

Images of a digitized book in ECHO are to be replaced by new ones (because the new images are of better quality or digitized by the MPIWG library).

The workflow on this page applies to digital documents from the Archimedes project, that have both digitized images AND fulltext.
The workflow for replacing image files only (no fulltext) is much easier and can be found here.
The workflow for replacing image files with fulltext from the MPDL project is being documented here.


Both new and old images are online on Foxridge, subdivision online_permanent

  • old image files: archimedes_repository -> large -> [image-folder-old]
  • new image files: library -> [image-folder-new]

The names of the image folders can be looked up in the library catalogue or via ECHO Search. In case the entry for the new images doesn't exist yet, you may want to search the digigroup's Filemaker database: Open filemaker -> Ablage -> Öffnen... -> Hosts -> Bibl.4 -> archiv_id (ask digigroup@… for login)

XML files

ECHO XML files are stored in a SVN version control system.


To edit and version the XML files, you can use the Eclipse environment. A zip-file containing Eclipse plus SVN-client plus XML-editor is available from the server softwareserver -> Software -> CD-Images -> Eclipse -> for_img_xml_workflow
How to do things with oXygen instead of Eclipse is described here.

Download current version

  • Start Eclipse
  • Choose: File -> Import -> SVN -> Project from SVN -> Create a new repository location
  • Insert the following URL: (or the URL to whichever folder your file is stored in)
  • You will be asked if you wish to normalize URL ? -> No
  • The changesets [2866] to [2886] are very big (import of many pdf and html files) and are likely to crash Eclipse (you might circumvent this by assigning Eclipse's Virtual Machine more memory, e. g. on the command line with eclipse -vmargs -Xmx2048M -d64. The safest way is to first import up to Revision [2830] and then to update the following changesets one by one.
  • In the next window, you won't be able to click the Finish button if you want to stick to "Head Revision". This is a bug - Change the selection to Date, and then back to Head Revision. Otherwise, choose Revision and type 2830 (you can also Browse the revisions there). Now you can click "Finish".
  • Choose the last checkout method: "Check out as a project with the name specified"
  • Name the project, e.g. "archimedes"
  • "Depth: Recursively" is fine
  • Choose Revision and type 2830 or, if you dare, "Head Revision"
  • You can use the default workspace location
  • If you chose to make a stepwise import, you need to update to the next revisions:
  • Right-click one of the files in Eclipse's Package Explorer window. Choose: Team -> Update To Revision, browse the revisions and choose 2866
  • Repeat the steps until revision 2886
  • Choose Team -> Update to get to the latest revision

After downloading the files, you should be able no navigate the folders in Eclipse's Package Explorer. The XML editor should automatically be used for viewing the XML files.

Edit file

  • Open the file you want to edit from the downloaded files
  • In order to preserve the old version, save a copy of your file with an _old inserted before the .xml in the same folder. You'll make changes to it later (see section "Preserving the old version").
  • Insert into <info> the element <echodir> containing the path to the new images, e.g. <echodir>/permanent/library/A41S4WF7/</echodir>
  • Insert in the appropriate places as many <pb/> elements as necessary (usually at the beginning and end of the book)

Upload new version (to SVN)

  • Right-click one of the files in Eclipse's Package Explorer window. Choose: Team -> Commit

Update index.meta

  • Copy index.meta from the new images folder to your desktop / home folder
  • Open it with an XML or text editor
  • Insert into <meta> (must not be in <bib>!)

Example for text-url-path: <text-url-path>/archimedes/la/casat_mecha_017_la_1684.xml</text-url-path>

  • Copy the updated image.meta back into the new images folder

Copy the folder of figures

  • Copy the "xxx-xx-figures" folder from archimedes to the corresponding folder in library
  • Rename the folder to "figures"

Upload new version (for ECHO display)


  • Search for the author/title/year in ECHO
    • If links don't work (images are shown but not texts): Update links in ECHO/Zope (ask XML-group for login)
      • Navigate to your resource
      • The link in the field "Link (if no ressourceID):" has to look like:
      • The link in the field "Metalink (if no ressource ID):" hast to look like:
    • The same has to be repeated for every collection your item is part of!
  • Perform the same search in the library catalogue
    • Update links in biblio, if necessary.
  • Check again.

Preserving the old version

For reasons of consistency the decision was made to keep a version with the old images and the old XML text, as well. The images are kept in the permanent/archimedes folder.

  • Open the _old version of the XML-file in an editor:
    • Insert the following line before the </info>-line (for $directory, insert the corresponding directory of the xml file on the Foxridge):
    • Also in the <info>-Tag: change the <title> by adding the actual number of pages
      , old version (xxx pages)
    • Save the document and upload it to the SVN system and for ECHO display as documented in the sections above.
  • Mount the Foxridge server and go to the corresponding directory of the XML text in /Volumes/online_permanent/archimedes_repository/large/
  • Open the index.meta in an editor
    • Change the <title> in the same way as above
    • In the <texttool> tag, add _old to the file in the <text-url-path> before the .xml suffix.
    • Save the changes
  • Open info.xml in the presentation directory in an editor
    • Edit the <title> as above and save the document.
    • Upload the file as usual

To Be Updated

Archimedes (images + text)

Title To Be Updated Finished Comments
Guidobaldo del Monte 1577   
Casati 1684 X
Varro 1584 X
Baldi 1621 X
Agricola 1556 X
Iordanus 1533 X
Lorini 1609 X
Fabri 1646 X

ECHO & Archimedes (images)

-> see image workflow

Title To Be Updated Finished Comments
Guldin 1635-1641 X
Delamarche 1800 X
Schott 1657 X

ECHO (images + text)

-> see MPDL workflow

Title To Be Updated Finished Comments
Wilkins 1684 X
Last modified 13 years ago Last modified on Apr 26, 2011, 2:32:36 PM

Attachments (1)

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