Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of WO10_Descartes_1683

Nov 17, 2010, 1:18:11 PM (13 years ago)
Klaus Thoden



  • WO10_Descartes_1683

    v6 v7  
    2323Q Please see [ Descartes-1683, 122.jpg], how to code the fraction in the last paragraph begin with "Et $it quadratum ex G H, "?
    25 A
     25A The most helpful for us would be to mark it as a formula with a new tag {{{<math>}}} and then to type it as a table-like structure, even though it is part of a text paragraph.
     28<p>Et $it quadratum ex G H,
     29<math>y^6 - p y^5 - {t / √v} \\ + {1/4}pp # y^4 # 2 √v \\ + {pt / 2 √v} # y^3 # - p √v \\ + {tt / 4v} # yy - ty + v
     33Even better, if you can identify it as one large fraction:
     36<p>Et $it quadratum ex G H,
     37<math>{ y^6 - p y^5 - {t / √v} \\ + {1/4}pp # y^4 # 2 √v \\ + {pt / 2 √v} # y^3 # - p √v \\ + {tt / 4v} # yy - ty + v / nnyy. }</math></p>
     40Please note:
     41 - As can be seen in the example, please do *not* type the large brackets before {{{y^4}}}, {{{y^3}}} and {{{yy}}} as "}".
     42 - The DESpecs ask you to use {{{<r>}}} {{{</r>}}} for squre roots. However, you have used √ already in the past when the overline of the square root was missing, and we like this solution.
     43 - There is no need to mark italics inside of {{{<math>}}}.
     44 - We will add the {{{<math>}}} tag to the DESpecs.
    2747Q Please see [ Descartes-1683, 124.jpg], how to code the complex fraction in the middel of the page?
    29 A
     49A Please type it as
     52... obtinebitur
     53<math>{ -nn y^4 + 2m y^3 - p √v, yy - syy + {tt / 4v} yy. / nnyy }</math> Cæterùm
     57Or did you mean the large formula further below? Please type it as
     60<p> ...
     61tramque $summam per _nnyy_: ex$urget
     62<math>y^6 - p y^5 - {t / √v} \\ + {1/4}pp # y^4 # ... # y^3 # ... # yy - ty + v,</math>
     64<math> ... </math>
     65Hoc e$t, habebitur
     66<math>y^6 - p y^5 + q y^4 - r y^3 + syy -ty + v <001> 0.<math>
     67Vnde aparet ...
     68... demon$trandum.</p>
     71Even better, if you can identify the letters in italics {{{_nnyy_}}} as a simple formula, please type them as {{{<math>nnyy</math>}}}:
     74tramque $summam per <math>nnyy</math>: ex$urget
     77Please note:
     78- Replace {{{<001>}}} by the appropriate "unknown character code" for this symbol.
     79- You may also type this symbol simply as "{{{=}}}":
     82<math>y^6 - p y^5 + q y^4 - r y^3 + syy -ty + v = 0.<math>
    3185Q Please see [ Descartes-1683, 046.jpg], how to code the fraction which appear above the figure?
    33 A
     87A Please type it as
     90<p> ...
     91... æquatio erit
     92<math>yy <001> { -dekzz \\ +cfglz # y # -dezzx \\ -cfgzx \\ +bcgzx # y # +bcfglx \\ -bcfgxx  /  e z^3 - cgzz. }</math></p>
     95Again, you may also type this symbol simply as "{{{=}}}":
     98<p> ...
     99... æquatio erit
     100<math>yy = { -dekzz \\ +cfglz # y # -dezzx \\ -cfgzx \\ +bcgzx # y # +bcfglx \\ -bcfgxx  /  e z^3 - cgzz. }</math></p>
    35104== 3.  Analysis of the Result ==