amp; most intelligible way is this: note upon the same fly you made <lb/>
 your observation by, or upon any other in any booke that hath degrees <lb/>
 in the utmost circle, the degree that the prime rose be set upon: Then <lb/>
 from that marke <emph style="st">towards the East</emph> reckon or nomber the degrees of the <lb/>
 sonnes Amplitude northward if the sonne hath south declination; or reckon <lb/>
 southward if the sonne hath north declination &amp; where the degrees end there <lb/>
 is the true east or west; which being had, <emph style="st">it self</emph> it is then manifest <lb/>
 both how much your compasse doth vary &amp; which way.
 <pb file="1066.jpg" o="534v" n="1066"/>
 <pb file="1067.jpg" o="535r" n="1067"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head42" xml:space="preserve">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s290" xml:space="preserve">
 one Example will make this playne. Suppose you be to <lb/>
 the southward of the Lysard &amp; in the syght of 48 degrees <lb/>
 the 10 of February next this year 1595. And that you <lb/>
 find the sonne to rise 7 degrees to the southwards of the East <emph style="st">of</emph> by <lb/>
 such a compasse as hath the wires doe move.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s291" xml:space="preserve">
 Then loke in <emph style="st">your</emph> the sonnes regiment &amp; you shall find the decli-<lb/>
 nation of the sonne for that 10th day at noon 1595 to be <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>1</mn><mn>0</mn><mo>.</mo><mn>5</mn><mn>8</mn><mo>ʹ</mo></mstyle></math> <lb/>
 south<emph style="super">erly</emph>. you may see that the day before it was more by <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>2</mn><mn>1</mn><mo>ʹ</mo></mstyle></math>. &amp; there-<lb/>
 fore that morning it ought to be more by <emph style="super">almost a</emph> quarter of <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>2</mn><mn>1</mn><mo>ʹ</mo></mstyle></math> which <lb/>
 is <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>5</mn><mo>ʹ</mo></mstyle></math>. &amp; therefore the declinatin of the sonne at that present time <lb/>
 is <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>1</mn><mn>1</mn><mo>.</mo><mn>3</mn><mo>ʹ</mo></mstyle></math>. but a few minuts in this <emph style="st">reckoning</emph>
 <emph style="super">case</emph> would not be regarded <lb/>
 but you may take the declination as you finde it at noone <lb/>
 that day, which you may <emph style="st">come to be to</emph>
 <emph style="super">account</emph> 11 degrees &amp; because it cometh <lb/>
 <emph style="super">nere</emph> thereunto. <emph style="st">nere to hand</emph>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s292" xml:space="preserve">
 Then in the table of the sonnes rising &amp; setting, right <lb/>
 agaynst the hight of 48 degrees &amp; under the declination <lb/>
 of 11. deg. you shall find 15 degrees &amp; 33 minuts which <lb/>
 is the amplitude of the sonnes rising from the true East <lb/>
 And to be southwards of the east so much because the sonne <lb/>
 had south declination.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s293" xml:space="preserve">
 Now marke <emph style="st">[???]</emph> upon the compasse upon what degrees <lb/>
 the sonne rose; then reckon <emph style="st"><math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>1</mn><mn>6</mn><mo>.</mo><mn>3</mn><mn>3</mn><mo>ʹ</mo></mstyle></math></emph> from it northward <lb/>
 according to your rule, because the sonne hath such a decli-<lb/>
 nation, the nomber of 16 degrees <emph style="super">&amp; 33 minutes, or 16 degrees</emph>
 &amp; a half; &amp; you shall <lb/>
 find them to end <emph style="st">at</emph> 9 degrees &amp; a half to the north-<lb/>
 wardes of the East of the compasse. And so much doth <lb/>
 the true east vary or differre from that of your compasse. <lb/>
 And so per consequence all the poyntes else from that truth. <lb/>
 That is to says the East of your compasse doth vary 9 degrees &amp; a half <lb/>
 to the southwardes from the truth; And therefore the north of your <lb/>
 compasse so much to the Eastwards; The South poynt to the westwards <lb/>
 And your west poynt to the Northwards. But of what poynts <lb/>
 so ever you register in your booke the variation, you must specially <lb/>
 note the variation of the North poynt, becasue it is the cheefest <lb/>
 poynt in name, &amp; all the rest wilbe ordered by it.
