These lists have been generated by St. Trzeciok while he was working on Alvarus´Liber de triplici motu. Please note that the substitutions were made according to the Archimedes dtd.
In each list has the following form: at first a string of regular expressions and characters for a certain set of abbreviations in the raw text and at second a string of regular expressions for the same set containing the abbreviation tagged as attribute and the dissolved abbreviation for the text which is to be postprocessed.
Characters indicating an abbriviation in the raw text (like an o with a tilde stands for om or on) have been substituted with numbers in brackets. If these special characters have an expression according to the Archimedes dtd, they are transformed in the second set. Never the less there are characters which are not covered by the Archimedes dtd and will appeare as numbers in the second set without the brackets. Please note, that sometimes a comma is before these numbers inside an xml-attribute. Unfortunately, it had to be introduced to separate the character from replacement subpatterns, which contain numbers as well.
Attachments (3)
- RegEx_simpleAbbreviations.txt (28.7 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
- RegEx_Abbreviations+Linebreaks.txt (15.5 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
- RegEx_specialAbbreviations.txt (10.3 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip