
The tickets of this milestone can be found here

Summary of this milestone:

  1. This Milestone targets primarily the data migration from the existing access database system to the new unicode based java system. For that we have to verify the developed way (original access --> access prototype --> openmind).
  2. In additionto that we will implement a simple web user interface which allows the display of the internaly stored data in a generic way (plain openmind structure with nodes, relations etc). With that we can make sure that all data is migrated in a correct way.
  3. Additional we will add simple data entry pages for entering the mostly used meta data such as author, manuscript etc. We should limit the amout of entry forms to a small amout to get the first milestone closed early. This forms can be used as a template for other forms developed in further milestones. We only want to show some forms as proof of concept of the web user interface framework.
  4. In addition to that we will set up a collaborative environment based on the MPI tracs system. So all we have to do is translate the project plane to small chunks, write tickets and assign them.
  5. We will store the source code in the MPI SCM. If we would like to have a nightly build system early we should have that on an MPI server. We should also have a running system always on a MPI server.

At the end of that milestone we will be sure about the completeness of the data migration and will have a first view on the new user interface. And we will be able to work together through a ticket based system.

Arround the 26th June there will be a meeting with Robert Wisnovsky (in Berlin).

Stefan Rueger is a specialist on semantic web topic. To contact him: --> Stefan Rueger

Idea for MS 2 as a optional task: put database on oracle Database (Has memories that's why it is faster and it's more secure because of Backup!)

Tasks to be done to get ready to import/use the access / access prototype data in the new openmind web app.

This Milestone shall give the system a more user friendly browsing and data editing user interface. At the end of this milestone we will have a ready for production system for end users such as data enterers, editors and so on.

  • At the end of this milestone we are able to change or create metadata fpr definitions of the open mind datastore
  • We will also be able to add permissions to the definitions for read and write based on roles. So we are able to controll the access.
  • We will also add fascility to implement a proposal . acknoloedge workflow.

There are several featuires we should implement in the application. They are put together in this milestone.

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.