
Euclid / Clavius 1607

Euclid/Clavius (1607), Elementorum Libri XV ECHO

(See also the Chinese translation of this text.)

Part of WO1. Sent with DESpecs version 1.1.2.

Sent: ok/date. Returned: ok, raw text.

1. First Analysis


  • text in red: there is a rule for red text in version 1.1.2
  • additional ligatures, e.g. _{$p}_: Will be added to version 1.2. For now, we will just see what happens.
  • Tables

Special Instructions

  • Examples of structures that should be typed as tables or as normal text; three examples from p.506.

(originally in DESpecs_special_tables.pdf)

2. Questions From Formax


3. Analysis of the Result


Offset <pb> to ECHO is 132, e.g. <pb 468> corresponds to p.600 in ECHO.

  • "toc" starting on p.21 typed as normal <p>s:
<p>1 SVPER data recta linea terminata triangu-
lum æquilaterum con$tituere.</p>
<p>2 AD datum punctum, datæ rectæ lineæ æqua-
lem rectam lineam ponere.</p>
  • first numbered pages (starting with p.133):
<pb 1>
<p>PVNCTVM e$t, cuius pars nulla e$t.</p>
<p it>TQTVS hic primus liber in eo po$itus est, vt nobis
tradat ortus proprietates{que} triangulorum, tum quod
ad eorum angulos $pectat, tum quod adlatera: quæ
<pb 2>
debet exi$timari. Denique in magnitudine id concipi debet e$$e pun-
ctum, quod in numero vnitas, quodque intempore in$tans. Sunt e-
nim & hæc concipienda indiuidua.</p>
<p>LINEA verò, longitudo latitudinis expers.</p>
<p it>DEFINIT bîc lineam, primam $peciem magnitudinis, quam
  • heading levels
    3. I.
  • Euclid in upright shape, comments in italics.
  • figures: Only <fig> because the Specs didn't say more about the marking of figures, but correctly marked.
  • tables: in the comments, e.g. pb 35, pb 359, pb 374 (= p.506 in the Special Instructions), all ok, not very often. Table on pb 468 marked as <fig>.
  • marginal notes: e.g. pb 468: two marginal notes, anchors were correctly marked (<mgl a>, <n a>). Italics was not explicitly marked again.
  • Greek seems to work: p.9
    auditorio $uo admi$it, vt talia etiam,
    {οὐ}δεὶς, $cilicet, ἀγεωμέτρητ<010>εἰσίτω, eidem non


4. Post-Processing

Most recent XML version is here.

Additional Analysis

pp.21-59: Index of all Euclid propositions. Some entries are in italics; these are the "propositiones verò additæ", see below.

pp.60-111: Index of all pseudo-Euclid theorems, with numbers that are not repeated in the main text

p.111: some explanatory notes:

  • ITAQVE in Codicibus Græcis habentur in primo libro propoſitiones 48: In ſecundo, 14: In tertio, 37: in quarto, 16: In quinto, 25: In ſexto, 33: In ſeptimo, 41: In ectauo, 27: In nono, 36: In decimo, 117: In vndecimo, 40: In duodecimo, 18: In tertiodecimo, 18: In quartodecimo, 11: In quintodecimo, 5: Atque in vniuerſum, 486.
  • PROPOSITIONES verò additæ, in quinto libro, 9: In quartodecimo, 21: In quintodecimo, 16: In ſextodecimo, 31: Atque omnes numero, 77.
  • IN ſcholiis denique, & corollariis demonſtrantur propoſitiones in primo libro, 108: In ſecundo, 21: In tertio, 54: In quarto, 23: In quinto, 26: In ſexto, 99: In ſeptimo, 33: In octauo, 37: In nono, 40: In decimo, 67: In vndecimo, 25: In duodecimo, 28: In tertiodecimo, 33: In quartodecimo, 27: In quintodecimo, 21: In ſextodecimo, 29. Quæ omnes conficiunt numerum 671.
  • IN vniuerſum ergo 1234. propoſitiones in noſtro Euclide demonſtrantur.
Book 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (16) sum
definitiones 36 2 10 7 19 6
petitiones / postulata 4
notiones / axiomata 20
propositiones in Codicibus Græcis 48 14 37 16 25 33 41 27 36 117 40 18 18 11 5 486
propositiones verò additæ 9 21 16 31 77
propositiones in ſcholiis & corollariis 108 21 54 23 26 99 33 37 40 67 25 28 33 27 21 29 671
definitions 36 2 10 7 19 6
constructions 4
axioms 19
problems 48 14 37 16 34 33

Sources for this table:

  • latin definitiones, petitiones, notiones: taken from the <h> lines in the XML (I didn't check books 7 to 16)
  • latin propositiones: numbers on p.111
  • chinese: taken from the <div> lines in the XML

p.167: a list of abbreviations in the marginal notes:

I. def. Prima definitio. & $ie deal{ij}s numer{is}, vt
4. def. 23. def. &c.
1. pet. Prima petitio, vel primum Po$tulatum,
1. Pron. Primum pronunciatum, $eu axioma, &
ita de reliquis numeris, vt priùs.
1. primi, Prima propo$itio primi libri.
23. Vndec. Vige$imatertia propo$itio vndecimi libr@
6. tert{ij}d. Sexta tert{ij}decimi libri.
9. $extid. Nona $extidecimi libri.
13. duod. Decimatertia libri duodecim@
7. quind. Septima libri quindecimi.
5. quartid. Quinta libri quartidecimi, &c.
Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on Jul 12, 2010, 10:38:58 AM

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