changeset 29:90b1eda1b0a9

Some new special instructions
author Klaus Thoden <>
date Fri, 02 Dec 2016 14:37:22 +0100
parents 7e9dfe45278a
children 69b5769db3f9
files .hgignore DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-06-29_DESpecs_special_Mingli_tan/Kringel in Minglitan.rtf DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-09-04_DESpecs_special_Heytesbury/allfont.tex DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-09-04_DESpecs_special_Heytesbury/frktest.tex DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-09-04_DESpecs_special_Heytesbury/pgothic.tex DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu.tex DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/image1.png DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/image2.png DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/image3.png DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/image4.png DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/missing.jpg DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/tmp.xml DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-08-12_DESpecs_special_hippocrates/0029-crop.jpg DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-08-12_DESpecs_special_hippocrates/DESpecs_special_Hippocrates.tex DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-11-09_DESpecs_special_avicenna/DESpecs_special_Avicenna.tex DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-11-09_DESpecs_special_avicenna/normal.jpg DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-11-09_DESpecs_special_avicenna/spanheading.jpg
diffstat 17 files changed, 516 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/.hgignore	Thu Jul 31 16:19:34 2014 +0200
+++ b/.hgignore	Fri Dec 02 14:37:22 2016 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
+syntax: glob
 syntax: regexp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-06-29_DESpecs_special_Mingli_tan/Kringel in Minglitan.rtf	Fri Dec 02 14:37:22 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;\f1\fnil\fcharset128 HiraKakuProN-W3;}
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 3_4\
+Seite 3 links\
+Spalte 2 (von links) unterstes Zeichen: Kringel mitte rechts?\
+We number the corners according to the Four Corner Index (
+\f1 \'8e\'6c\'8a\'70\'e5\'6a\'e1\'f9
+\f0 )
+\f1 .
+\f0 \
+We do not attempt to mimic any historic numbering; for example, all < 2> in the examples in section 1 and 3 indicate the fourth tone.\
+oder sogar nur < o> tippen lassen? Weil es vermutlich eh nur einen Punkt gibt, n\'e4mlich rechts oben\
+--> andererseits: warum ds Ergebnis vorwegnehmen?\
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-09-04_DESpecs_special_Heytesbury/allfont.tex	Fri Dec 02 14:37:22 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+% allfont.tex    Test Rotunda fonts
+\newcommand{\romannum}[1]{\romannumeral #1}
+\newcommand{\Romannum}[1]{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral #1}}
+\newcommand{\abc}{abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz}
+\newcommand{\punct}{.,;:!?`' \&{} () []}
+\newcommand{\dashes}{- -- ---}
+this is an example of the rotunda font. now is the time for all good
+men, and women, to come to the aid of the party while the quick brown fox
+jumps over the lazy dog.}
+This is an example of the Rotunda font. Now is the time for all good
+men, and women, to come to the aid of the party while the quick brown fox
+jumps over the lazy dog.}
+\newcommand{\latin}{Te canit adcelebratque polus rex gazifer hymnis.
+  Trans zephyrique globum scandunt tua facta per axem.
+  Explicit secunda pars summe fratris thome de aquino ordinis fratrum 
+  predicatorium, longissima, prolixissima, \& tediosissima scribent;
+  Deo gratias, Deo gratias, et iterumm Deo gratias. }
+\title{Try Rotunda Fonts}
+\section{The character set}
+    This provides a short test of the characters in the Rotunda fonts
+--- the \verb|rtnd| font family.
