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Import of CHGIS-Dataset into PostGIS

  • copy the long code below into a file (like '') and save it
  • if necessary alter the variable-values
  • open a terminal-window
  • make the script-file executable:
    chmod 700
  • run it with

If the *.shp can not be imported, may be, the UTF-8 is not correctly saved: Open the *.dbf with NeoOffice? (choose Encoding UTF-8)and save again with UTF-8!

#! /bin/bash

#USAGE: $binpath/shp2pgsql [<options>] <shapefile> #[<schema>.]<table>
#  -s <$srid>  Set the $srid field. If not specified it defaults to -1.
#  (-d|a|c|p) These are mutually exclusive options:
#      -d  Drops the table, then recreates it and populates
#          it with current shape file data.
#      -a  Appends shape file into current table, must be
#          exactly the same table schema.
#      -c  Creates a new table and populates it, this is the
#          default if you do not specify any options.
#      -p  Prepare mode, only creates the table.
#  -g <geometry_column> Specify the name of the geometry column
#     (mostly useful in append mode).
#  -D  Use postgresql dump format (defaults to sql insert statments.
#  -k  Keep postgresql identifiers case.
#  -i  Use int4 type for all integer dbf fields.
#  -I  Create a GiST index on the geometry column.
#  -S  Generate simple geometries instead of MULTI geometries.
#  -w  Use wkt format (for postgis-0.x support - drops M - drifts coordinates).

#  -W <$encoding> Specify the character $encoding of Shape's
#     attribute column. (default : "ASCII")
#  -N <policy> Specify NULL geometries handling policy (insert,skip,abort)
#  -n  Only import DBF file.
#  -? Display this help screen

# If the *.shp can not be imported, may be, the UTF-8 is not correctly saved: 
# Open the *.dbf with NeoOffice (choose Encoding UTF-8)and save again with UTF-8!




su - postgres

# restarting postgres
$binpath/pg_ctl restart -w -l $dbpath/logfile -D $dbpath -m i

# dropping the old database
$binpath/dropdb $database

# creating a new database
$binpath/createdb $database --encoding $encod
$binpath/createlang plpgsql $database
$binpath/psql -f $binpath/../share/lwpostgis.sql $database

$binpath/shp2pgsql -s $srid -S -W $encod $datapath/v4_1820_lks_pgn_utf/v4_1820_lks_pgn_utf.shp public.v4_1820_lks_pgn_utf $database | $binpath/psql -d $database

$binpath/shp2pgsql -s $srid -W $encod $datapath/v4_1820_rvr_lin_utf/v4_1820_rvr_lin_utf.shp public.v4_1820_rvr_lin_utf $database | $binpath/psql -d $database

$binpath/shp2pgsql -s $srid -S -W $encod $datapath/v4_time_cnty_pts_utf/v4_time_cnty_pts_utf.shp public.v4_time_cnty_pts_utf $database | $binpath/psql -d $database

$binpath/shp2pgsql -s $srid -W $encod $datapath/v4_time_pref_pgn_utf/v4_time_pref_pgn_utf.shp public.v4_time_pref_pgn_utf $database | $binpath/psql -d $database

$binpath/shp2pgsql -s $srid -S -W $encod $datapath/v4_time_pref_pts_utf/v4_time_pref_pts_utf.shp public.v4_time_pref_pts_utf $database | $binpath/psql -d $database

$binpath/shp2pgsql -s $srid -W $encod $datapath/v4_time_prov_pgn_utf/v4_time_prov_pgn_utf.shp public.v4_time_prov_pgn_utf $database | $binpath/psql -d $database

$binpath/shp2pgsql -s $srid -S -W $encod $datapath/v4_time_prov_pts_utf/v4_time_prov_pts_utf.shp public.v4_time_prov_pts_utf $database | $binpath/psql -d $database

$binpath/shp2pgsql -s $srid -W $encod $datapath/v4_time_reg_pgn_utf/v4_time_reg_pgn_utf.shp public.v4_time_reg_pgn_utf $database | $binpath/psql -d $database

$binpath/shp2pgsql -s $srid -S -W $encod $datapath/v4_time_reg_pts_utf/v4_time_reg_pts_utf.shp public.v4_time_reg_pts_utf $database | $binpath/psql -d $database

$binpath/vacuumdb -d $database -z
Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Feb 3, 2010, 12:49:53 PM