
Cardano 1559

Cardano, Geronimo (1559): Offenbarung der Natur und natürlicher dingen auch mancherley subtiler würckungen ECHO, New ECHO

Part of WO10.

To be sent with DESpecs version 2.0.1

Sent: yes/2010-10-13.

Returned: 2011-02-01 raw text in trac

1. First Analysis


Special Instructions

Please note that the Fraktur example on page 33 of the DESpecs is in fact taken from Cardano_1559, page 0226. Thus, there are already the following instructions:

  1. Type the letter variation of r as normal r.
  2. Type ü and "u with e above" both as ü.
  3. Type "u with o above" as {uo}.
  4. Type the slash / with a space after but no space before.
  1. The example also contains an n with a tilde: "dañ". (Note the typo in the DESpecs, where we had written "Dañ".) On page 0061 there is also a tilde above m: "Hi\~mel". Please type them just as you would type them in Latin texts.

Now, we would like to add the following:

  1. The text contains a character which looks similar to a "d". Please type this character as {der}, instead of assigning an unknown character code. For example on page 0011, second paragraph, line 8:
natur/ in di$e $terbliche vnd zergenglichen $achen außtheilet/ der an{der}/ wañ
  1. On page 0746, there a many alchemy symbols. If you haven't typed them already as unknown characters, please type them simply as <al>, instead of assigning unknown character codes for each character. For example:
Sonn # <al> <al> <al> <al> <al> <al> <al>
  1. The Register, starting on page 0021, contains an unusual character shape of the small "x" in Roman numbers, which looks like a "v" with an additional stroke. Please type it as a normal "x". For example:
AAl eigen$chafft # cccxviij

2. Questions From Formax

Q The following books are gothic language books and we need more time to recognize and key them as normal books, we hope that the five books can be cost as complex book, please check & confirm.

  • Ampere_1844
  • Belidor_1745
  • Belidor_1766
  • Cardano_1559
  • Vitruvius_1614

A Thank you for your inquiry. Please, proceed with keying the five works as complex books. Our specifications on Gothic script can be found in the DESpec document chapter 5: "Fraktur".



3. Analysis of the Result



4. Post-Processing

  • style="fr" vorerst auskommentiert
  • tb rom aufgelöst in verschachtelte Tags
  • Alchemie: &amp;lt;al&amp;gt; zu @ gemacht
  • Was passiert mit ln? cf WO_5 Alberti
  • Problem mit variables in fig (wird kein image erzeugt?)
  • Handwritten ist bislang nur milestone und darf auch nicht in figures sein!
  • Noch keine Regel für wrong!
  • {uo} problemlos zu ů?
Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Apr 7, 2011, 10:46:36 AM