+The Rotunda Huge normal font. \\ \par
+{\Huge \ABC\\ \abc\\ \punct{}\dashes\\ \figs\\ \par }
+The Rotunda font in its normal size \\
+{\ABC{} \abc{} \figs} \\
+The bold normal font, the normal font, and the bold Computer Modern
+Roman, all in the normal size \\
+{\textbf{\abc{} \figs}} \\
+{\abc{} \figs} \\
+\textcmr{\textbf{\abc{} \figs}} \\
+The bold versions, in Huge and tiny sizes. \par
+\Huge \abc{} \figs \par
+\tiny \abc{} \figs \par
+The font in the tiny size \\ \par
+{\tiny \ABC{} \\ \abc\\ \figs\\ \par } 
+    Some ligatures in the normal font \\
+{``the lazy dog --- but quick fox?''}
+\section{Example texts}
+    First some well known English phrases in an abcedarian sentence.
+    After this there are two Latin abecedarian sentences dating from about 
+\Romannum{790}, and another sentence from roughly the same period.
+\textcmss{This is the end of the test file, with this sentence being typeset
+using the Computer Modern Sans font in the point size as specified for this
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-09-04_DESpecs_special_Heytesbury/frktest.tex	Fri Dec 02 14:37:22 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+% frktest.tex v1.2 <1998-10-03>
+% a short nonsense text to show the gothic font; 
+% note the small \baselineskip of 10pt with a font size of 14.4pt:
+Nonummy sid semper aliena auditorum lorem ipsum quod omnia sunt 
+peccatores:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet con sectetuer adipiscing elit:
+Sed diam tempor incidunt ut labore et dolor magna aliquam erat volupat
+ut wisi enim ad minim veniam quis: nostrud oblationem
+corporemque suscipit laboris:
+% a paragraph in Fraktur, with Schwabacher used for emphasizing;
+% note the small e on the umlauts:
+\parindent=1cm % watch it being ignored!
+\yinipar{D}ie \textswab{Orgel}, der \textswab{Fl*ugel},
+das: \textswab{Fortepiano} und das: \textswab{Clavicord} sind die
+gebr*auchlichsten Clavierinstrumente zum Accompagnement. Es: ist Schade,
+da"s die sch*one Erfindung des: \textswab{Holfeldischen Bogenclaviers:}
+noch nicht gemeinn*utzig geworden ist; man kann dahero dessen besondere
+Vorz*uge hierinnen noch nicht genau bestimmen. Es: ist gewi"s zu 
+glauben, da"s es: sich auch bey der Begleitung gut aus:nehmen werde.
+% Aus/from:
+% Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel: Versuch "uber die wahre
+% Art das Clavier zu spielen. Zweyter Theil, in welchem die Lehre von
+% dem Accompagnement und der freyen Fantasie abgehandelt wird.
+% G. L. Winter, Berlin 1762.
+% another paragraph in Fraktur, with a Schwabacher heading; 
+% we use regular umlauts here:
+\centerline{{\Large\swabfamily Der Orakelbrunnen bei St. Moritz}}%
+\yinipar{V}on dem stattlichen Orte Kirchehrenbach in der Fr"ankischen
+Schweiz f"uhrt ein einsames:  Str"a"schen, an der steil ab\-st"ur\-zen\-den
+Breitseite der Ehrenb"urg vor"uber, gen Leutenbach.  In einer halben
+Stunde ist das:  schmucke Pfarrdorf erreicht.  S"ud"ostlich des:selben,
+kaum eine Viertelstunde entfernt, treffen wir auf dem Wege nach 
+in einem Seitent"alchen von unber"uhrter Natursch"onheit das:  uralte,
+einsame Kirchlein "`Sankt Moritz"' mit seinem stillen Friedhofe.  In der
+N"ahe des:  Kirchleins:  steht ein niedriges:, "uber eine Quelle
+erbautes:  Feld\-kapellchen mit der Statue des:  hl.~Mauritius:,
+dargestellt als:  Ritter in voller Wehr.  
+% Aus/from:
+% Br"uckner, Karl:
+% Am Sagenborn der Fr"ankischen Schweiz.
+% Frankenverlg v. Gg. Kohler, Wunsiedel 1921.
