Ampere 1844
Ampere (1844): Natuerliches System aller Naturwissenschaften ECHO
Part of WO10.
Sent with DESpecs version 2.0.1
Sent: yes/2010-10-13.
Returned: 2011-02-01 raw text in trac
1. First Analysis
- Fraktur
- some tables with curly braces
- one page with vertical table (tree-like structure) (p 99)
- Does it have to be mentioned that structures like these should be treated as tables?
- There are book advertisements at the end of the book. Should they be typed as well?
Special Instructions
2. Questions From Formax
Q The following books are gothic language books and we need more time to recognize and key them as normal books, we hope that the five books can be cost as complex book, please check & confirm.
- Ampere_1844
- Belidor_1745
- Belidor_1766
- Cardano_1559
- Vitruvius_1614
A Thank you for your inquiry. Please, proceed with keying the five works as complex books. Our specifications on Gothic script can be found in the DESpec document chapter 5: "Fraktur".
Q Please see Ampere_1844, 024.jpg, we found the content in this page is same as 022.jpg, in our opinion, the data in this page should be for original page 10, not page 8, can you rescan the page to us?
A Please find attached the missing image 0024.jpg