Version 33 (modified by 16 years ago) (diff) | ,
Overview of the Work Orders to Formax in 2008
Work Order I
13 texts (three in batch 1 and ten in batch 2)
DESpecs 1.1.2
- Benedetti, Giovanni Battista de "Diversarvm specvlationvm mathematicarum, et physicarum liber" (1585)
- Diversae "Conimbricenses In Universam dialecticam" (1606)
- Euclid "Elementorum Libri XV" (1607)
- Archimedes "De insidentibvs aqvae (Archimedis De insidentibus aquae)" (1565)
- Aristoteles "Quaestiones Mechanicae" (1585)
- Benedetti, Giovanni Battista Consideratione d'intorno al discorso della grandezza della terra e dell' acqua di Berga (1579)
- Casati, Paolo "De igne" (1686)
- Ghetaldi, Marino "Promotus Archimedis seu de varijs corporum generibus gravitate et magnitudine comparatis" (1603)
- Heron Alexandrinus "De gli automati : ouero machine semoventi, libri due" (1589) (change to 1601 edition!)
- Heron Alexandrinus "Spiritalium liber" (1680)
- Mersenne, Marin "Questions physico-mathematiques" (1635)
- Pappus Alexandrinus "Mathematicae collectiones " (1660)
- Stevin, Simon "Tomus quartus mathematicorum hypomnematum de statica " (1605)
For more details see here.
Work Order II
13 texts ("batch 3")
DESpecs 1.1.2
- Angeli, Stefano (1659) Miscellaneum hyperbolicum et parabolicum
- Angeli, Stefano (1668) Seconde considerationi sopra la forza dell' Argomento fisicomattematico del Gio. Battista Riccioli
- Angeli, Stefano (1668) Terze considerationi sopra una lettera di Gio. Alfonso Borelli
- Angeli, Stefano (1671/2) Della gravita' dell' aria e fluidi: esercitata principalmente nelli loro homogenei
- Archimedes (1565) Archimedis De iis quae vehuntur in aqua libri duo
- Aristoteles (1547) Physicorvm Aristotelis
- Barrow, Isaac (1674) Lectiones opticae et geometricae
- Bianconi, Giovanni Lodovico (1746) Due lettere di fisica al signor marchese Scipione Maffei
- Boskovic, Rudjer Josip (1763) Theoria philosophiae naturalis redacta ad unicam legem virium in natura existentium
- Cataneo, Girolamo (1600) De Arte Bellica
- Cavalieri, Buonaventura (1653) Geometria indivisibilibvs continvorvm
- Clavius, Christoph (1586) Theodosii Tripolitae Sphaericorum libri tres; Sinus, vel semisses rectarum in circulo subtensarum
- Viviani, Vincenzio (1659) De maximis et minimis, geometrica divinatio
For more details see here.
Work Order III
10 texts (including Euclid 1966)
DESpecs 1.1.2
- Archimedes (1615) Archimedis Opera Quae Extant
- Apian, Petrus (1550) Cosmographia
- Bernoulli, Daniel (1738) Hydrodynamica, sive De viribus et motibus fluidorum commentarii
- Biancani, Giuseppe (1635) Sphaera mvndi, sev cosmographia demonstratiua, ac facile methodo tradita
- Clavius, Christoph (1581) Gnomonices libri octo;
- Clavius, Christoph (1591) In Sphaeram Ioannis de Sacro Bosco commentarius
- Clavius, Christoph (1606) Geometria practica
- Cataneo, Girolamo (1567) Libro nuovo di fortificare, offendere, et difendere
- Cavalieri, Buonaventura (1632) Lo specchio ustorio, overo, Trattato delle settioni coniche
- Euclid (1966) Ji he yuan ben = Jihe yuanben
For more details see here.
Work Order IV
9 texts
DESpecs 1.1.2
- Apian, Petrus (1541) Instrvmentvm Sinvvm, sev primi mobilis
- Apollonius (1771) The two books of Apollonius Pergaeus, concerning tangencies
- Berzelius, Jöns Jakob (1819) Essai sur la théorie des proportions chimiques et sur l' influence chimique de l' électricité
- Musschenbroek, Petrus van (1729): Physicae experimentales, et geometricae de magnete, tuborum capillarium
- Papin, Denis (1682): La maniere d' amolir les os, et de faire cuire toutes sortes de viandes en fort peu de temps, et à peu de frais
- Ufano, Diego (1628): Artillerie, ou vraie vraye instruction de l artillerie et de ses appartenances
- Varignon, Pierre (1687): Projet d' une nouvelle mechanique
- Voltaire (1738): Elémens de la philosophie de Neuton : mis à la portée de tout le monde, 1738
- Zanotti, Francesco Maria (1752): Della forza de' corpi che chiaman viva
For more details see here.
Work Order V
14 texts
DESpecs 1.1.2. Special Instructions for TOCs, indexes and large spaces, as well as individual instructions for Alberti 1565, Aristoteles 1548 and Gravesande 1721: see here.
