Custom Query (55 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2 Fragen zu images Klaus Thoden defect minor component1
#72 Platzierung für Anker von Marginalien Klaus Thoden task minor 1.0 display
#73 Italics in Italics Klaus Thoden task minor 1.x ECHO schema
#6 Lexica somebody enhancement major component1
#7 Scripts should use a standardised XML library Wolfgang Schmidle task major workflow scripts
#8 Documentation of the scripts Wolfgang Schmidle task major workflow scripts
#13 DESpecs: Lizenz Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 DESpecs
#14 europäische Specs: Lexika Wolfgang Schmidle enhancement major 1.1 DESpecs
#15 Schema 1.0 Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 ECHO schema
#16 Usage Guide Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 documentation
#17 Beispiel-XML-Dateien Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 documentation
#18 DESpecs direkt für XML-Texte Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.1 documentation
#19 Schema: Ergänzungen für kompliziertere Figures Wolfgang Schmidle enhancement major 1.1 ECHO schema
#20 Schema: Zwiebelstruktur Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.1 ECHO schema
#21 Vorgehen bei Schema-Änderungen Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.1 ECHO schema
#22 Schema: Lexika Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x ECHO schema
#23 TEI Wolfgang Schmidle task major 2.0 workflow scripts
#24 Texte durchgehen task major 1.0 workflow task
#25 Skripte durchgehen Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 workflow concept
#26 Skripte: <s> Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 workflow scripts
#27 Skript: Tabellen Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 workflow scripts
#28 Skript: <reg> Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 workflow scripts
#29 Skript: Brüche Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 workflow scripts
#30 Skript: <math> Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 workflow scripts
#33 FAQs Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x documentation
#34 Workflow-Tutorial Klaus Thoden task major 1.1 documentation
#35 Workflow für Texte aus verschiedenen Quellen Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x workflow concept
#36 schwierigere Texte Klaus Thoden task major 1.x workflow task
#37 Skript: chinesischer Workflow Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x workflow scripts
#38 chinesische Texte umwandeln task major 1.x workflow task
#39 Skripte: Code glatter Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x workflow scripts
#40 Skript: Textflows Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x workflow scripts
#41 Overlays Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x display
#43 Umgang mit Formeln Wolfgang Schmidle task major 2.0 workflow concept
#44 Normalisierung Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 display
#45 Lex testen Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 display
#46 Textflows: Konzept Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x display
#47 Inhaltsverzeichnis Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x display
#48 Konzept: Darstellung von Lexika Wolfgang Schmidle task major 2.0 display
#49 Konzept GIS-Verzahnung Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x GIS
#50 Alvarus <reg> Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 show cases
#52 Song Yingxing Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 show cases
#53 Clavius-Euklid Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 show cases
#54 Benedetti: <place> Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x show cases
#55 Skripte dokumentieren Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 documentation
#56 Wiki: Workflow Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x documentation
#57 weitere Dinge Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x documentation
#58 Usage Guide Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x documentation
#59 Dokumentation der DESpecs Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.x documentation
#61 Skripte für scholarly workflow Wolfgang Schmidle task major 2.0 workflow scripts
#62 scholarly workflow: Interaktivität Wolfgang Schmidle task major 2.0 workflow scripts
#66 Lex LA: SVBALPINORVM Wolfgang Schmidle defect major 1.0 normalization
#67 Special Instruction: Berzelius 1819 Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 workflow scripts
#68 <rom> wird nicht erkannt Wolfgang Schmidle task major 1.0 DESpecs
#71 Using Lex for search Wolfgang Schmidle enhancement major 1.0 normalization
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.