Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of workflow_img-xml

Sep 15, 2010, 12:53:36 PM (14 years ago)
Klaus Thoden



  • workflow_img-xml

    v13 v14  
    13= Situation =
    24You want to update XML files in ECHO because new images are available (e.g. a book has been digitized by the MPIWG library & these images are to replace older images that are not owned by the library).
    7476* Check again.
     78= Preserving the old version =
     79Although this doubles the entries of some books, the decision was made to keep a version with the old images and the old XML text, as well. The images are kept in the {{{permanent/archimedes}}} folder.
     81 * Copy the respective XML document from your working copy of [source:/trunk/texts/eXist/archimedesOldCVSRepository/archimedes/xml/] to the appropriate language folder in [source:/trunk/texts/eXist/archimedes], but insert an {{{_old-withdtd}}} before the {{{.xml}}} prefix.
     82 * The DTD fragment has to be resolved.
     83  * You need the {{{xmllint}}}-tool, which is part of [wiki:WikiStart#Tools libxml2], as well as the {{{archimedes.dtd}}}, which you can download [ here] (NB you need the whole directory, a zipped version as of September 2010 is attached to this page).
     84  * On the command-line, resolve the DTD with the following command (adjust the path to the {{{dtd}}}-folder and the name of the xml-file):
     86xmllint --dropdtd --loaddtd dtd/archimedes.dtd --noent text_old-withdtd.xml > text_old.xml
     88 * Delete the {{{_old-withdtd}}} version and open the {{{_old}}} version in an editor:
     89  * Insert the following line before the {{{</info>}}}-line (adjust {{{$directory}}} here to the corresponding directory of the xml file on the Foxridge):
     93  * Also in the {{{<info>}}}-Tag: change the {{{<title>}}} by adding (insert the actual number of pages)
     95, old version (xxx pages)
     97  * Save the document and upload it as documented in the section above.
     98 * Mount the Foxridge server and go to the corresponding directory of the XML text in {{{/Volumes/online_permanent/archimedes_repository/large/}}}
     99 * Open the {{{index.meta}}} in an editor
     100  * Change the {{{<title>}}} in the same way as above
     101  * In the {{{<texttool>}}} tag, add {{{_old}}} to the file in the {{{<text-url-path>}}} beforeht {{{.xml}}} prefix.
     102  * Save the changes
     103 * Open {{{info.xml}}} in the {{{presentation}}} directory in an editor
     104  * Edit the {{{<title>}}} as above and save the document.
     107und in:
     108   presentation/info.xml
    77110= To Be Updated =