view README @ 4:1b6cde0e4b83 default tip

author Dirk Wintergruen <>
date Mon, 12 Oct 2015 08:38:25 +0200
parents b57c7821382f
line wrap: on
line source

1   - this.parent.datasets in the map widget seems to be empty at the moment of the removal of datasets from the table view
2   - the lineroverlay widget edit form workflow is currently written in javascript

1   - jQuery Multi
    - copy and rename $DRUPAL_BASE$/sites/all/modules/mpiwg_geobrowser/lib/GeoTemCo/lib/jquery/jquery.min.js to $DRUPAL_BASE$/sites/all/libraries/jquery/, hence $DRUPAL_BASE$/sites/all/libraries/jquery/jquery-1.11.0.min.js
    - copy $DRUPAL_BASE$/sites/all/modules/mpiwg_geobrowser/lib/GeoTemCo/platin.js to $DRUPAL_BASE$/sites/all/libraries/platin, hence $DRUPAL_BASE$/sites/all/libraries/platin/platin.js
    - jqmulti requires u to copy the libraries to precisely sites/all/libraries and not sites/default/libraries
    - in ur webbrowser go to ?q=admin/config/system/jqmulti and make sure:
      - the used jquery version is 1.11.0
      - the two checkboxes under jQuery version are NOT checked
      - the platin library under the section Libraries is checked

2   - activate the geobrowser module
    - in ur webbrowser go to ?q=admin/modules and activate the mpiwg_geobrowser module
    - ull now find an item 'mpiwg geobrowser' in the root of the administration menu

3   - content creation
    - in ur webbrowser go to ?q=admin/mpiwg_geobrowser/manage/add
    - at the bottom click on 'Customize this page' and add/arrange content panes of the group 'mpiwg geobrowser'
    - add/arrange content panes of the group 'mpiwg geobrowser'
    - therere pure displaying widgets
      - map, charts, table etc
    - data source widgets
      - u can choose a kml file or the view of an adopted (drupal data module) mysql table as a data source
      - in mysql mode u can then map the platin.js fields to the fields of the view; u can also decide the respective view table itself to be displayed or excluded from display
      - pay attention to the entire form, especially in mysql mode! u need to define both a regular view (by selecting the actual view) as well as a json view (by providing its page path)
      - an entity can have several data sources, also of different types (so u can mix kml with mysql)
    - lineoverlay widget
      - after having added datasources to ur panel view, u can add a lineoverlay widget
      - in the lineoverlays edit form u will see a list of available geotemco datasets and the available fields
        - since drupal doesnt allow to access the content of the other panes within the php code of a ctools content types edit form, this workflow had to be written in javascript, thereby forbidding the provision of select boxes due to drupals form security policy