Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#43 Display of Figures: handling <div float> XML new kthoden defect major
#51 small text in Chinese: short-Term Chinese XML reopened abukhman defect major
#53 display of <quote> XML new jwillenborg defect major
#88 <reg> is confused by line break XML characters new jwillenborg defect major
#130 <num>: style is ignored XML reopened jwillenborg defect major
#19 Pollux: content of <num> and <var> should not be analysed XML discuss new jwillenborg enhancement major
#31 Chinese small text Chinese XML new abukhman enhancement major
#112 Displaying Textflows XML new abukhman enhancement major
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.