
Version 1 (modified by Wolfgang Schmidle, 16 years ago) (diff)


Work Order III

10 texts (including Euclid 1966)

DESpecs 1.1.2

  1. Archimedes (1615) Archimedis Opera Quae Extant
    • Greek text
  2. Apian, Petrus (1550) Cosmographia
    • long index/toc-like table
  3. Bernoulli, Daniel (1738) Hydrodynamica, sive De viribus et motibus fluidorum commentarii
    • very easy to type, but contains a table of contents
  4. Biancani, Giuseppe (1635) Sphaera mvndi, sev cosmographia demonstratiua, ac facile methodo tradita
    • index
  5. Clavius, Christoph (1581) Gnomonices libri octo;
    • index
  6. Clavius, Christoph (1591) In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius
    • index
  7. Clavius, Christoph (1606) Geometria practica
    • index
  8. Cataneo, Girolamo (1567) Libro nuovo di fortificare, offendere, et difendere
    • toc
  9. Cavalieri, Buonaventura (1632) Lo specchio ustorio, overo, Trattato delle settioni coniche
    • toc
  10. Euclid (1966) Ji he yuan ben = Jihe yuanben
    • Special Instructions!