Changes between Version 26 and Version 27 of Harriot

Oct 24, 2013, 4:30:00 PM (11 years ago)
Klaus Thoden



  • Harriot

    v26 v27  
    145145  1. Tiling: Do not activate Tiling
    146146 1. To export all the maps, it is best to open all the files, start to export the first one (thereby setting above settings) and close that one. After that the following key sequence can be used: {{{Cmd-E, Return, Return, Cmd-W}}}. This will export and close each map.
    147  1. The resulting html files have to be edited, because a link to another map (i. e. another graphml file) will retain the extension graphml in the source code. A python script (attached to this page) takes care of this replacement and renames the files to the extension {{{*.pt}}}.
    148  1. The persons maps also require another script, because so far the information about the external links is not included. Right now, it resides in a csv-file which is then evaluated by a python script (also attached).
     147 1. The resulting html files have to be edited, because a link to another map (i. e. another graphml file) will retain the extension graphml in the source code. The python script [source:/trunk/schema/scripts/Harriot/ html2pt] takes care of this replacement and renames the files to the extension {{{*.pt}}}. The script can be called in a loop {{{for i in *.html; do echo $i; python /Users/kthoden/XML-ECHO-SVN/trunk/schema/scripts/Harriot/ $i;done}}} (adjust path).
     148 1. The persons maps also require another script, because so far the information about the external links is not included. Right now, it resides in the file [source:/trunk/texts/Harriot/Documents/persons.csv persons.csv] which is then evaluated by the script [source:/trunk/schema/scripts/Harriot/ menuMaker].
    149149 1. The pt-files have to be copied to {{{tuxserve03:18021/echo_nav/echo_pages/content/scientific_revolution/harriot/maps}}}
    151151=== Index of groups ===
    152 There is now also an index page, generated directly from the graphml-files. This is an alphabetical list of all the group headings. The code is attached to this page.
     152There is now also an index page, generated directly from the graphml-files. This is an alphabetical list of all the group headings. From inside the Maps directory, call the [source:/trunk/schema/scripts/Harriot/ makeIndex] script (at least Python 2.7 required) and copy the resulting {{{}}} also to {{{tuxserve03:18021/echo_nav/echo_pages/content/scientific_revolution/harriot/maps}}}.
    154154== Transcriptions ==