Custom Query (44 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#48 anonymous fixed transliteration

is there already a plugin build in? first it would be enough to build in the one-to-one character transliteration.

person arabic name --> automatic transliteration to a textfield from which we can copy and paste into a input field for another attribute. So the editor gets a suggestion fpr standardised transliteration to latin. This transliterations have to be editable afterwrads and thats why we simply use another attribute. maybe we simply take Jamils VBA code, write it in Java and provide 2 input fields and a button. if clicked on the button the left vaule gets translated with the implementation to the right input field. Place that little widget to the top of the edit view, above all editor fields.

?do we import all the hand made latin transaltion of the attributes from mcgill

#49 Robert Munsky fixed empty value on top of all combo boxes

there are several comboboxes for fixed value lists and also for value lists based on queries.

we have to add a "<Please chose>" entry to the HTML option list with no value. If there is no initial or pre-set value this value shall be selected. The value for the attribute shall not be submitted because of the null-value.

#52 Robert Munsky fixed configurable entity/definition label

currently the own value is used everywhere (lists/comboboxes) to represent an entity.

the own value was thought to be a technical internal value. Nobody knows what it stands for. We need to be able to configure an atribute (later a list of attributes) the build the own value. This information has to be stored in the definition defining section of the datastore.

Please do not forget who is using the own value and what happens if we change that. There are also already data in the own value field. So we can not use it as on-the-fly generated field. I suggest to add a method getLabelString to the entity or entity shape class. Then the definition metadata get read and used to provide the label. This is then used instead of the getOwnValue in the user interface for entity lists and combobox labels.

If it is not clear we shall speak about that ticket in detail.

Later we can rename the now used own value fields to get names which have a meaning such as all the other attributes.

in the admin section we need a special form to save that metadata. The we might simply save the data in the datatbase instead of the openmind,txt as suggested above. Whoever fixes this ticket, please speak to Robert M. before.

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