view DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-08-12_DESpecs_special_hippocrates/DESpecs_special_Hippocrates.tex @ 29:90b1eda1b0a9

Some new special instructions
author Klaus Thoden <>
date Fri, 02 Dec 2016 14:37:22 +0100
line wrap: on
line source

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\documentclass[fontsize=11pt, paper=a4, 



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{\fontspec{Helvetica}{\LARGE \textbf{
Special Instructions for Hippocrates
}}} \\[5mm]
\large Klaus Thoden

\normalsize Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany



\section{Column numbers in Hippocrates}

The major part of the text is printed in two columns per page. There
are no page numbers in this book. Instead, each column has a number in
the running header of the page. Please proceed as follows:

Begin each page with a §<pb>§ (without page number), followed by the
running head §<rh>…</rh>§. Include the number of the column in the
column tag.

This is a deviation of the rule given in section 2.3 of the
main DE Specs document, where the counting of the columns starts at 1 on every
new page.

\begin{sampleImage}[: Continuous column numbering]{0029-crop}
\bold{<pb>}\bold{<rh>}In Primum Aphori$mum.\bold{</rh>} \\
\bold{<col 9>} \\
\bold{<p>}Nos re$pondemus, ordinem duplicem \\
e$$e, alium vniuer$alem, qui dat e$$e \& for- \\
mam libris, \& e$t ordo re$olutiuus, \& com- \\
\bold{</col>} \\ 
\bold{<col 10>} \\
\bold{<p>}medicina, \& ex qualibet eius parte\bold{</p>} \\
\bold{<p>}Diuiditur medicina in quinque partes: \\
quat\~u prima dicitur phy$iologica, quæ $unt \\
\bold{</col>} \\ 