 <pb file="1068.jpg" o="535v" n="1068"/>
 <pb file="1069.jpg" o="536r" n="1069"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head43" xml:space="preserve">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s294" xml:space="preserve">
 And Because the <emph style="super">navigation &amp;</emph> stirradge is made commonly by the <lb/>
 common compasse whose wires stand half a poynt <lb/>
 to the Eastwards of the North of the fly. It is necessary <lb/>
 that you also know the variation of this compasse, <lb/>
 otherwise sayling by such a compasse, you can make <lb/>
 no <emph style="st">ture</emph> <emph style="super">true</emph> reckoning of your course, nor <lb/>
 appoynt what stirradge ought to be made.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s295" xml:space="preserve">
 <emph style="st">I shall</emph> <emph style="super">I will</emph> therefore geve this severall rule: having <lb/>
 noted the variation of the wires or north poynt <emph style="st">by</emph>
 <emph style="super">of one of</emph> the former <lb/>
 <emph style="st">rule &amp; observation</emph> compasses which some call Meridionall <lb/>
 compasses; you shall find the variation of the north poynt <lb/>
 of the common compasse thus: <emph style="st">Reckon so many degrees</emph> <lb/>
 <emph style="st">as you former variation contrary wise to to the contrary</emph> <lb/>
 <emph style="st">way of the digit denominations</emph>;
 <s xml:id="echoid-s296" xml:space="preserve">
 ffirst in that compasse that hath the moveable fly; move <lb/>
 it in such sort that his north poynt stand to the northward <lb/>
 of the wires half a poynt; then must the wires be to the east-<lb/>
 wards so much, &amp; so that fly representeth the common compasse;
 <s xml:id="echoid-s297" xml:space="preserve">
 After reckon the degrees of your former variation from the <lb/>
 wires contrary to the denomination; that is to say if <lb/>
 the variation were East, reckon northward; or if west <lb/>
 reckon Eastward &amp; where the degrees ened there is the <lb/>
 true north of the world; which being marked you may <lb/>
 then see both hos much &amp; <emph style="st">wh</emph> which way the North of the <lb/>
 <emph style="st">grand</emph> <emph style="super">inner</emph> fly or common compasse doth vary.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s298" xml:space="preserve">
 You may also do the same by that compasse which hath no <lb/>
 moveable fly, or <emph style="super">by</emph> any other
 <emph style="st">such it is</emph> <lb/> drawne in any booke <lb/>
 so it <emph style="st">hath degrees</emph> be devided into degrees &amp; that you make <lb/>
 a pricke or note half a poynt to the westwards of the north <lb/>
 <emph style="super">to</emph> represent the north of your common compasse.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s299" xml:space="preserve">
 But <emph style="st">of</emph> <emph style="super">whether</emph> our compasse have
 <emph style="super">degrees or</emph> no degrees you
 <emph style="st">are</emph> <emph style="super">may</emph> helpe your <lb/>
 self by addition &amp; subtraction, remembring that 11 degrees <lb/>
 &amp; a quarter make a poynt &amp; 5 degrees &amp; a half &amp; half a quarter <lb/>
 do make half a poynt.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s300" xml:space="preserve">
 The example of this need be but short: The wires in the former <lb/>
 observation varied to the eastward 9 degrees &amp; a half. halfe a <lb/>
 poynt to the northwards is the north of the common compasse; therefore abate <lb/>
 it out <emph style="super">of</emph> <math xmlns=""><mstyle><mn>9</mn><mfrac><mrow><mn>1</mn></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow></mfrac></mstyle></math>. there will remayne 4 degrees nerest.
 <emph style="st">had</emph> &amp; so much doth your <lb/>
 common compasse vary in that plane; <emph style="st">&amp; to the</emph> being lesse then half a poynt <lb/>
 &amp; to the eastwards as before bycause <emph style="st">of the</emph> the half poynt was lesse <lb/>
 then the variation of the wires.
