
Version 10 (modified by Klaus Thoden, 11 years ago) (diff)


Overview page of pages related to the XML workflow

This page tries to gather all the relevant documentation for producing an XML text from digitized images (a "book").

The steps are:

  1. Obtaining digital images, adhering to standards.
  2. Checking, if the textual features of that "book" are covered by the Data Entry Specs. If necessary, Special Instructions need to be written for such a book.
  3. Sending the images and the DESpecs to the Data Entry firm.
  4. If questions are raised during the Data Entry, they have to be logged. Each "book" should have its own wiki page containing all relevant information.
  5. Checking the returned text file for errors which the Data Entry firm is responsible for.
  6. Alongside the text, another file might be sent back, containing the list of unknown characters. Where possible, these characters have to be resolved to their respective Unicode representation.
  7. XML Workflow
    1. Page synchronization
    2. Checking the structure of the text
    3. Insertion of metadata and creation of wellformed XML text
    4. Producing an XML text that is valid according to the echo-schema
  8. Additional work
    1. Numbering of divs, assigning ids, regularisations
  9. Obtaining figures
  10. Scholarly workflow

Main Workflow

Other workflows

Legacy texts


Policy documents