Version 7 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
Bion 1723
Bion, Nicolas (1723): Traite de la Construction et des Principeaux usages des Instruments de Mathematique ECHO
Part of WO10.
To be sent with DESpecs version 2.0.1
Sent: yes/2010-10-13.
Returned: no.
1. First Analysis
- table of contents
- one rather odd table (p 209)
- external source; some pages are missing
Special Instructions
Special instruction for the odd table: Do not type the vertically printed words. Type the last column (La Regle ... $en$ible.) as a normal paragraph outside the table.
2. Questions From Formax
Q Please see Bion_1723, page 410, 413, 418, 435, in our opinion, we code the above pages as on figure per page and put the Fig 1, Fig. 2 in to separate <desc> and code the variable names for each small figure as one <var> per small figure,is it right? If not, how to code them?