+% finis
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-09-04_DESpecs_special_Heytesbury/pgothic.tex	Fri Dec 02 14:37:22 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+\section*{Gothic Textura Prescius}
+\subsection*{\textbackslash pgothfamily}
+Q W E R T Z U I O P
+q w e r t z u i o p
--- a/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu.tex	Thu Jul 31 16:19:34 2014 +0200
+++ b/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu.tex	Fri Dec 02 14:37:22 2016 +0100
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 \setmonofont[Scale=1.0]{Courier New} 
@@ -32,6 +34,9 @@
   {\fontspec{Helvetica}{\LARGE \textbf{
         Special Instructions for "Ben Cao Jing Ji Zhu (\chin{本草經集注})”
@@ -47,20 +52,11 @@
 \section{Footnote marks}
-  This book contains footnotes with anchors in the main text. The
+  This book contains footnotes with anchors in the main text (cf. Figure \ref{fig1} on page \pageref{fig1}). The
   footnote marks in the main text are surrounded by Chinese
   parentheses. Please tag them with §<a>§ and §</a>§.
-%% \begin{clarification}
-%% Type the §<tf>§ and §</tf>§ tags on separate lines. On each page, type the first text flow before the second text flow.
-%% \end{clarification}
-\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 1: \, Footnote marks.]{height=10cm}{image1.png}
-%% \begin{tabular}{@{}ll}
-%%   \parbox[b]{131mm}{
@@ -87,18 +83,14 @@
     \f{<fn>}\z{﹝二﹞笥  玄《大觀》作「筒」。}\f{</fn>}
 } & 
 \section{Kaiti \chin{楷體}}
-  Please surround the text in kaiti (\chin{楷體}) font as shown on the image with the tags §<k>§ and §</k>§.
+  Please surround the text in kaiti (\chin{楷體}) font as shown in Figure \ref{fig3} with the tags §<k>§ and §</k>§.
-\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 3: \, Kaiti \chin{楷體}]{height=10cm}{image3.png}
  \f{<p><k>}\z{味 甘,平,}\f{</k>}\z{無}\untranscribedText\z{。}\f{<k>}\z{主治}\f{<a>}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{</a>}\z{五}\f{<a>}\z{﹝二﹞}\f{</a>}\z{藏}\untranscribedText\z{柔}\f{<a>}\z{﹝三﹞}\f{</a>}\z{筋}\untranscribedText\z{魄}\f{<a>}\z{﹝四﹞}\f{</a>}\z{,}\\
@@ -106,18 +98,13 @@
   %% shortened the example a bit to make it fit on the page
 %% \f{<p><k>}\z{味 甘,平,}\f{</k>}\z{無毒。}\f{<k>}\z{主治}\f{<a>}\z{﹝一﹞}\f{</a>}\z{五}\f{<a>}\z{﹝二﹞}\f{</a>}\z{藏百病,柔}\f{<a>}\z{﹝三﹞}\f{</a>}\z{筋強骨,安魂魄}\f{<a>}\z{﹝四﹞}\f{</a>}\z{,}\\
 \section{Itemized Lists}
-  The book contains also itemized lists as depicted below. Items start
+  The book contains also itemized lists as depicted in Figure \ref{fig4} on the next page. Items start
   either with the character "●" (U+25CF) or "○" (U+25CB) or with no character at all.
   Please use the character sequence §" # "§ as a delimiter between items.
