wiki:Images in DESpecs

Version 5 (modified by Klaus Thoden, 14 years ago) (diff)


This page lists the sources of the images in the DESpecs (Version 2.0 as of February 14, 2009). The list is incomplete. What is missing are the small images of single characters on pp 26-30. Some of them could be found, though (as they were documented on LatinLigatures and/or SampleImages). The missing links to the two bigger pictures (pp 3 and 35) are likely to be found in the near future.

Page in DESpecs Image Link
3 Arabic page number Euclid 1558
3 Roman page number
4 Catchword and signature Benedetti 1585
4 Headings Euclid 1703
5 Paragraph Benedetti 1585
6 Quotation Benedetti 1585
6 Footer Benedetti 1585
7 Whole page with columns Euclid 1703
7 How to type columns own example
8 Nomenclature of tables own example
8 Table - Basic rule Benedetti 1585
10 Table - Large horizontal table elements Ghetaldi 1603
11 Table - Large vertical table elements Ghetaldi 1603
11 Index Bacon 1670
12 Index, second example Gallaccini 1767
12 Table of contents Zubler 1607
13 Table of contents, second example Bélidor 1754
13 Large spaces Pappus 1660
14 Marginal notes in the left and right margins Conimbricenses 1606
14 Transcribing a marginal note Euclid 1558
15 Footnote Euclid 1703
15 Anchored marginal note Euclid 1607
16 Simple figure without caption, descriptions or variables Voltaire 1798
16 A figure with a caption Agricola 1556
17 Figures with variables Euclid 1558
17 Figure with descriptions and variables Voltaire 1798
18 Simple drop cap Benedetti 1585
18 Ornamental drop cap Benedetti 1585
19 Handwritten note Benedetti 1585
19 Handwritten note with a drawing Euclid 1558
19 Stain on text Euclid 1558
20 Paper crease Euclid 1558
21 Normal punctuation marks Benedetti 1585
21 Unusual punctuation marks Agricola 1556
21 Normal hyphen Euclid 1607
22 Slanted hyphen Euclid 1558
22 Slanted double hyphen Euclid 1558
23 Long s, dotless i Euclid 1607
24 Italics Euclid 1558
24 Small caps Euclid 1558
25 Overlines Musschenbroek 1729
26 Text in Red Euclid 1607
26 e with ogonek Euclid 1558
27 Ligature fi Benedetti 1585
27 Ligature italics st Benedetti 1585
27 Ligature ct Benedetti 1585
27 Ligature longst Benedetti 1585
27 Ligautre longs i Benedetti 1585
27 Ligature two long s Benedetti 1585
27 Ligature long s i Benedetti 1585
27 Que Euclid 1558
27 Quod Euclid 1558
27 Continuo Alvarus 1509
30 Greek text with ligatures Euclid 1703
32 Fraktur 1 Bernstein 1897
32 Fraktur 2 Adams 1785
33 Fraktur 3 Cardano 1559
33 Sperrung Bernstein 1897
34 Roman characters in fraktur Bernstein 1897
34 Fractions Euclid 1607
35 Root symbol with unconnected overline Huygens 1724
35 Root symbol without overline
35 Overline without and with root symbol Musschenbroek 1729
40 Whole page of a Latin text Euclid 1558
42 Whole page of a Greek text Euclid 1703