 <pb file="1070.jpg" o="536v" n="1070"/>
 <pb file="1071.jpg" o="537r" n="1071"/>
 <head xml:id="echoid-head44" xml:space="preserve">
 <s xml:id="echoid-s301" xml:space="preserve">
 But if half a poynt had been greater, then it had varied <lb/>
 the contrary way by the differences. <lb/>
 If the former rules be well understode there cannot happen <lb/>
 any case concerning this variation, but you may very well <lb/>
 know <emph style="st">what to do adding or</emph> when to adde or subtracte <lb/>
 &amp; what is don by them, if you will use that means. you <lb/>
 have your choyse; <emph style="st">[???]</emph> so that <lb/>
 I need not be more tædiouse.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s302" xml:space="preserve">
 This means of <emph style="st">of</emph> observing the variation of all others is
 <emph style="super">generall</emph> most redy easy <lb/>
 &amp; certayne; the way that they use by observing the north starre
 <emph style="super">upon a northesat guard</emph> is not true but <lb/>
 only <emph style="st">about the [???]</emph> <emph style="super">in the latitude</emph>
 of 40 &amp; 50 degrees because there only he is in the <lb/>
 meridian or [???], which to all seamen is a paradox. &amp; to affirme the starre <lb/>
 by the compasse when he is hye is very uncertayne; but when he is <lb/>
 it is a goode meanes to attayne to the variation nere hand neither <lb/>
 do I wishe it to be refused, <emph style="st">as</emph> being under the hygh of 20 degrees. <lb/>
 &amp; at <emph style="super">a</emph> NE &amp; SW guard. So likewise is it to be preferred before any single <lb/>
 observation that is made [???] of the sonne <emph style="super">or starre</emph>
 when they <emph style="st">it</emph> <emph style="super">are</emph> many degrees <emph style="st">observa-</emph><lb/>
 <emph style="st">tion</emph> hye or any doble of the forenoone &amp; afternoone; which are only goode <lb/>
 at land where the horizon can not be seene <emph style="st">&amp; the </emph> &amp; when this way can <lb/>
 not be used of which way as others have written <emph style="super">by the sonne</emph>
 specially M<emph style="super">r</emph> w: Borrowes in his <lb/>
 booke of the variation annexed to Normans new Attractions.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s303" xml:space="preserve">
 Besides the benefit that it hath in shewing your true course, it <lb/>
 will hereafter be a meanes to observe the longitude <emph style="st">to of</emph> sufficiently <lb/>
 exact, &amp; therefore I wish it the more to be regarded.
 <s xml:id="echoid-s304" xml:space="preserve">
 By the table also of the sonnes Amplitude with the rules before may be <lb/>
 found the variation of the compasse by the moone or any starre whose <lb/>
 inclination <emph style="st">is not gi</emph> may be found in the table.
 <pb file="1072.jpg" o="537v" n="1072"/>
 <pb file="1073.jpg" o="538r" n="1073"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s305" xml:space="preserve">
 M<emph style="super">r</emph> Harryot now that I <emph style="super">have</emph> doone my best and <lb/>
 all to thys discourse, I shall praye you <lb/>
 bestow an houre or two in readinge it <lb/>
 for that tyme wyll largely suffyce, as to my <lb/>
 good frende I recommend the paynes, and <lb/>
 as to a moste judytious mynde I defye <lb/>
 the overlooking of my oversyghts. S<emph style="super">r</emph> lett <lb/>
 me entreate you to calle M:<emph style="super">r</emph> <lb/>
 Cayleton and M:<emph style="super">r</emph> Warner. to <lb/>
 bee gossyps with you; all thys <lb/>
 Baptysme. And excuse my <lb/>
 boldness in thys; because you have <lb/>
 power to commande me in a <lb/>
 farr greater matter, as <lb/>
 your true and lovinge frende <lb/>
 [???] <lb/>
 It requyres presant favour for that is <lb/>
 Morrow I muste carry it with me <lb/>
 to London.
 <pb file="1074.jpg" o="538v" n="1074"/>
 <s xml:id="echoid-s306" xml:space="preserve">
 To M:<emph style="super">r</emph> Heryott