-\begin{sampleImageSmall}[\ 4: \, Itemized lists]{height=10cm}{image4.png}
@@ -126,7 +113,30 @@
     \f{ # }\z{●犀角}\f{ # }\z{●零}\f{<a>}\z{﹝五﹞}\f{</a>}\z{羊角}\f{ # }\z{蔥白}\f{ # }\z{○生薑}\f{ # }\z{●豉}\f{ # }\z{●溺}\f{<a>}\z{﹝六﹞}\f{</a>}\f{ # }\z{●芒消}\\
+  \begin{minipage}[b]{5 cm}
+    \begin{centering}
+    \includegraphics[height=20cm]{image1}
+    \caption{Footnote marks}
+    \label{fig1}
+    \end{centering}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \begin{minipage}[b]{5 cm}
+    \begin{centering}
+    \includegraphics[height=20cm]{image3}
+    \caption{ Kaiti \chin{楷體}}
+    \label{fig3}
+    \end{centering}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \begin{minipage}[b]{5 cm}
+    \begin{centering}
+    \includegraphics[height=20cm]{image4}
+    \caption{Itemized lists}
+    \label{fig4}
+    \end{centering}
+  \end{minipage}
Binary file DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/image1.png has changed
Binary file DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/image2.png has changed
Binary file DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/image3.png has changed
Binary file DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/image4.png has changed
Binary file DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/bilder/missing.jpg has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2014-07-11_DESpecs_special_BenCaoJingJiZhu/tmp.xml	Fri Dec 02 14:37:22 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<h1>卷第二  玉石三品</h1>
+<h4>注</h4><fn>﹝一﹞輩 《綱目》作「浸」。</fn>
+<fn>﹝二﹞笥  玄《大觀》作「筒」。</fn>
+<h3><k>玉泉</k></h3>  <p><k>味  甘,平,</k>無毒。<k>主治<a>﹝一﹞</a>五<a>﹝二﹞</a>藏百病,柔<a>﹝三﹞</a>筋強骨,安魂魄<a>﹝四﹞</a>,長肌肉,益氣<a>﹝五﹞,</a></k>利血脉<a>﹝六﹞,</a>治婦人帶下十二病,除氣癃,明耳目<a>﹝七﹞</a>。<k>久服耐寒暑,不飢渴,不老神仙<a>﹝八﹞,</a></k>輕身長年。<k>人臨死服五斤,死<a>﹝九﹞</a>三年色不變。一名玉札<a>﹝十﹞</a>。生</k>藍田<k>山谷。</k>采無時<a>﹝十一﹞</a>。<sm>畏欸冬花。</sm></p>
+<pb o="一二七"/><rh>本草經集注  卷第二  玉石三品</rh>    
Binary file DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-08-12_DESpecs_special_hippocrates/0029-crop.jpg has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-08-12_DESpecs_special_hippocrates/DESpecs_special_Hippocrates.tex	Fri Dec 02 14:37:22 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+%!TEX TS-program = xelatex 
+%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode 
+\documentclass[fontsize=11pt, paper=a4, 
+\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{DejaVu Serif}
+\setmonofont[Scale=1.0]{Courier New} 
+{\fontspec{Helvetica}{\LARGE \textbf{
+Special Instructions for Hippocrates
+}}} \\[5mm]
+\large Klaus Thoden
+\normalsize Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany
+\section{Column numbers in Hippocrates}
+The major part of the text is printed in two columns per page. There
+are no page numbers in this book. Instead, each column has a number in
+the running header of the page. Please proceed as follows:
+Begin each page with a §<pb>§ (without page number), followed by the
+running head §<rh>…</rh>§. Include the number of the column in the
+column tag.
+This is a deviation of the rule given in section 2.3 of the
+main DE Specs document, where the counting of the columns starts at 1 on every
+new page.