- Alberti, Leon Battista (1565): L' architettura
- Apollonius (1661): Apollonii Pergaei Conicorvm Lib. V. VI. VII. paraphraste Abalphato Asphahanensi
- Aristoteles (1548): De coloribvs libellvs
- Bacon (1670): Sylva sylvarum
- Bélidor, Bernard Forest de (1754): La science des ingenieurs dans la conduite des travaux de fortification et d' architecture civile
- Bélidor, Bernard Forest de (1757): Nouveau cours de mathématique à l' usage de l' artillerie et du génie
- Casati, Paolo (1685): Fabrica, et uso del compasso di proportione
- Cataneo, Girolamo (1572): Opera del misurare di M. Girolamo Cataneo Novarese libri II
- Gallaccini, Teofilo (1767): Gallaccini, Teofilo, Trattato sopra gli errori degli architetti
- Gravesande, Willem Jacob's (1721/5): Physices elementa mathematica
- Weidler, Johann Friedrich (1726): Tractatus de machinis hydraulicis toto terrarum orbe maximis Marlyensi et Londinensi
- Wilkins, John (1684): A discovery of a new world
- Zonca, Vittorio (1656): Novo teatro di machine et edificii
- Zubler, Leonhard (1607): Fabrica et vsvs instrvmenti chorographici
For more details see here.
Tabular Overview
Remaining Texts
Three other texts were supposed to be sent with work order V, but some images are defective or missing. They will be sent as soon as these images are replaced.
- Bion, Nicolas (1723): Traite de la Construction et des Principeaux usages des Instruments de Mathematique
- table of contents
- one rather odd table (p 209)
- external source; some pages are missing
- Gravesande, Willem Jacob's (1723): Philosophiae Newtonianae Institutiones, in usus academicos
- Index
- outdented paragraph numbers (p 37)
- some pages are missing/incomplete; problem with the tight binding; the library will try to provide better scans
- Trigault, Nicolas (1639): Regni Chinensis descriptio : ex variis authoribus
- index.
- some pages are missing/incomplete; problem with the tight binding; the library will try to provide better scans
will be sent with DESpecs 2
- Cardano, Geronimo (1559) Offenbarung der Natur und natürlicher dingen auch mancherley subtiler würckungen
- Fraktur --> did we really send this text ???
- index
- Adams, George (1785): Versuch Über die Elektrizität
- Ampere (1844): Natuerliches System aller Naturwissenschaften
- Fraktur
- some tables with curly braces
- one page with vertical table (tree-like structure) (p 99)
- Bernstein, Aaron (1897): Naturwissenschaftliche Volksbücher Bd. 1/5
- Fraktur
- table of contents
- Bernstein, Aaron (1897): Naturwissenschaftliche Volksbücher, Bd. 6/11
- Fraktur
- table of contents
- Bernstein, Aaron (1897): Naturwissenschaftliche Volksbücher, Bd. 12/16
- Fraktur
- table of contents
- Bernstein, Aaron (1897): Naturwissenschaftliche Volksbücher, Bd. 17/21
- Fraktur
- table of contents
- Bion, Nicolas (1765): Neueroefnete mathematische Werkschule
- Fraktur
- table of contents
- Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (1867): De institutione arithmetica libri duo. De institutione musica libri quinque
- musical symbols (pp 332ff.)
- pages that can be unfolded and that should not be typed (p 349, p 355)
- line numbers
- notes at the bottom of the page which refer to the line numbers
- index
- handwritten table (p 506)
- Boskovic, Rudjer Josip (1765): Abhandlung von den verbesserten dioptrischen Fernröhren aus den Sammlungen des Instituts zu Bologna
- Fraktur
- formulæ.
- Gassendi, Pierre (1682): Petri Gassendi Institutio Astronomica, juxta hypotheses tam veterum quám recentiorum
- Index
- curly braces (p 199)
- Gravesande, Willem Jacob's (1724): An essay on perspective
- few formulæ
- Huygens, Christiaan (1724): Christiani Hugenii opera varia; Bd. 1: Opera mechanica
- root sign (p 257)
- Huygens, Christiaan (1724): Christiani Hugenii opera varia; Bd. 2: Opera geometrica. Opera astronomica. Varia de optica
- idiosyncratic root sign (p 218)
- Specklin, Daniel (1599): Architectvra von Vestungen ...
- Fraktur
Other Problems
will be sent with DESpecs 2 or later
- Descartes, René (1683): Geometria à Renato Des Cartes, anno 1637 gallicè edita
- index in two columns (p 19)
- complex mathematical formulæ (pp 210ff. or p 62)
- formulæ are excluded from textflow (p 979)
- Bélidor, Bernard Forest de (1745): Neuer Cursus Mathematicus zum Gebrauch der Officiers von der Artillerie und der Ingenieurs
- contains fraktur and formulæ
- Bélidor, Bernard Forest de (1766): Architectura hydraulica:
- Fraktur, formulæ and roots (e. g. p 163)
- Cataneo, Pietro (1559): Le pratiche delle due prime matematiche
- formula as marginal note? (p 66)
- Newton, Isaac; Clarke, Samuel (1706): Optice
- Formulæ, even vertical ones (p 425)
- Varignon, Pierre (1725): Eclaircissemens sur l Analyse des infiniment petits
- formulæ and roots (p 47)
- Waring, Edward (1785): Meditationes analyticae
- formulæ
- Weber, Ernst Heinrich; Weber, Wilhelm Eduard (1825): Wellenlehre auf Experimente gegründet, oder, über die Wellen tropfbarer Flüssigkeiten ...
- formulæ, rotated tables
- Zahn, Johannes (1702): Oculus Artificialis Teledioptricus Sive Telescopium
- anchored marginal notes, table of contents, index
Tabular Overview
Note: SI in "Special_workorder_V" for Bion 1723: In the table on p.0209, do not type the vertically printed words. Type the last column (La Regle ... $en$ible.) as a normal paragraph outside the table.