Göttingen, e-Humanities Abschlußworkshop 22.01.2009
(see also official page)
- Heike Neuroth
- There are already two journals in Germany that publish research data very quickly.
- Fotis Jannidis
- Road map:
- more digitalization facilities
- archive for research data
- lack of standards in humanities (even after 25 years of TEI)
- generic software
- catalogue of the most important things
- platform for services
- Question: who should take care of storage? Libraries, archives, MPG, something new?
- Road map:
- Panel discussion
- Integration of IT into humanities:
- IT is expensive and needs trained people
- Hard to find IT experts to work in such projects, because the industry pays better.
- Integration of IT into humanities:
- Bottom line
- There is still much work to do, before projects like TextGrid and DARIAH can be in full bloom. This is due to the fact that
- there is no real infrastructure for working with large bodies of data
- there are few standards in the humanites (even after 25 years of TEI)
- IT knowledge is expensive and the industry offers better jobs
- There is still much work to do, before projects like TextGrid and DARIAH can be in full bloom. This is due to the fact that
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Last modified on Jun 14, 2011, 2:04:04 PM