view DESpecs/specialInstructions/2009-06-29_DESpecs_special_Mingli_tan/DESpecs_special_Mingli_tan.tex @ 19:d1dd35fc15df

Yet another new version.
author Klaus Thoden <>
date Thu, 02 May 2013 12:23:20 +0200
parents 9c3c82b4e517
line wrap: on
line source

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex 
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode 

\documentclass[fontsize=11pt, paper=a4, 



\setromanfont[Mapping=tex-text]{DejaVu Serif}
\setmonofont[Scale=1.0]{Courier New} 








\newcommand{\mincho}[1]{{\fontspec{MS Mincho}{#1}}}

% Verkürzung von \bold und \chin:
% schon vorhanden: ch, c, s;  b, bf
% noch nicht vorhanden: sun (bringt aber nicht viel)
\newcommand{\f}[1]{\bold{#1}} % f für fett
\newcommand{\z}[1]{\chin{#1}} % z für Zeichen



{\fontspec{Helvetica}{\LARGE \textbf{
Special Instructions for Mingli tan \z{名理探}
(Addendum to DESpecs for Chinese text 2.0.1) 
}}} \\[5mm]
\large Wolfgang Schmidle, Martina Siebert, Joachim Kurtz

\normalsize Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Germany


\section{Punctuation Marks}
\label{punctuation marks}

Type the filled circle as “fullwidth full stop” \z{.} (U+FF0E). 
Type the filled double circle as “fullwidth colon” \z{:} (U+FF1A).
%Type the comma \z{、} as “fullwidth comma” \z{,} (U+FF0C).

Type the ideographic full stop \z{。} (U+3002) and the ideographic comma \z{、} (U+3001) as you always do.
% Type the ideographic full stop \z{。} (U+3002) as you always do.

\htsc{Example} \\[100mm]
} & 


\f{<pb} \z{一}\f{><rh>}\z{名理探}\f{<sm>}\z{卷之一}\f{</sm></rh>} \\
\f{<h 2>}\z{愛}\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>}\z{學原始}\f{</h>} \\
\z{愛}\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>}\z{學者、西云}\f{<wl>}\z{斐錄瑣費亞}\f{</wl>}\z{、乃窮理諸學之}\f{<}\z{總}\f{R>}\z{名.譯名、則}\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>} \\
\z{之嗜.譯義、則言}\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>}\z{也。古有國王問於大賢人曰:汝深於}\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>}\z{、吾} \\
\z{夙聞之、不知何種之學爲深。對曰:余非能}\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>}\z{、惟愛}\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>}\z{耳。後賢} \\
\z{學}\f{<}\z{務}\f{V>}\z{辟}\f{<}\z{傲}\f{V>}\z{、故不敢用}\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>}\z{者之名、而第取愛}\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>}\z{爲名也。古稱大} \\
\f{<}\z{知}\f{2>}\z{者三人:一、}\f{<sl>}\z{索加德 }\f{</sl>}\z{.一、}\f{<sl>}\z{霸辣篤}\f{</sl>}\z{.一、}\f{<sl>}\z{亞利斯多特勒}\f{</sl>}\z{.}\f{<sl>}\z{亞利}\f{</sl>}\z{學問} \\

For §< 2>§ see \sect{readings}.

Some running heads contain signatures, for example the “1” in the lower left corner of this page. Do not type these signatures.

\section{Indications of Variant Readings}

A circle in the corner of a character is marked by §< 1>§ (upper left corner), §< 2>§ (upper right corner), §< 3>§ (lower left corner) or §< 4>§ (lower right corner).

Unlike §< V>§ or §< R>§, mark every occurrence of the circle.

Examples can be found in sections \ref{punctuation marks} and \ref{toc}.

We number the corners according to the Four Corner Index (\z{四角號碼}). We do not attempt to mimic any historic numbering; for example, the §< 2>§ in the examples in sections \ref{punctuation marks} and \ref{toc} indicates the fourth tone.

\section{Table of Contents}

Mark the lines in the table of contents as headings.

Type the pagenumbers after the §</h>§, separated by a single ideographic space U+3000.

\htsc{Example} \\[55mm]
\f{<toc>} \\
... \\
\f{<ti>}\z{卷之二}\f{</ti>} \\
\f{<ti>}\z{五分稱之解}\f{</ti>}\z{ 一} \\
\f{<h 1>}\z{〇五公之篇第一}\f{</h>}\z{ 一} \\
\f{<h 2>}\z{立公稱者何義辯一}\f{<sm><}\z{隨}\f{V>}\z{論三}\f{</sm></h>}\z{ 三} \\
\f{<h 3>}\z{公者非虛名}\f{<}\z{相}\f{2><sm>}\z{一}\f{</sm></h>}\z{ 五} \\
\f{<h 3>}\z{公性不別於賾而自立}\f{<sm>}\z{二}\f{</sm></h>}\z{ 十四} \\
\f{<h 3>}\z{公性正解}\f{<sm>}\z{三}\f{</sm></h>}\z{ 十八} \\
... \\
\f{</toc>} \\[5mm]
} & 

\section{Specifically Marked Passages}

If a single character is in parentheses, type §( )§, i.e. ASCII parentheses U+0028 and U+0029, around the character.

Do not mark the smaller size of this character.

\htsc{Example} \\[20mm]
\f{<pb><rh>}\z{名理探}\f{<sm>}\z{卷之二}\f{</sm></rh>} \\
\f{<p>(}\z{古}\f{)}\z{欲徹十倫府.解釋凡物} [...] \\
\z{五公稱.宗類殊獨依.}\f{<}\z{約}\f{R>}\z{拈} [...] \\
\z{中亦寓奧理.或實在於物.} [...] \\
\z{妙理.或別倫屬立.或依可} [...] \\
\f{(}\z{解}\f{)<sl>}\z{薄斐畧}\f{</sl>}\z{弟子曰}\f{<sl>}\z{計洒}\f{</sl>}\z{者、} [...] \\
} & 
