high level requirements for schema development
- schema language will be Relax NG
- compact schema syntax will be used
- schema will be modularized (cf. HTML schema)
- trang will be used for conversion
- schema modules will be maintained with svn
design & capabilities
- compatibility with archimedes will be ensured when possible
- compatibility with TEI P5 will be maintained in the absence of a reason to depart from TEI P5
- full use of XML potentials should be made
- Dublin Core will be used for metadata
- RDF will be used to indicate typing for DC metadata
- use of entities will be minimized or eliminated (where and if possible)
- vocabularies will be reused when possible
- e.g. HTML tables; MathML; ChemML; SVG
- core module will incorporate base transcription mecanism for printed books (through 19th c.)
- a module for manuscriptology and textual criticism (emendation; conjecture)
- possibilities for modules for verse, etc.
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