+\begin{sampleImage}[: Continuous column numbering]{0029-crop}
+\bold{<pb>}\bold{<rh>}In Primum Aphori$mum.\bold{</rh>} \\
+\bold{<col 9>} \\
+\bold{<p>}Nos re$pondemus, ordinem duplicem \\
+e$$e, alium vniuer$alem, qui dat e$$e \& for- \\
+mam libris, \& e$t ordo re$olutiuus, \& com- \\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
+\bold{<col 10>} \\
+\bold{<p>}medicina, \& ex qualibet eius parte\bold{</p>} \\
+\bold{<p>}Diuiditur medicina in quinque partes: \\
+quat\~u prima dicitur phy$iologica, quæ $unt \\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-11-09_DESpecs_special_avicenna/DESpecs_special_Avicenna.tex	Fri Dec 02 14:37:22 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+%!TEX TS-program = xelatex 
+%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode 
+\documentclass[fontsize=11pt, paper=a4, 
+\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{DejaVu Serif}
+\setmonofont[Scale=1.0]{Courier New} 
+{\fontspec{Helvetica}{\LARGE \textbf{
+Special Instructions for Hippocrates
+}}} \\[5mm]
+\large Klaus Thoden
+\normalsize Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany
+\section{Column numbers in Avicenna}
+The major part of the text is printed in two columns per page. There
+are no page numbers in this book. Instead, each column has a number in
+the running header of the page. Please proceed as follows:
+Begin each page with a §<pb>§ (without page number), followed by the
+running head §<rh>…</rh>§. Include the number of the column in the
+column tag.
+This is a deviation of the rule given in section 2.3 of the
+main DE Specs document, where the counting of the columns starts at 1 on every
+new page.
+\begin{sampleImage}[: Continuous column numbering]{normal}
+\bold{<pb>}\bold{<rh>}Sanctorij Commentaria\bold{</rh>} \\
+\bold{<col 641>} \\
+cerebri non proueniunt à cerebro per motum,\\
+verl per aliquod aliud in$trumentum, $ed imme-\\
+diatè exercentur in ip$amet cerebri $ub$tantia:\\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
+\bold{<col 642>} \\
+ru$e, ide$t recipientia facultatem à tribus parti-\\
+bus principatum obtinentibus, videlicet à cor-\\
+de, cerebro, \& iecore, quod videtur aduer$ari do\\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
+\section{Headline across both columns}
+In two cases (§0210.jpg§ and §0359.jpg§) there is a large headline spanning both columns. Please key those pages as follows:
+  If a headline spans both columns, type both columns of the headline
+  first, including the column numbers in the §<col>§ tag. Then, type
+  the headline followed by the two columns below it and again include
+  the column numbers you find on the top of the page.
+\begin{sampleImage}[: Column-spanning headline]{spanheading}
+  \begin{typeLatin}
+\bold{<pb>}\bold{<rh>}In Primam Fen.\bold{</rh>} \\
+\bold{<col 687>} \\
+poris redditur debilis, itaut eius expultrix no-\\
+xium quod demandatur nõ po$$it expellere, ad\\
+illam, tanquam ad excrementorum cloacã om-\\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
+\bold{<col 648>} \\
+omni\~u o$$ium, mu$culor\~u, neruorum, venarum\\
+\& arteriarum: quæ con$iderato cum pertineat\\
+ad anatomiam, illam con$ultò omittimus: quia\\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
+\bold{<h>}DOCTRINA SEXTA\\
+De facultatibus, $eu virtutibus in genere.\bold{</h>}\\
+\bold{<col 687>} \\
+\bold{<p>}_VIrtitum, \& operationum ad inui-\\
+cero aliæ ex alijs cogno$c\~utur: om-\\
+nis enim virtus operationis, exi$tit\\
+initium: nec aliqua operatio pro-\\
+uenit, ni$i ex virtute: ideoque\\
+utra$que in vno po$uimus capitulo_\bold{</p>}\\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
+\bold{<col 648>} \\
+7. metaph. 23. docentem exemplo artis edifica-\\
+toriœ, omnes artes docentes tradendas e$$e ordi-\\
+ne re$olutio, \& non compo$itio.\bold{</p>}\\
+\bold{</col>} \\ 
+  \end{typeLatin}
+\section{Letters between columns}
+Between the columns on each page, letters >>A<<, >>B<<, >>C<<, >>D<< and >>E<< are printed.
+Do not type the letters between the columns.
Binary file DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-11-09_DESpecs_special_avicenna/normal.jpg has changed
Binary file DESpecs/specialInstructions/2016-11-09_DESpecs_special_avicenna/spanheading.jpg has changed